《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Grand Masters of Lava Controlling.


Her way of describing the man woman ratio, a bit intimidating. Even creepy with certain aspects. She might have become a little mad, but that's not something anyone needs to focus on at this very moment.

Why? Well it's because Shortly after Commander Alia finished explaining her statement, the Grand Masters of Lava Controlling already seemed to have made their way up here.

Confusingly fast, I'm aware. Everyone in the gang shared one thought after seeing them walk in. "They arrived up here this fast?."

And I'm sure that you as a reader thought it too! These leaders made their way up here from the very bottom section of the Volcano. That's nearly half a mile of Distance in between the two described locations.

So after taking a peek at their confused faces, she gave a small explanation to avoid further unnecessary questions. "I know what all of you are thinking, let's just say they had Lava's assistance."

The first Grand Master to walk in the Door was a man, an eye catching characteristic was noticeable at first view, he isn't young!

His White semi-slim beard beautifully and smoothly growing down two feet long downwards his torso. An interesting Beard length indeed, but in their case its normal.

But he doesn't seem to have a single hair on his head, his baldness however matches with his beard perfectly. He even looks a bit attractive for a man with one foot in the grave.

Since these Grand Master's can't communicate with the Ignites due to language differences, It is left up to Commander Alia to do short introductions.

She can speak both languages, Kastarian too. But now that wouldn't prove useful at all. "This is Grand Master Xalk, he recently reached his 1,300 hundred. Apart from his stunning age, the skill level he reached should be praised as well, it is worthy of song. He advanced with his powers, he can form a Volcano out of nothing, in a matter of weeks!"

Mogranius looks at Xalk with the utmost amazement, his admiration as pure as the steam of boiling water.

Of course, he isn't one to keep his thoughts inside around people he feels even a little bit comfortable near. He expressed, "I can't decide which part is more amazing. The fact that he is thirteen hundred years old or the fact that he can form Volcanoes."

"Indeed but be amazed later, now let me introduce the rest of the Grand Masters." She has respect and admiration for Grand Master Xalk and his contribution towards the town of Lan Zhe, but she admirers the next person entering through the little entrance a tad bit more.

When this Woman entered the farm through that little entrance, the one thing everyone instantly noticed is her stunning beauty.

Although some women don't want beauty to be their key characteristic, which is very understandable.

Here the case was different in almost every aspect, because her abilities far outmatch her beauty. Which proves a lot, because she is stunning.


Her gold and black hair going down her tightly exercised body showed that age doesn't necessarily equal to a lack of beauty or fitness if enough effort is put in.

Or this could be from genetics? The group didn't yet see a Calidum Lutum that is out of shape, unusual but it seems very beneficial.

Her face seemed so youthful and gorgeous that it became hard for everyone to keep their eyes away from her no matter what Gender they identify with.

But yet again they should look away because looking at her gives be it both male or female, butterflies in their stomach.

With a wide smile on her face, Alia got a big spike of motivation about introducing this great Woman. "This is Altacin, she is nine 983 years old. Like Xalk and every other qualified Grand Master, Altacin is a natural Lava Generator. She also has recently begun her training on forming Volcanoes. She is a true force to be reckoned with but she is also my best friend."

Afterwards she walked near Atlacin and gave her a wholesome hug. "People, this woman accepted me in Lan Zhe 200 years ago, she changed my life for the better. Do not let me catch you disrespect her in any way, even with a thought. By the 7 standing Sources I will throw you down the Volcano without blinking an eye."

Commander Alia seemed to be done with this little introduction targeted at Atlacin, and the Gang isn't disagreeing with anything Commander Alia is practically ordering them to do. Perfect timing, because the Third Grand Master arrived.

The Third Calidum Lutum to enter the Cave, seemed rather different.

She looks smaller, standing only seven feet tall, which is just a bit taller than Commander Alia herself.

Her pitch dark hair are tied up into a bun on the top of her head and like Grand Master Altacin, she looks just as youthful.

Commander Alia separated from the hug with a blush on her face and was swift to form a quick introduction. "This is Laza the youngest of the five and proudly one of our overachievers. Her nickname is "Er Atnopes" which translates to "The Beast". And quite frankly, we prefer calling her by her nickname instead."

Concerned about his own safety, Mogranius moved a couple of feet back at a slow pace and had the decency to ask. "Why is she called the Beast? I'm sure it isn't just... random."

A 7 foot tall lady wouldn't be previewed as intimidating compared to a 10 foot tall one, but to Mogranius it didn't matter a bit.

Alia is more than happy to elaborate, she even became mildly cocky when she noticed his fear. "As you already saw or will see, her arms are bigger even compared to the men Guards or men Grand Masters when you think about. She is the only one able to break a large boulder in half with a single hit."


But being close to possibly developing a phobia, Mogranius had to clarify for his own sanity and safety concerns. "You mean hit a rock with lava. Right?"

Carrying a smirk Alia replies. "No!"

Enjoyed the fear on his face, the confusion on the others. She gently continued. "Unlike most of the Calidum Lutum who became Grand Masters at around their 900s, she became one in her sweet 400 and has held that title for a hundred years."

The gang viewed partially in amazement but mostly in fear, Mogranius however contributed the most to this fear rate. Stefan on the other hand kept being amazed, kept admiring these precious Grand Masters.

Specifically because the seven foot beast was standing quite close to him, the Grand Masters didn't bother to line up after the introduction.

Laza doesn't have a sense of personal space even considering her academic skills.

It's odd how he doesn't fear her like Mogranius, he even wanted to shake her hand but Laza didn't understand what Stefan's trying to say and Commander Alia didn't translate intentionally to see how it plays out.

The Fourth of the Grand Masters to enter the cave seemed to be yet another woman.

Unlike Laza, this one seemed to struggle to crawl in. Not because of the size of her muscles but because of her length.

She seems to be an astonishing 15 feet tall! That's almost triple the size of anyone in the gang.

Her Gold like Hair reaching all the way down to the edge of her spine, which probably are around eight foot long.

They shone as if a small amount of water was on her hair and was struck by the sun's beams.

But yet again they are all underground near lava. Like the other two females, she as well looks quite youthful.

As if the entire race of the Calidum Lutum was immune to the effects that age brings along.

Commander Alia took a minute to form a proper introduction for this lady, there is quite a lot of things to recall. "This is Pezik. Commonly known for her record breaking height. Her height of course equals to an abnormal body strength. She is not as strong as the Beast of course, but close."

"Nice, another Beast." Whispered Mogranius for once while taking another step backwards.

Not noticing Mogranius' whisper, Alia continued with the introduction to get this plan into motion as fast as possible. "Pezik recently reached her Sweet 1,100. Making her the second oldest GrandMaster alive. Pezik is half way to mastering Volcano Creation, a difficult skill to tackle but she is progressing abnormally well."

The introductions became extensive, Eric was forced into a yawn even though he didn't let out a comment in general since he doesn't want to sound negative.

Woldemir noticed his son's behaviour and carefully gestured him to knock it off without anyone seeing him doing so.

Commander Alia seems excited to talk about these Grand Masters even though she is rushing it a bit. And it's never nice to kill someone's enthusiasm with negativity.

To Eric's luck though, the fifth and final Grand Master walked in through that entrance.

Standing ten feet tall, the sense of leadership was instant as soon as he entered the cave.

This one has short Blood Red hair slicked back down to the back of his head, seemed rather unnatural for hair to look like that. But here you can't fake hair colour.

The size of his muscles didn't seem to be much different from an Average guard, but his strength is proven differently.

On his hands are two large Swords. Each one starting off one foot wide and ending up two foot wide at the top of the Swords.

They look more like Warhammers, the two sword's length from bottom to top are five foot, each. That's half of his body length and he's carrying two of them, that's a lot to catch up with.

It's unusual for a Grand Master of Lava Controlling to carry Swords. As he is clearly powerful enough to provide lava for hundreds of Lava Controllers to handle. Why would he carry swords?

Luckily, Alia is swift to do an introduction. "This my dear friends is the leader, Kazer. See in this race, a leader is declared from the natural colour of one's hair. Blood red declares that he is one of a kind, Incomparably intelligent."

Taking a little brake so everyone has a few seconds to comprehend all of this, she also weighed in. "He proved himself more than worthy of his title, the leader of the Grand Masters. He's 598 years old but like Laza, he too is an overachiever. Able to form Volcanoes with his swords, it is the main reason he uses them."

As Commander Alia finished this last introduction, she proceeded to ask. "Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone was at a loss for words. Both because they were amazed to witness the five Grand Masters and because the very leader didn't stand in silence but proceeded to walk towards Eric until he was a foot apart from him.

At everyone's surprise, including Commander Alia's. He started speaking in the Ignite language. Slowly butchering, "Welcome…Electus. You visit. Bless us all. How we assist?"

Everyone proceeded to look at the leader in great shock including the Gang, Commander Alia, the rest of the Grand Masters and Black Wind!

Trying to beat this awfully awkward silence, Commander Alia recited. "As I said, the leaders are blessed with intelligence. You aren't the first to accidentally stumble here. I assume that as Kazer saw those visitors explain themselves, he picked up a few words of their language. Right Kazer?"

Kazer gave a short but yet straight reply. "You... right."

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