In Serial

Age of Cultivation Online

8 192 43
Author: Type:Male

Story Synopsis

Juewang Guan was born with an incurable illness at a young age that permanently robbed him of his sight and hearing, but with the modern-day prosthetic technology developed in recent years, he was able to recover his sense of sight with robotic eyes. Deemed to be a hopeless child and valueless, he was thereby cast away by the friends and families he once trusts, and the world ignored him.

In this grown-up (adult) world, where value is determined by achievement and wealth. So a decrepit cripple like him is worthless. And only his younger sister still cares for him.

Watch as this individual reaches the apex of cultivation within 'Age of Cultivation Online', the hottest new VRMMORPG game in Asia (China). Thereby transcending reality and becoming a legendary figure in both in-game and the real worlds.


I am not a very experienced writer, neither do I have any professional help nor assistance from another author in writing my stories. So there is expected to be a few grammars mistakes or some misspellings on my part. Otherwise please enjoy my work. 

The artwork is owned by Gearous himself. I'm only using it as a cover art depicting what the main protagonist (Juewang Guan) looks like in my novel. 

Word count: 1500 words/chapter

Release rate: 1 chapter/day

Book 1 - Age of Cultivation Online

Book 2

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