《Age of Cultivation Online》Chapter 3: Vibrant Green Mint Leaves Herb


Immersed in the reading of the book of herbology volume 1, he then describes the appearance of vibrant green mint leaves herb plant. 'The vibrant green mint leaves herb grown in mostly warm climates, presumably in the southern regions of the Pangu continent, thriving in both warm and cool climates year rounds...'

'The vibrant green mint leaves herb resembles an ordinary wild mints plant in term of appearance and shape, but its green mint leaves radiate a light greenish hue and golden veins, which resulted from the accumulation of spiritual qi in the mint leaves.' Once Juewang Guan has finished reading the entry of the vibrant green mist leaves herbal plant in the book of herbology volume 1, he then closes the book cover with his hand and stored the book of herbology volume 1 inside of his inventory space.

'Now I just need to go look for the vibrant green mint leaves herb plant. It should grow somewhere on top of this hilltop mountain.' Juewang Guan thought so to himself, as he began the search for the vibrant green mint leaves herb.

Juewang Guan scouring through the thick forest regions of the hilltop mountain, hiking through miles of trees, rocks, and plenty of wild green vegetation.

It took Juewang Guan several hours of searching through the hilltop mountain forest to find the specific medicinal herb that he was looking for, the vibrant green mint leaves herb, over the wide variety of wild medicinal plants that grow on top of the hilltop mountain forest. The wild vibrant green mint leaves herbal plant that he found certainly meets the description and picture depicted in the book of herbology volume 1.

'I've found it.' Juewang Guan commented.

With no prior knowledge about harvesting a plant, Juewang Guan just proceeded to grab the large stem of the vibrant green mint leaves herb, and then pulls it out straight from the ground. However, he was being extremely careful, limiting his strength, as to not damage the herbal plant.

The vibrant green mint leaves herb was quickly uprooted from the ground, with a lot of dirt lumps and granules of soil still stuck to the bare roots of the plant.


A mechanical beep resounded inside his head, informing him of an action he completed, and a blue notification screen then appears in front of him.


System Notification Through your actions, you managed to successfully harvest a [Quest Item: (100 years old) Vibrant Green Mint Leaves Herb]!

Juewang Guan quickly saw the confirmation of the system notification screen that he has acquired the correct medicinal herb for the main quest. He was quite happy and ignored the part mentioning that the vibrant green mint leaves herb was a hundred years old, to him it was unimportant.

What Juewang Guan doesn't know that as medicinal herbs grow and matures, those that absorb the spiritual qi energies of heaven and earth will start to undergo a process of transformation, ascending from the normal mortal boundaries, similar to many stages of immortal cultivation. They would shed their mortal bodies and become immortal, deemed as magical herbs by immortal cultivators.

Magical herbs are divided into categories based upon their age, ranging from 10 years to 10,000 years old and upwards. The higher the age of the magical herb, the more value the magical herb is.

The one that Juewang Guan harvested within his hands is a 100 years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant, but he doesn't even know it, being new to the game that is. It's something that is not depicted within the book of herbology, but those who practice the art of alchemy and medicine instinctively knows it.

Upon a closer look at the vibrant green mint leaves herb root, that is covered in piles of dirt, you could see visibly transparent green crystals growing on the roots.

This is because as the vibrant green mint leaves herb ages and matures, its roots would naturally evolve and grow longer, in order to absorb more nutrients and water from the ground. The roots would naturally absorb abundance amounts of lifeforce nature energy from the earth, forming a thin granule layer of solid green crystal. The magical herb would slowly begin the process of transitioning from solely relying on absorbing the nutrients of the earth soil to other alternatives routes like spiritual qi.

Juewang Guan after acquiring his targeted objective, the vibrant green mint leaves herb, he was just about to head down from the top of the hilltop mountain forest, and slowly made his way towards the gates of Xiawu Village, in order to deliver the vibrant green mint leaves herb plant to the village chief, so that he can cure his grandson's high fever.


However, on his way down from the hilltop mountain, he encountered a youth dressed up in white and light blue coloured daoist robe, presumably a cultivator from some kind of righteous sect.

However, there were some inflicted wounds, a sharp clean cut of some kind, pervading throughout his entire body. Something an ordinary human could not easily withstand, with their lack of physique and weak vitality when compared to a strong and stable body from that of an immortal cultivator. Looking at the serious wounds on the youth's body, and feeling a bit generous, Juewang Guan decided to ask if the youth indeed needs any help or assistance from him.

"Excuse me. Do you want some help." Juewang Guan asked the youth politely if he needed any help.

The youth's eyes then suddenly turned towards Juewang Guan's direction. He immediately sensed no ill intentions from him, emitting a calm and harmless aura around him. Juewang Guan was obviously not a threat to the youth's wellbeing, being a normal (mortal) person after all.

"Thanks... If you could help me get down from this hilltop mountain, it will be much appreciated after all." The youth decided to take Juewang Guan up on his offer, asking for his help in assisting him getting down the hilltop mountain. 'I've already exhausted all of my spiritual energy after the battle, and with the serious injuries that I've sustained. It is becoming a lot more difficulter to support myself.' The youth thought so to himself.


A mechanical beep resounded inside of Juewang Guan's head, as a blue notification screen then pops up appearing in front of him.

System Notification You have discovered a hidden quest [Bring the Tianji Sect Disciple down the hilltop mountain]! Quest Board

Hidden Quest: Bring the Tianji Sect Disciple down from the hilltop mountain (Incomplete)

Details: Then Senior Tianji Sect Disciple Shang Guan was injured in a fight with his assailant, and depleted all of the spiritual energy withinside his body. Now tired and exhausted, he needs help and assistant in getting down from the hilltop mountainside.

Rewards: 2400 exp + Reputation with Tianji Sect + ???

The mission board on the right-hand corner of his field of vision then updated, as an additional quest detail is then added below the existing main quest section. It would seem that the two quests are unrelated with each other, obviously, by there being a clear border distinction line between the two quest section, separating it from one another.

"Got it!" Juewang Guan happily complied, as he slowly approaches the injured youth, and lend him his shoulder so that the injured youth could lean on.

The injured youth then wraps his tired arms around Juewang Guan's shoulder, with Juewang Guan wrapping his left arm around the injured youth's waist, and the plucked 100 years old vibrant green mint leaves herb still holding within his left hand.

The injured youth was not at all arrogant towards mortals like typical immortal cultivators, looking down on them with a strong sense of disdain. He instead shows compassion and empathy towards the weak, as he was once like them himself. The Tianji Sect Disciple Shang Guan formally thanked him, at the bottom of his heart.

He sincerely said, "Thank you," towards Juewang Guan.

And Juewang Guan then responded with a "No problem." With a bright honest smile plastered on his face, as he then carries the injured youth down the hilltop mountainside by himself.

Halfway down the hilltop mountainside, the injured youth, the Tianji Sect Disciple Shang Guan manages to recover a small portion of the spiritual energy within his dantian, enough to be able to access his interspatial ring.

The injured youth, TianjI Sect Desciple Shang Guan, then pulls a spirit recovery pill out from his interspatial ring.

He then throws the spirit recovery pill into his mouth and down it immediately. A significant amount of spirit energy is then recovered, from eating the spirit recovery pill, as Shang Guan then used the restored spiritual energy to speed up his recovery, and heal his recent wounds and the injuries have done to his body.

The weight on which Juewang Guan is carrying Shang Guan is lessening, because Shang Guan is able to walk more properly, instead of tumbling all the time, as his body slowly recovers from the injuries inflicted from his assailant.

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