《Age of Cultivation Online》Chapter 4: The Exchange


It didn't take long for the Tianji Sect Senior Disciple Shang Guan to finally take notice of the 100 years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant, held within Juewang Guan's left hand.

The fresh scent of medicinal herbs wafted towards his nose and enters his nostrils, because, previously his mind was preoccupied with something. So he completely ignored whatever that was going on around him, to focus on healing his body, up until now. 'Is that the smell of medicinal herbs and the spiritual qi energy that is releasing off from the medicinal herb is not normal. So it must be a hundred years-old magical herb.' Shang Guan thought so to himself.

The Tianji Sect Senior Disciple Shang Guan then lowered his head, taking a short glance of the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant, held within Juewang Guan's left hand. 'Isn't that the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant. A magical herb that has strong purifying healing capabilities, though uncommon in the wild, it still took many decades and years to grow and fully mature.' Seeing the transparent green crystals growing at the bottom of the herb roots, Shang Guan immediately identified the vibrant green mint leaves herb plant.

"Wait a minute." The Tianji Sect Senior Disciple Shang Guan called out, halting the two's movement, and stopping them from going down the hilltop mountain side entirely.

Juewang Guan then paused, not stepping a single step further, as he then turned his head to face towards injured Shang Guan's direction. He then asked politely towards Shang Guan, showcasing that he knows his place, and how to respect people. "What is it, respected immortal? Is there something wrong?"

Shang Guan responded back, "There is no need to be so formal, kid. We're not in a public place, and I don't really care about honorifics, so you can call me by my real name Shang Guan." Shang Guan told Juewang Guan on how to address him.

"I see." Juewang Guan immediately responded back, whilst nodding his head in confirmation.

He then readily introduces himself, "And you can call me Juewang Jihui." Keeping things simple and straight forwards.

Shang Guan then freely asked what was still hanging on his mind, "Is that a hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant that you are holding, within your left hand." He then proceeded to point at the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant, held by Juewang Guan, a clear indication of where the conversation is quickly heading to.


"Yes." Juewang Guan happily responded with a clueless look on his face, as he does not know what Shang Guan's intention by pointing at his hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb.

It was then that Shang Guan decided to spoke up a deal with Juewang Guan, in order, for him to directly buy the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant off of him. "Are you willing to sell me that hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant that you have on you right now? I'm willing to pay how much you can offer for it, just name your price." Shang Guan asked Juewang Guan.

However, Juewang Guan was a bit hesitant, showcasing an uneasy face, as the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant is an essential quest item in order for him to accomplish his mission given by the village chief to save his grandson.

"I can't sell you the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant." Juewang Guan openly rejects Shang Guan's offer, without a second thought, which certainly perplexes Shang Guan. It was then Juewang Guan gave a reasonable explanation so that Shang Guan could understand, "The village chief's grandson is sick with an extremely high fever, and requires the vibrant green mint leaves herb that can be found growing in this hilltop mountain region, to help his grandson recover from his sickness."

"I see..." Shang Guan then looks at Juewang Guan in a new light, and then said, "Are you sure that you don't want to sell that hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb to me. With the amount of money that you profited from it all, you could easily buy some high-quality medicine to cure the village chief's grandson's extremely high fever."

"Although the offer is good, quite generous in fact, there is no guaranteed that I could find the correct medicine in a pharmacy store and bring it to the village chief's grandson on time." Juewang Guan firmly spoke, "We average people lived in a small village located on the outskirts, near a mountain range. There are no trained professional doctors here. We merely lived off of common land crops, nursed cattle, and hunting. Much less there is a pharmacy store that sells processed medicine situated in the outskirts, away from the main city." Juewang Guan gave a reasonable point to Shang Guan, which is hard to disprove.


Having almost given point, it was then that Shang Guan suddenly remembers that he has some medicinal pills that cure status ailments and slight illnesses. The medicine effectiveness is guaranteed as it is made by a senior Tianji sect disciple in the alchemist division.

"Are you still willing to trade the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant for a refined medicinal pill that can directly cure the village chief's grandson's high fever?" Shang Guan then gave Juewang Guan one last decisive over, which he couldn't ignore. 'Did he just say that he would give the medicine in exchange for the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant, that can immediately cure the village chief's grandson's sickness.' Juewang Guan thought so to himself.

"Can the effectiveness of the medicine in which you are giving be guaranteed?" Juewang Guan asked, having some slight doubts, but dare to ask.

"Yes. It is made by a senior Tianji sect disciple of the alchemy division. So the effectiveness of the pill can be guaranteed. For the mortals consuming the pills, the medicine pill's effects will be even more prominent, since the human body and immune system is weak and fragile than a cultivator's body." Shang Guan said so towards Juewang Guan.

"Fine. I give in. Lets trade..." Juewang Guan rescinds and immediately gave in to Shang Guan's offer, "I give you the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant for the medicine that will cure the village chief's grandson's sickness."

"Okay." Shang Guan responded happily, as he then proceeded to take a jade green coloured elixir pill out from his interspatial ring, and handed it over towards Juewang Guan. "Here you go. This is elixir pill is called the Seven Cleansing Elixir Pill, it can cure some poison, status ailments, and most common diseases." Shang Guan explains to Juewang Guan.


System Notification You have traded the [Quest Item: (100 years old) Vibrant Green Mint Leaves Herb Plant] for a [Seven Cleansing Elixir Pill]

Jade green coloured elixir pill, seven cleansing elixir pill landed within the palm of Juewang Guan's hands, as he then brings seven cleansing elixir pill much closer towards his eye.

The seven cleansing elixir pill trapped within Juewang Guan's thumb and index finger, dimly shimmers, whilst the jade green pill skin giving off a lustrous feeling. As a small aura of spiritual qi that is invisible to the naked eye, emanating off from the dormant seven cleansing elixir pill. A clear indicator that the medicinal pill is made from a magical herb.

With the main quest, objective met, but with a different way and method of achieving it, in the end, which will result in the same outcome of curing the village chief's grandson's high fever sickness. Who is to say which method is way better when the total outcome is still the same.

Juewang Guan then proceeded to throw the seven cleansing elixir pill into his inventory space, as he then cupped his hands together in respects, and formally thanked the Tianji Sect Senior Disciple Shang Guan. "Thank you, Mr Shang Guan, for your kind generosity." Even though, Juewang Guan instinctively knows it deep down that this is game. A simulated digital world generated by a highly advanced supercomputer. Everything he felt and experienced up until this point made him feel like he's in an entirely different world.

Shang Guan simply smiles back, almost laughing at Juewang Guan's own sense of naivety, 'If only you knew how precious the hundred years old vibrant green mint leaves herb plant that you traded, then you would certainly be asking for more...' Shang Guan thought so to himself, 'For such good deeds that you have down, disregarding for your own self-interest, would certainly not go unrewarded in my eyes.'

"Let us head down the hilltop mountainside first." Shang Guan told Juewang Guan himself, as the two then restarted their journey down towards the foot of the hilltop mountainside, which didn't take them as long to climb up towards the top of the hilltop mountainside.

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