In Serial

Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?

8 667 90
Author: Type:Male

Tyler Suesa was a normal undergraduate student, until the day he awoke beneath a bed of soil. He escapes his shallow grave, only to find he's no longer human. In fact, he's no longer alive...

This is the story of Tyler's "life" as a skeleton in the fantasy world of Garea.

Arc 1 (Ch.1-23): Rise of the Skeleton... Literally Arc 2 (Ch.24-64): Afterlife with the Kobolds Arc 3 (Ch.65-???): Legacy of a Lich

Note: I orignally posted my story on

Cover art by phasmonyc.

Warning: Tagged 12+ for Violence.

At least one chapter will be posted every weekend. Chapters will be released in 12-15 day intervals.
Make that once a month on average.

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