《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 1, Chapter 14: Magic Lessons


By noon, Helena and I return to the cabin with a few hares before I leave her alone to rest. Apparently, the children don't visit when snow falls, so she will have the entire day to herself.

But come tomorrow morning, we will begin my first magic lesson!

Day 1 of magic lessons.

Helena shows me a book on the fundamentals of controlling mana. Supposedly, she used it to teach herself magic. I remember my own book of magic, but considering it belonged to a homicidal necromancer, it's best not to bring it up...

All mana comes from the World Stream, and all life is connected to it, no matter how small. This is why we passively regenerate mana, but it needs to be in its purest form before converting it to the soul's signature.

Following this logic, probably absorbs MP by converting the residual energy to pure mana. Hmm? But if all life is connected, wouldn't my MP regeneration increase if I store more souls?

We spend the rest of the day sensing the flow of mana. Afterwards, I decide to test my theory, but it doesn't increase at all. The purpose behind storing souls remains a mystery.

Day 2 of magic lessons.

All skills use mana in some way, but does not necessarily expend it. It is the bridge between the spiritual and material plane. As such, the power of a soul directly influences the body. So this is why I can grow stronger without, well, growing.

Magic skills, otherwise known as spells, consume mana to induce a desired miracle outside the traits of the caster's soul. is not a spell, for example, since it's an inherent ability developed by my soul. could be regarded as a spell, but it's categorised as an extra skill since it doesn't scale off my Magic stat. It seems my definition of a magic skill differs from the norm.


Basically, it allows the user to create a supernatural phenomenon according to their will. How scary.

That night, I left to go hunting as usual. I spend those days theorising the functionality of my current skills, in particular the skill .

Because my was planted by the necromancer and he's now dead, the effects are slowly reverting. By taking the lives of others, I strengthen my soul to imprint my mana signature on the . However, since it's not pure mana it will slowly return to the necromancer's signature and begin to fade again. It would not be a problem if my soul recognises this body as its own, but it's not. My soul is still in the shape of a human being.

Day 5 of magic lessons.


Finally! I've been meditating for the past week with every chance I could get. Since I'm not native to this world, I do not possess an instinctual sensitivity to mana. With this skill, I can feel the mana coursing through my bones!

Without further delay, I try to cast ...

Boom, a flying skeleton and a broken fence. I spend the rest of the day apologising and fixing the damage.

Every night after that session, I practise the same spell by myself deep in the woods. My closest attempt: I unintentionally set my mask on fire.

Day 8 of magic lessons.


"At long last, I can finally conjure a flame!"

"Congratulations Enbos! I no longer have to whenever you set my garden on fire..."

"Ah, I'm really sorry about that one, maybe two, times."

"Sigh, I forgive you. Now you have mastered the skill, the World Stream will aid you whenever you cast that spell."

This is something I already know from acquiring . It took me much effort to learn the skill, but once it appeared on my status, I could easily perform the technique. It's like all my training was to program an executable.


"You're ready to learn about incantations. Instead of mastering control of the skill, you may chant a prayer to the World Stream, and summon its guidance to cast the spell. It's much slower than direct casting, but it allows you to use magic above your current abilities. Incanting can even empower a mastered spell."

As a demonstration, she casts at some snow. Afterwards, she starts chanting a few lines before firing another . The surface area of melted snow is noticeably larger.

"That will be all for today. I didn't realise it was getting so late."

"Oh, you're right. I'll see you in two days, Helena."

"Yes, I will teach you the spell next time."

Midnight of day 8.

I'm confident I can master by myself. It should be an extension of the skill, and I've memorised her incantation. Time to give it a shot!

"[Spirits of Fire, heed my will. Let the son of the sun be birthed within my palm, and soar like a blazing swallow.] !"

Sure enough, a small ball of fire forms at my fingertip... before it suddenly explodes. I'm blown back by the force, though nothing has been set alight. I check my body for fractures, but notice a flashing icon on my HUD...

My index finger has just been cremated. I wonder how I'm going to fix it.

It seems I have a long way to go.

It has been one and a half months since I united my finger with the wind. To keep my digits even, I slew a giant squirrel and seized one of its fingers. My mana flows into my new index finger and I am able to control it. Since this body is not mine, I can use whatever bones I wish, as long as I'm still humanoid. Wait, doesn't that mean I can replace my skull?

... Let's not try it.

Anyway, over that span of time I mastered without the incantation. Upon doing so, I reached level 2. It appears learning new skills contribute a fair deal of experience.

I've grown accustomed to being a mage, to the point that I sometimes use magic in lieu of my worn out sword. I've been borrowing Helena's whetstone, but it cannot be helped that the blade has chipped.

As I continue my usual correspondence with Helena, I decide to learn the spell.

"I don't recommend it. Even high level mages have difficulty mastering the most basic tier."

Well those mages never grew up on a power grid! Within two days, I acquire . I show Helena the results, which leaves her in shock.


I completely forgot! It comes at such irregular times that it slips my mind. I wonder if I can upgrade this title?

"H-how did you learn such complex magic? You didn't even use an incantation!"

"Eh? It's not that difficult. I understood its true nature, that is all."

"... I'm so proud of you Enbos. You have finally surpassed me. Though my spells do not backfire as spectacularly as yours."

Like I've said, it's only because I knew...

I gain a sudden flash of insight. If I acquired due to my understanding of electrons, can't I use modern science for other skills? I turn towards Helena, but overlook her serious expression.

"... Enbos, I think it's ti-"

"Helena, I have an idea for our next session. Let's make a custom skill, together."

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