《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 1, Chapter 11: Thank You Bear-y Much


"Why did I let you come along?"

"Didn't you say you're not going anywhere without me?"

I hope it's not going to be a regular thing, I thought as we both traverse the cold soil. Helena follows closely behind, wearing thick clothing and holding a walking staff. I'm carrying both our travelling pouches, but mine is much lighter.

This is bad. She's going to notice how little I bring and how inadequate my attire is. I suspect she has long harboured these thoughts, but now these details are too conspicuous.

After a mere three hour trek, she begins to slow down. I match my pace to hers as I remember she is... not like me.

"Are you alright? Will you be able to handle the trip?"

"I feel a little winded but I'm fine, Enbos. I should be fit for this outing. It's not like I don't live in the woods. I have some confidence."

"Haha, I suppose so. Tell me when you want to go back early."

"Sorry Enbos, but I won't."

We take a short break before we depart again, but I am surprised she hasn't asked me anything. Instead, we share small talk and discuss hunting strategies. Am I not the peak of unnatural behaviour? You've always treated me like this.

I abruptly stop to process this thought. I have always been suspicious, since the first moment we met. Yet, she has never asked for anything concerning my identity. I thought she was being considerate of my past, but what if she was being considerate of my true form? She probably hasn't deduced I'm a skeleton, otherwise I would have noticed a change in manner. At the very least, she has never thought of me as human.

"Did you spot something, Enbos?" she asks, puzzled by my sudden halt.

I look back and stare straight into her eyes. What am I to you, Helena? Am I a cherished disciple or a pitiful fool?

No, I'll keep believing in your kindness, but I can't help feeling an invisible wall between us. I have reached the limits of this guise, and yet I dare not remove it. I guess that quells my desire for change.

I shake my head of these thoughts, which Helena mistakes as a false alarm. We march on through the snow with a set distance between us.

"I must say, I didn't know you hunt this far in the woods."

"Hm? Is it really so far?" I ask in response to her unexpected question.

"Yes. Do you see this plant here? It's called the Ursa Fence."


I stop and look with great curiosity. It appears to be the same species that grows around her cabin. I share this observation with her.

"Yes, it's the same plant. It grows all year round, and it repels most animals."

"Wait, what? I assumed you used magic, but it was actually from this?"

"Of course. The reason is because it marks the territory of a Blue Bear, hence the name. During winter when food is scarce, some animals are desperate enough to eat it and are thus hunted by said beast."

No wonder it's such a good hunting spot now. I've been stealing prey from another predator! It's a miracle I haven't met one in all the time I've been exploring.

As if on cue, I spot a dark blue mass in the distance. I raise a finger to my mask's lips and guide her eyes towards it. It's a Blue Bear, just as the name describes. I've never seen a normal one on Earth, but this creature is easily twice my height.

On any other day, I would have considered killing it for experience, but not today. We make ourselves scarce while I use from a vantage point. Unfortunately, it sniffs the air, roars, then starts barrelling towards our, or rather, my direction.

"E-enbos, it spotted us!"

"How did it- Oh..."

I feel something scaly brush against my ribcage. After the conversation in the cabin, I had completely forgotten to give her the fish!

As I take out the seafood, Helena looks at me in surprise.

"And you call yourself a hunter..."

"Tell that to the World Stream, not me!" I yell as I throw the fish to the side.

But the blue beast stays true, and it's coming fast.

"Helena, I'm sorry for such a terrible first hunting trip. Let me make it up to you over some nice, roast bear meat."

"Eh, we're not running downhill?

"Treat it like a Fox Boar. We'll stick to our agreed plan!"

Before she could disagree, I charge towards the oncoming bear. At this rate, the blunt force of its charge will crush me, unless...


Her fire spell hits the Blue Bear directly in the face. Given the cold weather, it deals little damage, but it halts its advance. While it shakes its head in irritation, I use on one of its hind legs. To my disappointment, it only grazes my opponent. My short sword has become dull.

A greyed out sword icon with T-minus 20 seconds appears beneath my MP meter. After much experimentation, I had upgraded to greater rank and measured its cooldown. Crest is so convenient! And it's not the only thing I learnt.


The Blue Bear stands on its hind legs, and tries to crush me with both arms. Helena fires at one of its forearms, but is unable to stop the other. No matter. I had resolved to take it.

Given my foe's height, the attack comes down on me at an angle. accelerates my perception speed, as I hold my sword backwards to block it at the wrist... using one arm. The bear is startled by the unexpected resistance, as both my blade and my body become as hard as stone.

This is the fruit of my labour, . A defensive skill that temporarily increases the user's defence. Of course, I still take damage but at least I'm not in pieces. A shield icon appears next to the other, still coloured but ticking down from its 15 second duration. has a 2 minute cooldown, so I must finish this quickly!

I step forward and use my reinforced elbow to smash its solar plexus. It takes a few steps back and gets on all fours. The bear opens its maw, so I jump back and prepare for whatever attack it-

"[Spirits of the Earth, I ask of thee. Take up our tools and belittle our towers.] !"

Sure enough, a wall of solid dirt bursts out of the ground between me and the bear. I watch the barricade freeze over, then dive to the side before it shatters from the beast's following charge. What the hell, it knows ice magic!

"Helena, make a really tall wall behind it!"

5 seconds left on , the bear is preparing another blast, and Helena is incanting the spell...

The wall goes up first, followed by a breath of freezing mist. But by the time the frost settles, I'm no longer on the ground... but jumping off the side of Helena's wall.

: Short-range, instantaneous movement via interconnected sources of darkness of sufficient size. It costs 10 MP and I have only 14 to spare. I truly lament my small mana pool for such an amazing ability.

I had moved along the wall's shadow to emerge from its face. I couldn't use the trees due to the thickness of the branches. I'm now directly above my prey's head. Instead of my dull sword, I combine my fortified fist with to connect with the back of its skull. The greater version increases the speed of my blow, and combined with its brute power, 's solidity and acceleration from gravity, the Blue Bear suffers a major concussion.

I roll off the bear's back, and am greeted by the sight of Helena running towards me.

"Are you alright, Tyler?"

You must really be concerned to use my real name. I take a quick look at my HP and check for injuries:

HP: 31/53

Despite having a second left on my buff, my hand has several fractures, two broken bones, and a dislocated thumb. There is also the damage taken from blocking its swing. But soon it will all disappear, once I "eat" this bear.

"I'm mostly fine. More importantly, you saved my life today. Thank you Helena."

It's not the only time you've saved me, either.

"For a moment, I thought you perished from its . I was really scared for you!"

"I was scared as well."

"... Is that true, Enbos? I was sure you were enjoying it."

I cast my eyes to the ground and replay the battle. It's true I wanted to fight the bear, but was the experience really worth it? Am I subconsciously treating this world like a game, or am I verifying my existence from the thrill of the hunt?

"I can't deny it entirely, but I don't think it's a problem. How about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Enbos... actually, there is something that concerns me."

"What is it!?"

"Do you always deliver fish strapped to your body?"


"I feel unwell about all the times I use your game for cooking..."

"They're completely fine! I don't have any body odour, and it's okay once you wash them!"

"... Then you do carry them on your body. I guess I'll have to be more rigorous with rinsing."

"Okay, I get it! I'll carry it normally from now on. Do you still want the fish?"

"... Not this time."

I audibly sigh and make a mental note. As I pick up the fish with my good hand, I see Helena wear a concerned face. The bear is still alive, and I have to kill it. I'm about to draw my short sword, but the idea of killing the unconscious animal in front of her troubles me. She turns her back away, but I still hesitate. Do I need to consume this bear's life?

I offer the fish in front of its face.

"Since no one else wants it, I guess you can enjoy this consolation prize. Besides, you're too big to carry back. Come on Helena, let's continue our hunt."

She stares at my face in bewilderment, before she smiles and replies, "Of course."

I drag my creaking body alongside her. We don't walk hand in hand, but we're closer than before.


You have reached the level cap.

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There is nothing quite like a random scream to ruin the moment.

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