《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 1, Chapter 7: Who Called it a Well?


While following Si to the closest Life Well, she tells me many things about this world. For instance, I am now on the continent of Aren, which has three human countries. This forest is on the outskirts of the Reinsol Kingdom, next to a mountain range. Many non-human races reside in Aren, but none resemble a nation.

However, every race seem to despise the demon kin... and the undead. According to the human's religion, the demons are an alien existence exiled to a large archipelago and the sentient undead are sinners. Oh joy.

In return, I tell her more about myself and my world. It seems to fill her with fascination, as if I was telling a fantasy... well, I suppose I am.

Si also talks about skill ranks. Apparently, the following hierarchy is used to rank skills: Basic, Greater, High, Master and Mythic. Celestial skills stand above Mythic, and are usually unique or innate abilities acquired since birth. Consequently, they are very rare, and few develop their talents to this point.

Then why is mythic called mythic? Did this world suffer from power creep?

I decide to apply this knowledge to . The result:

Unique Skills Ruler of One Innate Skills Night Vision (Basic) | Create Status (High) | Soul Core (Basic) | Soul Eater (Basic) | Enhance Mind (Basic) | Parallel Thought (Basic)

For some reason, is already a high skill, and my unique skill is undetermined. Si doesn't know why, as I'm the first unique skill holder she has ever met. When I ask about , she explains my high rank allows access to the World Stream, which is why I know things I never learnt. I want to know more about the World Stream, but all she tells me is to be patient.

We stop a few times to let Si rest. Apparently, fairies do not eat but absorb mana from the air. They live around Life Wells, where the air is rich in magic, though she is the only fairy around these parts.

Do fairies always live alone?

Nope, we usually live in really big communities, but we sometimes branch out. Maybe I branched out too far. I haven't seen my sisters for so long and it's so boring... Stay with me for a while, Tyler! Pretty please?

Sorry, but I want to get back my own family as soon as possible... Don't look at me with those eyes! Just visit your sisters.

But I forgot to make a way back...

Are you lost too!?

How rude! I-I thought it wouldn't be far, so I didn't prepare a circle...

I won't be around forever, you know? Can't you live amongst other races?


Maybe, but that means not using , right? If people look at me because I'm different... It's uncomfortable.


And besides, I like being invisible! Making a mess of a traveller's bag, tickling a sleeping person...

... you sound way too bored.

After our prolonged chat, night has already fallen. I look at her sleeping, childlike face. Fairies have long life spans, and Si easily surpasses my age by threefold. Still, she really is adorable, and it's thanks to her that I am now one step closer to home. Ah darn, I'm starting to feel homesick...

I lay on my back and gaze at the stars, reminiscing my past throughout the long night. I wake up Si at dawn by giving her a taste of her own medicine.

By the third day, we supposedly reach our destination. But I see nothing.

Um, Si? I don't see a well anywhere.

Of course not, silly. The World Stream is an invisible river of mana, where spirits swim between each reincarnation. Everything is connected to the World Stream, that's why we have magic and can do amazing things! In return, we share our skills and our memories.

What an amazing (yet ironically familiar) phenomena! Reincarnation, magic, and an archive of lifetimes. And one of these Life Wells, where the World Stream gathers, is right before me.

I wish we could see it.

We can, if I do this!

A stream of golden dust pours from her hand, dyeing an invisible spring. It reveals a vast column of countless rainbow strands, connecting the earth to the heavens. The strands that flow up spread out into a spectrum of colours before melding with the sky. The strands in the ground form root-like networks, extending indefinitely in every direction.

It's breathtaking, even for a skeleton like me. But soon its beauty fades, hiding itself once more.

It seems Si has been preparing this moment for the past few days. I wish I could smile, but she has no trouble sensing my enjoyment.

By the way Ty, did you know you can wish upon a Life Well for a skill?

Huh, what do you mean by wish? Does it connect to God?

I don't know about that, but the World Stream is alive!

Is that possible? That means countless eons of storing memories and guiding souls has given birth to its own spirit. In all likelihood, it's probably something like a collective hive mind. The entire title system makes sense now. It's pretty much a real god!

Go ahead. If you're lucky, it will grant you a skill!

Seems a bit random for it to grant wishes. In the first place, I'm an atheist, so I have no idea what it's like to...


Hold on a second, is this wishing-making thing related to Skill Points?

I try wishing for a skill to go home, but nothing happens. Next, I wish for the skill and then:

You currently possess 20 Skill Points.>

I knew it! This is what Life Wells are for. But if Si claims everyone else make prayers, does that mean it adjusted itself to fit my RPG approach, or is this simply an extension of my delusions?

Anyway, I should try "purchasing" a skill. How sad that I turned an act of faith into a business transaction.

I cycle through several ideas that sound appropriate for 20 points, and then,

Perfect, I accept the deal.

Extra Skill: Project Voice (Basic) obtained!>

It worked! Now it's time to test it.

I turned towards Si and quietly say, "Hello."

She looks at me in surprise, then claps in celebration. I hold her hands and gently swing them in joy.

"It sounds exactly like my voice. I guess it's using my memories to project it."

I laugh heartily, but suddenly notice my MP is quickly depleting. My laughter abruptly cuts, which greatly confuses Si. Only one point of mana is left.

Are you kidding me? That didn't even last a minute! I need at least 100 MP to hold a conversation.

It seems she heard my thoughts, as she is clearly amused. It doesn't look as if her giggling fit will end soon.

I can hear you...

Exactly! How else am I going to rain on your parade? There's nothing quite like being described from third person...

Says Tyler in his mind. He starts to feel guilty for making Si uncomfortable.

Stop making up my thoughts! By the way, I think we've gotten sidetracked from our original goal...

Si suddenly goes silent. She slowly descends to the ground, before her wings dejectedly droop. What's wrong, Si? Why are you avoiding my eye... sockets?

Once more, she releases her golden dust, but onto me. No strands of rainbow light appear on my bones.

I used my skill , but nothing happened despite being so close to the Life Well. Do you know what this means?

... You couldn't trace my magic link? Don't worry Si, we can try somewhere else.

T-tyler, I think I know what happened to you.

I quietly gaze at her downcast form before I slowly nod.

Firstly, I-I don't think you can return...

Her voice trails off, but I still hear. They're heavy words to swallow, and I still deny them. If there is no home spell then I'll just make one, or so I thought...

... when you were summoned, your soul was already detached. You also can't remember what happened beforehand. Tyler, I'm sorry, but I think...

You have been reincarnated.

... Eh?

But doesn't that mean on Earth I...

Is it reincarnation if I'm still dead?

You are... special. The title lets you keep your memories. The necromancer bound your soul, but your unique skill freed you. If this didn't happen, you would have reincarnated naturally.

Her childish tone has grown serious. I can no longer disregard what she is saying. I feel an illusionary chill run down my exposed spine.

How did I end up in Garea? Is this world hell?

I've said this before. The World Stream sometimes extends to other worlds. Tyler, you died at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

No, I can't believe this. If I do, then I have nothing to live for. Absolutely nothing!


I scream at her with my new skill, and expend all my mana. She begins to cry... for my sake.

I can still feel, I can still think. I AM ALIVE!

I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm so sorry...

I fall to my knees involuntarily, but I am scared I'll collapse into a pile. Unlike before, there is no chance of returning after death. I never knew those thoughts I had rejected were still holding me together.

Am I really alive, or am I the husk of Tyler Suesa? Are my emotions and thoughts nothing but appropriate reactions based on "his" remaining memories? I feel so hollow, as if I'm a walking lie.

I begin clawing at my bones, trying to tear this wretched shell away. Si tugs at my arm in an effort to stop my pathetic endeavour.

Let me feel pain! Show me there is something left of my humanity!

Maybe I should let it end? If I'm reborn, I won't have to go through all this suffering. I'll finally be able to breathe...

"No Tyler, you can't!"

Si opens her mouth for the first time since using telepathy. She tries to hug my ribcage, but barely hangs on.

"You idiot! Don't think of something so dumb. I know you're alive. You know you're alive. Please don't die, Tyler."

Her tears swell to illogical proportions, as she begins to wail. I can give no comfort nor warmth, yet I still embrace her, and apologise with all my heart. I regenerate a point of mana, and with it I say,

"Thank you."

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