《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 1, Chapter 15: Custom Magic


It is the middle of spring, and we have already made a custom skill. I told Helena I came from a land far, far away, where my knowledge and culture differ greatly from Aren. Surprisingly, she nodded in understanding as if I had confirmed some long-standing suspicion. I proceeded to teach her some basic chemistry, though there was much trouble. After all, it's not easy being told your entire understanding of science is wrong.

We created a skill that affects the composition of air. Two identical candles were lit and we would attempt to make one burn faster than the other. At first, we tried attracting oxygen molecules using mana. It's quite a ridiculous thing to rewrite reality. Of course, it's a time consuming process to achieve even the slightest effect, otherwise any mage could wield the power of a god.

Unfortunately, it ended in failure.

Our next attempt created a matrix around the target space that would filter in oxygen and expulse nitrogen. As a result of much trial and error:


Custom Move named Control Oxygen.>

We both acquired . For Helena, it was an instinctual feeling since she doesn't have . Supposably, those without would visit certain life wells where a scribe records their skills, affinities and titles. I later experimented with the skill to install a modifier popup.

Unfortunately, I still have trouble controlling it even after our success.

"Since it's the first of its kind, the World Stream cannot give guidance. You'll have to visit a Life Well to archive the skill. The only other way is to pass on. Of course, I don't recommend it," Helena tells me.

For this reason, there is an incentive to share your knowledge with the library of lifetimes, and in doing so, others can more readily acquire your custom spell.


We felt a sense of fulfilment to have contributed to the world, especially after all our hard work. Helena was content with our achievement, but my spell crafting did not end there...

"Are you sure about this, Enbos?"

Back to the present, I am standing directly in the firing line of a swinging log trap. Helena is holding a knife next to a straining rope, while a thin bubble of mana surrounds my cloaked figure. While we were making , my had changed into which conjures a physical barrier.

After much practise, I have given the barrier a "special" property. It's technically a complete skill, but it will not register unless the creator acknowledges it as such.

"I'm ready. Cut the rope!"

The large log swings towards my torso. Given my blunt weakness, it should pulverise my ribcage, however...

When the battering ram comes in contact with the film, it disconcertingly stops. It doesn't even rebound in the slightest, as if all its energy was absorbed by the translucent bubble. Instead of bursting, the layer of mana lightly ripples before a sudden force surges through the ground.


Custom Move has been invented!

Custom Move named Kinetic Barrier.>

I did it! I've overcome one of my weaknesses! is designed to redirect blunt physical impact below a certain threshold, whether it be to the ground or a wall. Against piercing and slashing attacks, however, it functions like an inferior version of .


I nod in satisfaction, and hear Helena applaud my success. But instead of a smile, she wears a sombre expression.

"Enbos, no... Tyler. You have done so much for me over the last year."

An entire year... I didn't even notice.

"It should be clear now, but I have nothing left to teach you."

I know. I was only delaying the inevitable.


"You don't have to keep staying here for me. The outside world is far better than I."

"I-I can't, Helena. You already know I'm... not like the others."

"It's true you're not like the others... you're a better man than most."

I cannot help but flinch when she calls me a "man". I've never shown her my face, after all.

"If it's you, I'm sure you will find a way. You didn't study to live here forever."

"Helena, it's not as simple as that. You gave me reprieve from my torment. You showed compassion when I expected enmity. How can I leave you so easily?"

"Isn't it natural for a student?"

"You're not just a mentor, you're..."

... what is she to me? Would I go this far if I consider her a friend?

"Tyler, to be honest I don't want you to go either. This past year was bliss, and I wish it would last. But for you... I feel as if you are meant for something greater, and I'm the only one holding you back."

Is this why she keeps sharing stories about the outside, to make me lose interest?

"Helena, before I met you I was on a journey of self discovery. Why can't my end be here?"

"Because it's no better than being banished!"

"Then come with me! There's no reason for both of us to stay."

"I-it's too late for me..."

I catch these quiet words under her breath. There is something binding her here, and there is nothing I can do to resolve it. I can hear my teeth grind in frustration, as it echoes throughout my entire being.

She deserves something greater as well. How can I make her happy?

"... I understand. One day, I shall leave these woods and explore all of Aren."

"Thank you, Tyler."

She gently smiles, but I can see tears stir in the corner of her eyes. Her body relaxes as if accepting the loneliness that once haunted her.

"... but when I return, I will have enough stories to last til the end of our days."

"Eh? Hold on, Enbos. What are you implying?"

"I'm saying my journey WILL end here. So please wait for me. I-I'll p-pr-properly ask you by then..."

Her face turns bright red, and I swear mine is heating up as well. It's the most embarrassing thing I have ever said in both lives, although I can't believe how thick headed I've been to my own feelings.

"I-I will wait for you, Tyler."

"I, um, thank you Helena. I might as well... Ah!"

"What is it?"

"I have to greet a friend of mine before I leave the forest!"

"You have friends?"

"Of course I do! A one-week friend..."

"Actually Tyler, would you mind coming back after your visit? I want to celebrate your graduation from cabin school."

"Sure, though it may take more than a month before I return..."

"That's okay. I want to introduce you to my brother. You won't have to hide in a bush anymore!"

I bid Helena farewell and depart down a nostalgic path. Behind me, I hear her chanting a spell. I stop briefly and focus on her voice. Though I can't make out the words, it sounds less like an incantation and more like a prayer.

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