《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 24: From the Dead of Night


Under the light of the gibbous moon, a dark cloaked figure wanders alone on a road, crossing a vast grassy plain.

His face is obscured by the head of a deer. With black gloves and excessive clothing, not a single square centimetre of his body could be seen. On his figure is a rugged travelling pack and a makeshift spear, fresh with the blood of his last prey.

He is a hunter, a traveller, and a foreigner.

His name is Tyler, though he also goes by the name of Enbos, and he is...

... bored.

Why else would I start describing myself in third person?

For three days I've been steadily advancing to the next town. I've met several travellers along the way, but understandably, none of them stayed around for long. It's a pity since I was looking for some trade.

I give an audible sigh, then continue my night-long journey. For some reason, walking along a clear path for an entire day is more mentally taxing than trekking through the woods for the same length of time.

A strong breeze presses my clothes against my skeletal frame. The wind has little effect; after all, I no longer have nerves, but a far more bitter chill sinks into my bones.

It's cold. It's a delusion, and yet I can't ignore it.

I miss you so much...

I take out a dark, leather-bound book, the former possession of my dead conjurer. Given my affinities, I have decided to master the art of necromancy. I do have qualms about learning that maniac's magic, but it's all for Helena's sake.

However, there is a problem. It's not like I found a beginner's guide to black magic, no siree! This book is filled with advanced rituals, mad ramblings and unrecognisable symbols. I've been taking my time to study its handwritten contents and experiment with less dangerous enchantments. As a result, I learned a few new things...


Hrm? What do we have here?

There's a small campsite with a wagon and a mule tied to a tree. Several people are sleeping inside while a man is keeping watch by the fire. I think I'll walk over and say hello.

It appears he's slacking, as he reacts when I'm no less than three metres away. He jumps back in astonishment and trips over his own luggage. It's not like I teleported using , so why is he so surprised? Ah, that's right. My skill is still active.

"I'm sorry for startling you, so can you please put down that cane? I'm only here for a little warmth and some pleasant company."

I raise my hands as a show of trust, but he's still scared witless. I guess I look like I'm firing magic, so I put both hands behind my skull then take several steps backward.

He quickly checks his surroundings before waking the others. They appear to be his wife and kids.

"Who are you, and what do you want!?"

"I told you, did I not? I want to spend the rest of the night by your camp. Besides, we've already met earlier today."

They were one of the travellers who picked up the pace and ignored me.

"My name is Enbos. Will you be so kind as to..."


"How fast!"

"Um, please excuse my rudeness but, erm, your presence is upsetting my family."

I'm sure that's just an excuse, but upon closer inspection all three kids are genuinely on the verge of tears. Even the mother is teetering on the spot.

"I see. Then, may I use your fire to light my own camp?"

"Oh, um... okay?"

I must look suspicious seeking camp so late at night. In that case, if I pretend I can't start one myself I will hopefully ease their minds.


"By the way, would you..."


"... as I was saying, would you be interested in some hare?"

The Reinsol Kingdom's currency are in penz and fablars, with 50 penz equating to one fablar. Each country has a different currency that is tied to the value of gold.

I take the hare out of my travelling pack. It's a fine catch if I do say so myself. The soul was quite sizable, too. I'm expecting it to fetch at least 15 penz, but I'm unsure as to the value of each coin, hence the point of this exchange.

"Think about your children. Wouldn't it make a nice meal after such a long journey?"

Upon hearing my words, he looks at my face inquisitively before realising some unfathomable revelation.

"H-here is everything we have! Take my wagon as well! Surely it's enough to..."

"What the hell are you saying!? How am I extorting you!? I don't want everything, I just want a few coins!"



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