《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》16


Awkward. Awkward. Awkward

Why does this has to be so awkward

It was a nice Saturday morning. The birds were chattering. The sun was bright. The atmospheric was fresh

Ash has come for breakfast as dad told me yesterday. He sat infront of dad. I sat beside Mum. My other brothers too at the table

Dad had his fingers interlocked, placed under his chin, his both elbow on the table giving an intense stare to Ashton

Venky and Rayan were awfully quite, just staring at me and Ashton

"So you're dating my daughter?" Dad broke the awkward silence

"Yes sir" Ashton said confidentiality, with a steady smile on his face

"What are your intentions with our sister?" Robbie asked sternly

Really? Did dad and Robbie just teamed up? I'm offended *angry huff*

"I just want to be her boyfriend and her bestfriend. My intentions are positive and no harm" Ash said calmly

Who's he so calm? I'm freaking out!

"How many people are in your family?" Dad asked coldly

"Me, my dad and my little sister Olivia who is twelve year old right now" Ashton said

Olivia and me are really good friends. I visit Ashton's house every now and then. Olivia is such a sweet girl and she's definately Ashton's princess. Oli and me cook, gossip and watch movies together whenever we meet

"What's your age?" Asked Ishan

Great! I guess all four of my brothers and now on dad's side

"I'm 18" Ash said

"Alright" Mum interrupt "enough of the questions. I've made food for you all, I don't want it to get cold"

Mum looked at me smiling, I smiled back

Dad hummed with no expressions

Just then, Ashton's phone rang

Dad quickly said "who's calling you?"

"It's Olivia"

"Pick that phone and put it on speaker" dad said and my jaw dropped. That's so rude and personal


"David! Are you insane" Mum said

"It's alright" Ash said and did what my dad said

The phone made a muffled sound

"Ash?" It was Olivia

"Yeah, did you wake up?" Ask asked, his voice becomes involuntarily sweet when he talked to his sister

"Yeah *yawn* just woke up. Are you at Aana's house?" She asked

"Yes, I'm" Ash said

"Oh, tell her I wanna meet her. It's been a month since I saw her last time. I miss her" Olivia said and I smiled

"Ofcourse" Ash was talking less, probably because the conversation was heard my everyone and it's embarassing

"And don't forget to bring me ice-cream" Olivia said and half of the table chuckled

"Okay Oli, I'll call you later" Ash said quickly

"No wait, one more thing" Olivia stopped Ash

"Quick" Ash said impatiently

"Umm... Can you come home early. Dad's not home and I'm kinda scared because I'm alone" Oliva said, hope in her voice was clear

"Okay baby, I'll be home in one hour. Make sure the doors and windows are locked and don't let any strangers in. Call me is you need any thing, okay?" Ash ranted, he kinda completely forgot that everyone could hear their conversation

"Um..um.. I'll call you later, bye" Ash said and hung the phone

My now, I was smiling, Mum was smiling, the twins and Ishan was smiling too. Venky had a straight face thought. The ultimate surprise was, dad..in the sense my birth freaking dad had a mother freaking smile on his face

"Um.. sorry. I kinda forgot the phone was on speaker" Ash said shyly

"It's all good" Mum said "c'mon now, eat up, and I'll pack some food for your sister too"

"Thanks ma" Ash smiled warmly at my mother

"Ma?" Dad asked


"He calls me Ma" Mum said proudly


"It was nice to meet you all" Ash said

"You too" dad shook his hand with Ashton

When Ash left the house, Venky too went outside and they both were talking. Venky had a straight, strict face. While Ashton had a confident one... Donno what they were talking about

I turned around and faced dad. He had a weird grin on his face

"I like that kid, you can date him" he paused and kept a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry for yesterday, I was being judgemental"

I smiled "it's okay, and thanks"

With that dad hugged me while I hugged him back "looks like my daughter's not little anymore"

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