《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》17


Venkat's ( Venky ) pov

It has been a week now in our old house. It feels good to relive in the house where I grew up in

Most of the time dad give glares to me

Mum wants to talk to me but is controlling herself but still takes care of me just like how she used to do when I used to live in this house.

Aana is scared of us. It breaks my heart that she has an image of a monster for me and her brothers.

But this isn't it, I'll change her view towards me. I'll make myself clear, I wanna be her hero, not a terrifying monster who's gonna eat her if she's left alone with me

It wasn't easy for me to leave the house where I spent total 18 years of my life

After 3 younger brothers I finally got a baby sister. Having a sister was always in my imagination, but it came true when I was 13 and Mum and dad had a baby girl

It is so sad that even if I've spent five years of my life with Aana, still she doesn't remember the nights when I used to sing for her, read for her and cuddle with her.

She just doesn't remember the morning when I used to play with her. She doesn't remember when I punched a guy when he tried to take her candy away when she was 3. She just doesn't remember

She was five when I had to leave, when dad told me that if I had to do anything else but engineering, then I have to leave, and that's what I did, I left

I've lost 10 years of Aana's life, 10 years of memories which I could have made if I had not made the decision to leave the house and start a totally different life and a new life style


But It was a need to leave my house. The need to follow my passion and dream, which wasn't possible under the roof of my father as he wanted me to become an engineer

Engineering is great, great for the people who want to do it with their heart and not under the pressure of their family

One day, the 21 year old me who was having a nice late night dinner when a knock on my door got me startled.

Robbie and Rayan come to me with their luggages with red puffy eyes. They had left their house because of the same reason, they wanted to do architecture but again dad wanted them to do engineering.

I happily accept them in my house and supported with what they had wanted to do.

Same happened with Ishan, our youngest brother. He was always a fan of photography. We happily accepted him in our house.

He used to cry for days because he missed Aana so much, his bestfriend.

Ishan felt like he had betrayed Aana. But dad didn't let us even go near Aana, and that is why we had always failed to talk to her, and never got to clear the misunderstandings

Even if I'm the CEO of a packaging industry, I'm not 100% happy. Whom am I earning for? For my family. But are they getting a full of it? No, they're not

At the age of 22, I fell in love with a girl name Rose. We had became a strong couple within 6-7 months with an unbreakable bond

Then, when I was 23, the most beautiful thing happened to me. I had a baby girl, Rose was pregnant with my baby. We were so happy, my brothers were so happy to have a niece.

We kept her name Lucky because she's the lucky charm for me, for us. I made a huge progress in my business within two months after Luck was born


But everything crumpled down when suddenly one night, Rose died because of a heart stroke. It broke my heart and all my strength.

But I slowly and steadily I got over that incident and now I don't really talk about Rose as it breaks my heart

I wanted a mother figure for Luck, Mum used to sneak out without dad knowing and come to my house and take care of Lucky, which I was so thankful of

Still, it's overwhelming to see how close my two precious babies are. Aana and Lucky are already like sisters. The way Aana takes care of Luck is amazing, I had to give no extra efforts for their relationship. It was a good sigh for us for a new start

Ashton, Aana's boyfriend. Her having a boyfriend at the age of 16 seemed surreal and frustrating

If I had the responsibility of her, I wouldn't have allowed a single guy to come near her.

But she does have a boyfriend now. I had already warned him that if he harm Aana, he is probably going to have two broken limbs and two broken arms with a dysfunctional torso.

Though, be seems like a protective guy. But still... She doesn't need some other guy to protect her when she have me, her older brother is here to protect her from all the bad deads

But maybe I'd let her down and that is why I've come to earn my family back.

I want my mother's hand to brush my hairs when I fall asleep on her lap.

I want my father to say 'I'm proud of you' to me.

I want my baby sister to say that I'm her hero.

I want my younger brothers to experience a real family again.

I want my family back, because wealth can buy me luxury but not the peace of a family


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