《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》18


"I can't sweep, I can't sweep, I can't sweep!" Lucky pouted crossing her tiny arms

"But why Luck? Why can't you sleep?" I asked her

"Tell me bewd time stwries" she asked "I can't sweep"

Well... I'm not a kinda girl with the best stories to tell, besides the Humpty Dumpty tails....

"Um babe, I don't really know much about stories" I said truthfully

The four year old pouted looking at me "then call dwddy"

I bit the inside of my lip thinking before nodding

It had been a full week since they have come into my house and things were slowly getting less uncomfortable for me individually and personally

I sighed and made my way towards Venky and Ishan's room

I took my fist up ready to knock. I took deep breath and finally knocked on the door m twice

After a few seconds, I heard a faint 'yeah'

So I slowly opened the door. Venky was making his and Ishan's bed while Ishan was cleaning his DSLR camera

"Hi" Venky said happiness when he saw me "sup?"

"Um... Lucky cannot sleep. She said she wants you to tell her bed time stories"

"Here comes Miss Luck's tantrums" Ishan laughed resulting in Venky slapping his head upside down

I pinched my lips close trying not to laugh

He then looked back at me and smiled "I'm so sorry, she's Sometimes-"

"No" I interrupted "that's fine"

He smiled again which I didn't give him in return

"Um.. you coming?" I asked

He nodded "I'll be there in a minute"

I went back to my room and found Luck laying on my bed playing with her stuffed toy. She looked so adorable and small which made me smile

I went towards her and layed beside her covering the two of us under the comforter


"Is dawddy coming?" She asked quietly looking at me

"Yes Luck, he is" I caressed her hairs

I heard Venky clear his throat as he was smiling at us

I was about to sit up but he interrupted "no no, just lay down. I'll sit over there" he said and I layed back down feeling the beginning of awkwardness

He placed a chair beside Luck as she smiled at him. He had a big smile on his face and was looking at Luck as if she was a princess which I don't find off because obviously she's Venky's daughter

I shifted on my side so that I can listen and see properly about what he's gonna do

That is when I realised that I wasn't scared of him anymore, like how I was a few weeks ago.

I understood that his reality was smooth and simple and not horrifying like I thought he was

Maybe after he stopped dad from slapping me.... Maybe. I had no idea why I suddenly had a feeling of comfortableness around him

"What kinda story would you like to listen?" Venky asked

Lucky seemed to think for a second before she yelled "princess"

He chuckled and adjusted Lucky in her blanket tucking her in properly

He began to tell her a very old and cheeky story. But it was a cute daddy-daughter moment, I involuntarily smiled

Suddenly, the whole situation felt so familiar. Like it had happened to me before. Like Venky had told stories to me before in the same way. It was like a deja vu to me.

I stared at him for a while, more flashbacks began to appear in my mind. It started to mess with me.

I didn't realise that I actually fell into a light sleep while listening to his story, even before Lucky had fallen asleep


I was kinda aware of my surrounding

I felt the lamp turn off which was beside my bed

I thought that Venky was gonna leave my room but he didn't..

There was silence for about a minute or more and then I heard footsteps

I felt him touch my forehead. I stiffened and tried not go move and show him that I was still asleep

I was scared..

What is he doing?

Is he going to hurt me?

A shiver ran through my spine when he started to brush my forehead with his palm

I felt the bed dip down beside my stomach.

What is he doing?

I just felt comfortable around him

Why is he doing this?

But then I heard a sniffle. It belonged to Venky. Then I heard another sniffle from the same person

"I'm so sorry" he whispered which confused me "I've been a terrible brother. But I promise" he paused his whisperings

"I promise I'll gain your trust. I'll earn it with all my heart. I love you Aana, my baby, my princess"

I felt a pair of warm lips against my forehead as he cupped the side of my face "goodnight" he whispered getting up from the bed

Then I heard the door close

I sat up on my bed, staring at the door from where he had just left. My eyes locked with an expression of shocked

What just happened?

Was those his true feelings about me?

Does he really care about me?

Can I really trust him?

Questions! Questions! Questions!

I had so many questions..


Guys guys guys! I know I'm updating really slowly and I'm really sorry for that. I'll try to update more

I hope you liked this chapt.

Thanks for all the views, vote and the comments. It means alot to me

Also... I'm in my 12ty grade. I need your 'all the bests' and

'best of lucks' . I'm scared I don't wanna ruin this year

Yet again... Thanks for all the support. I love you guys 💓

Keep voting.... ❣️❣️❣️❣️

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