In Serial

Sealords Online: The Kraken

8 199 47
Author: Type:Male

The Stakes are high in the world of Aest when there is a sudden appearance of otherworlders who wield abilities and skills that surpass the local populace. In a world that has yet to be fully tamed, these individuals are looking to carve a piece of the world for themselves... at any cost!

Jay is a jaded chemist whose only real joy was spending time with his girlfriend, Maria. When the sudden appearance of a deity forces him into the world of Aest, Jay realizes that this isn't a game... not anymore. He has been thrown into Aest, the world of the popular MMO game Sealords Online and death here means death everywhere. 

Despite his best wishes and at the behest of a self-centered deity, Jay must carve out his piece of the world as well.

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