《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》15


"Heard someone has a boyfriend"

I gulped and took a step back

I looked down and tried to walk past him but was blocked by him again

"What?" I asked annoyed, also scared

"Answer my question Aana" Robbie asked calmly

"Yes! You have any problem?" I said angrily yet scared of his next reaction

"Hey" someone said from Robbie's back

Venky was holding an ice pack on Ishan's jaw which was hit by Ashton

"Let her have a seat first" Venky said not looking at us

I huffed and walked past Robbie

But, Venky held my hand stopping me from moving

I flinched with his sudden move

"Sit" he ordered

I hesitately sat on the couch keeping a long distance from him

"W-where's Mum and dad?" I asked quietly

"They're both out for some work" Rayan replied appearing from the kitchen

I nodded looking down at my lap

Slowly all my brothers made a semi-circle around me

"What?" I asked them annoyed

"Who was that guy Aana?" Robbie asked

"Who?" I asked, already knowing what they were talking about

"Ashton" Ishan said looking stern

I signed defeatedly "he-he's my boyfriend"

All of them shook their heads in disappointment

"What are you guys shaking your heads at?" I asked

"You're only 16" Rayan said as if he's reminding me "you can't date anyone. He could possibly be a fuck boy"

"Look" I said "you don't know who he is. You all can't judge him like this"

"We aren't judging, we're just looking out for you" Venky said

I chuckled at his punch line "oh please" I said sarcastically "didn't care for me all these years and now you all are looking out for me. Keep your jokes aside" my smile faded into a curve of hatred


"We always cared for you" Ishan said

"No you didn't" I said standing up pointing a finger at him angrily "you didn't care of me. You left me. You left me alone when I used to get bullied. You never cared to know if I'm okay or if I'm doing fine or if I'm dead! You just left. It was Ashton, only and only Ashton who picked this broken girl and wiped her tears and made me smile again. It was him. HIM. He has been my boyfriend since a year now and I'm so glad that he's my——"

"What!" A roar broke my rant

I saw Mum and dad on the front door. Dad was looking fuming angry

"What did you say? Yo have a boyfriend?" He yelled

I paled immediately. Dad never even liked when I talked to guys and having a Boyfriend was literally something equal to betraying him

Mum looked genuine worried as she already knew about Ash

"D-Dad" I said nervously

He stomped towards me. My brothers all stood up Looking worried of his next reaction

"You are dating a boy?" Dad growled

"T-That——?" Dad cut me off

"ARE YOU DATING A BOY?" he yelled

"David calm down" Mum tried to calm him down

(a/n: David is the father's name)

"No Trisha" dad said sternly

(a/n: Trisha is the mom's name)

"Did you hear her? She fucking has a boyfriend" he yelled on my face

"He's a nice guy David, believe me" Mum said

"What! You knew about this?" Dad asked surprised

"Yes" Mum said sternly

I looked down, scared of my dad

"How long?" He barked looking at me

I didn't answer

"HOW LONG?" he screamed again

I flinched but bumped into someone who held both my forearm gently


"Dad, calm down. You're making a big deal of it" it was Ishan who was standing behind me who spoke up

"You shut up" dad spat

"I can't believe you did this Aana" dad spat

My lips trembled as I was about to cry. I never wanted to disappointed him.

Dad yanked my chin up and raised his hand to slap me

I pinched my eyes close and made a whimpering sound but the impact never came to my cheeks

I heard a couple of gasps

When I opened my eyes I saw Venky holding my dad's wrist in air preventing it from hitting me. Both giving death glares to each other

Ishan has his hand over my shoulders pressing me against him chest

"What. Are. You. Doing?" Dad growled looking at Venky

"You think I'll let you hit my baby sister in front of my eyes" Venky said coldly

Dad snatched his hand from Venky's hold and looked at me. I instantly looked down at the ground

"I want to meet this Ashton guy" dad said "tomorrow, breakfast"

"Do you understand?" Dad asked

"Y-Yes" I Stuttered

With this dad stormed upstairs angrily

The room left silent for a few seconds before I started to cry

Ishan who was standing behind me came and stood in front of me

"Heyy, don't cry" he said but I didn't stop

I could feel everyone else giving me sympathetic stares

Ishan suddenly hugged me tightly. I held his shirt in my fist and cried into his chest

"Is okay Aana, everything's going to be alright" Ishan cood me

"I'm so sorry Ishan" I said suddenly

He chuckled "what are you sorry for?"

"For yelled at you, I'm so sorry"

Even after the insult I did of him. He was still hugging me and caring for me. I felt like an idiot.

He rubbed my back hugging me tightly "no, I deserve it"

I sniffled "I missed you"

"I knew it" he said and we both chuckled

We both broke the hug and stood infront of our family

Everyone giving me and Ishan smiles, sad smiled

Mum walked up to us putting a hand on both our cheeks

"I liked this little reunion"

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