《Christmas Special - F1 One Shots - Completed》#10 - Pierre Gasly


'Let the rain fall down, I'm coming clean'

As I looked up, I took a deep breath as I watched Pierre walk around to the passenger side before he got into my car. Turning my head, I looked at him and gave him a wide smile. "Hey," I felt like a stupid school girl whenever I was in his presence.

"Mi," he faced me as he spoke. Usually, when we were together, he looked happy to see me and would speak with an excited voice, but today was different. "We need to talk."

My eyes widened as I felt the sadness radiating off him. "What's wrong?" I tried to reach for his hand but Pierre kept his hand resting on his leg.

"Mi," he looked forward as he continued to speak. "I know you've been spending a lot of time with Max." He glanced at me for a moment, my jaw hung open as I realised what he had said.

"Max is my friend," I reminded him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Pierre shook his head as he looked at me. "So, am I your friend too?"

I turned my head this time, I looked out the window towards the road as I sighed. "I thought we'd spoken about this," I groaned as I chose not to look at him.

"Look at me," he demanded. There was an air of authority as he spoke to me.

Slowly, I looked back at him. My eyes were a little narrowed, it was my defensive mechanism whenever he spoke to me in such a manner. "Pierre..." my voice trailed off as I stared into his beautiful eyes, almost getting lost for a moment.

"," he snapped as he watched my face. "It's me or Max."

I watched as he got back out of my car and headed back into his house.


Of course he knew about Max. It was never a secret, none of it.

When I had first met Max, we'd only been friends. Some how one day after a few too many drinks, we ended up in bed together. For some reason, we could kept coming back for more. He'd continued to see other women, I decided not to... until, I met Pierre.

With Pierre, I was besotted. He was different. He was everything I wanted in a man, he was gentle, kind, loving, almost perfect. The one thing that let him down was that he wasn't in any way ready to commit, he didn't want a relationship, he didn't want to label our time together. This just gave me the okay that it was acceptable to continue to sleep with Max, even though they were friends and Max was the one who introduced me to Pierre.

I wrinkled my nose as I got my phone from my pocket.

My fingers scrolled through my phone, before I hovered my finger over Max's name. I thought about calling him, I thought about ending whatever we had going on right now, but I didn't know what good that would do. I wasn't one to just made a decision so easily but I knew that Max would always be my friend with or without the sexual stuff, but with Pierre, I knew that was not what I wanted. I didn't want to just be friends with Pierre, I couldn't just be friends with him.

I locked my phone, deciding not to call Max now. Starting my car, I drove away from Pierre's home. Whatever was going to happen now, I didn't want to do it here.


When I arrived at Pierre's home on Christmas eve, I found myself very nervous. Pierre was throwing his Christmas party that he'd started doing a few years ago. I smoothed my dress down carefully not to knock any of the sequins off before I pressed the doorbell.


When the door opened, I found myself face to face with Max. "What are you doing here?" We both asked each other at the same time.

He stepped back and let me into the home. The music from the other rooms was loud, there was voices and singing that could be heard over it too. "I need to talk to you anyway," I said as I closed the door behind me.

Max looked at me with a smile on his face, he looked lovely in his button up light blue shirt and dark jeans. "What's up, Naomi? I have Dia in there," he told me regarding his latest beau.

"I want to be with Pierre," I confided in him quietly as I crossed my arms over my chest hoping to not have an argument about the situation.

He chuckled as he pulled me into a hug, "About time, don't you think?" Max kissed me on the forehead and shook his head as he pulled away from me.

Looking up at him, I grinned as I realised he was all for me and Pierre being together. "So, you're not mad?" I asked him as I smiled.

"Of course not," he told me. "Now you better get in there and find him, there's a lot of women in there." Max winked before he turned and headed back through into the living area.

I took a deep breath before I slowly followed Max through. I looked around the room, my eyes scanning for Pierre, I needed to find him before it was too late. I knew I had made a mistake leaving it nearly two weeks before making my final decision.

Walking through the people, I smiled at everyone I passed by. I was greeted by different friends of Pierre's, casual friends, driver friends and even some of his family. Then I spotted him, he was in the kitchen area, standing by the back door, in one hand was a bottle of alcohol and the other was a cigarette. Next to him stood a woman who was also smoking, they looked deep in conversation as I approached.

"Pierre?" I tried to be confident as I got his attention.

He looked at me, he did a double take as he looked at me. "Mi," he flicked his cigarette end out of the door before he walked towards me. "I didn't think you were going to come tonight."

I smiled as I pulled him closer to me as I wrapped my arms behind his neck. "Why wouldn't I come tonight?" I stared into his eyes, my heart skipping a beat as I got giddy again.

Pierre grinned as he held me close to him, "You look amazing," he whispered in my ear. "Does this mean...?"

Nodding my head against him, I didn't want him to finish the sentence. I just needed him to know that I wanted him and only him.

I pressed my lips against his, the first time we had ever shared a kiss in public. We had hugged in front of people, but we had never let our physical relationship show to others. I let my lips linger over his, his hands were on my waist as he held me.

"So," he mumbled when we pulled away. "As much as I love seeing you in this dress," he looked me up and down, his right hand moved up and down my side sending shivers down my spine. "I can't wait to get you out of it later."

Taking a deep breath, I didn't know what to say. Sure, we'd say stuff like this before, but this was different. This was the first time we'd ever said it after making ourselves public. My insides were churning as I blushed a little before I put my forehead on his chest. "Can we at least dance first?"

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