《Christmas Special - F1 One Shots - Completed》#2 - Lando Norris


Dedicated to both @1MichaelaT1 and @Shmolcatto

'Wherever I go, you bring me home'

My Christmas morning lay in was interrupted by a bright light which made me open my eyes. "Argh," I complained as I saw Lando very close to my face. "What are you doing?" I asked him as I realised there were only a few centimetres between us.

Lando chuckled, his cute laugh making me smile. "Well," he looked up, my eyes followed his gaze before I saw him holding mistletoe above our heads before he looked back into my eyes. "I just found this mistletoe," he grinned widely as I raised my eyebrows. "So," he wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively.

"You are ridiculous," I told him before I pushed myself up before I pressed my lips against his.

My elbows leaned on the bed, keeping me upright as our kiss continued. Then suddenly I dropped back against the bed and pulled the blanket over my head shielding myself from him. "You're such a tease," I heard Lando mumble as he got off the bed leaving me alone.


Being at the Norris household was interesting.

I had met Lando's family before and I'd found myself getting on well with his parent's and his younger sister, Sarah. Sarah had taken me around the house on arrival, grabbing a large wine as she took me up the stairs of the large house.

"Lando was so excited when he told us you were coming to lunch today," Sarah told me as we went into the large upper floor living room area. "I'm probably more excited than he is," she told me as we sat on the windowsill bench and looked at each other.

I smiled at her, "It's good to see you too, Sarah."


Sarah looked out the window, I looked out to see Lando getting stuff from the car. "What is he doing?" She laughed as he dropped a bag on the ground.

Giggling alongside her, I watched as Lando scrambled to pick up the presents that had fallen from the bag. "Just being Lando," I smiled as I watched him. I honestly found myself more and more in love with him, he didn't even need to do anything special, just be himself.

We spent some time together, laughing and joking, talking about the year that had passed by. In this time, we had drunk a couple of glasses each and it certainly had not affected our moods, if anything our spirits were lifted.

"As it turns out, Lando had switched off the oven when he fell," Sarah giggled as she pushed her brown hair away from her hair. "We never did eat that goose," she sighed as the door burst open revealing Lando with a wide grin on his face. "And Mum has never tried to cook it again," she looked at her brother as she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

"Please don't tell me you are telling that stupid story again," he groaned as he sat between us and looked at me. "What Sarah probably didn't tell you is that she was the one who told our parents to buy me the bloody skateboard," he eyeballed Sarah as he rummaged through his pocket. When he turned back to look at me, he grinned widely. "It's okay, turns out I saved her life. Our Nana had brought a goose that was prestuffed, Sarah would have probably died with the amount of cranberries stuffed inside the goose for the stuffing!"

Sarah eyeballed her brother as she wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Believe what you want, moron."


Lando turned his attention to me, a smile on his lips as he did so. "So, just remember you are in the presence of a hero," he winked at me.

"You're in the presence of an idiot," Sarah corrected him before she got to her feet and started to slowly leave the room.

I laughed as I looked up at Lando, "Hey," he put his hands into his pockets fumbling around in them. "Don't you take her side," he said before pulling out some mistletoe and holding it above our heads.

My eyes looked up at it before I shook my head, I opened my mouth to speak but was beaten to it by Sarah. ""

Turning to look at her, she was leaning against the doorframe watching us with a smirk on her lips.

"Haven't you got anything better to be doing?" Lando asked his sister as he looked in her direction.

I stifled a laugh, they were so alike not only in looks but in attitude.

Sarah rolled her eyes as she shook her head as she looked between us. "Wait till I see Jackson later!" She laughed before she walked away, her chuckles could be heard as she made her way down the stairs.

Lando turned back to me, "So..."

I smiled widely before I pressed a kiss to his lips. "You, Mr Norris, are such an idiot."

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