《Christmas Special - F1 One Shots - Completed》#5 - Lance Stroll


'Promise me you'll never leave my side'

Once I stopped the car, I took a deep breath as I took it in for a moment.

Today was the first time I would be standing on a podium in F1.

I literally had no idea how I could come to be here? Sure, I had talent, but I was a female. I had no money to bring to the sport, I had no big-name family or knew anyone in the business. I was just plain, simple, Evelyn Mason.

"Hey," I heard someone speak.

When I looked up, I noticed I was looking up at George, his English accent almost mimicking mine.

I smiled even though he couldn't see it, he held out a fist for me, which I acknowledge by curling my right hand into a fist and tapping it against his.

Once he'd walked away, I took the shoulder brace from my upper body before I climbed out of the car. Once my feet were on the ground, I turned my head to look at the car parked in the number one spot.

The driver in pink, looked at me as he stood on the front of his car before he jumped down next to me. He put his right hand on my back, in the middle as he leaned closer to me, our helmets touching as he leaned against my left side. "Who would have thought you would have made it into second?" He joked as I let out a laugh.

"Who would have thought you would have won?" I teased before I stepped away from him. I was aware of how a couple of seconds could change the perception of the press. I did not wish to be the centre of gossip.


Turning away from Lance, I headed inside towards the winner's room where myself, Lance and third place winner, Pierre, would get the change to get weighed and freshen up in front of the cameras.

Standing between Lance and Pierre, we waited to have our names called to go out in front of the world. Once Pierre's name was called, we smiled and gave him a fist pump each before he headed out.

"Are you still excited about Christmas?" He asked me as I ran my fingers through my chocolate hair trying to make myself look presentable.

I looked at him, my name was called before I put my hat on, "Of course I am."

Skipping away, I headed out to the upper stage. I grinned widely as I stood on the second place spot. Looking out, I could see my team, my mechanics and my fellow racing driver, Charles, everyone was happy, watching and cheering.

Pierre and myself exchanged a smile as Lance came out and took the top spot.

Trophies were handed out, followed by the Canadian anthem, then it was champagne time.

Shaking my bottle, I doused mine over both Lance and Pierre as they did to each other and me. It was a great moment, a brilliant way to celebrate.

Once the moment had passed, I looked over at Lance, smiling at him. He returned the grin as he watched me for a second.

When I turned back to look over at my team, I noticed Lance's father, Lawrence, watching us carefully. The look on his face was not one that seemed happy with the small moment that I had shared with his son, one that not many people would have probably noticed. Once I looked at my team, I was quick to show them how happy I was before I turned away hiding my face from Lawrence.


As we all left the podiums, I headed through the building followed by the other two before Pierre broke off to go to his garage. Lance grabbed my hand once we were alone then pulled me through the nearest door.

Lance closed the door behind us, the two of us finally alone from all the prying eyes.

"I've been wanting to be you all day," Lance told me before he pulled me closer to him. He stroked his fingers over my hidden waist. Oh, how I hated the fact that this suit hid every detail of me.

Smiling at him, I put my hands together behind his neck as my fingers played with his hair at the nape of his neck. "" I whined as I put my head against his.

"I thought you wanted to," he said confused. "What's changed?"

"We have four weeks until Christmas," I reminded him as I took a deep breath. "You still haven't told your dad about us yet, Lance." I shook my head as I pulled away from him. "I'm pretty sure your dad saw us smile at each other, he was not impressed."

Lance looked confused, "What's a smile mean, Evelyn? Come on, he's going to love you."

"Don't think I don't read the news," I reminded him as I leaned against the wall. I sighed, "I know what people think of me, Lance. Talented driver, mouthy English girl who doesn't think before she speaks." I stepped towards him again before I smiled, "I guess, I just have to take his criticism, right?" I took his hands and held them as I looked up at him. "If it means I get to spend Christmas with you, I'll do it."

He looked into my eyes, his big beautiful eyes staring into mine as he laughed a little. "Evie," he touched my face with his hands, cupping my cheeks slightly. "You are so much more than what the press sees," he reminded me before he chuckled. "You are my little bunny."

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