《Christmas Special - F1 One Shots - Completed》#13 - Daniel Ricciardo


'We stood, steady as the stars in the woods'

Things had been hectic and left to the last minute. It was currently Christmas eve and I had just landed in Australia after a long-ass flight. My uncle met me at the airport, letting me stay the night at his saving me the money and travel to a hotel. It was a good job too, my uncle let me rest as soon as we were in his home, the jet-lagged feeling catching up with me pretty quickly.

The morning came quickly, I was awoken by my young cousins, Hannah and Timothy who decided jumping on my bed to wake me up was a good idea. I spent the morning with my family, the young ones opening their presents and watching them play outside with their brand new toys.

"So," my uncle Stephen sat with me as we sat on his porch as the two children ran around. "I take it you are heading out soon, to see that boyfriend of yours."

I laughed at his words, "I think it's a little more serious than boyfriend, girlfriend." I awkwardly played with some fluff on my skirt, "We've been dating for about two years now. I'm hoping that he sees me more as a partner than just a girlfriend."

My uncle laughed at my words, "I forget how old you are sometimes, Tiff. Time is moving so quickly." He sipped his cola before he looked back at me. "Did you need a lift?"

Smiling, I shook my head. "Actually, I am going to walk. I looked on google maps this morning and he only lives a few streets away." It was crazy actually when I said it out loud. My uncle could have been friends with my partner if he was at home more often anyway. I stood up as I picked up my glass, "I'm going to get my bag then I'm going to make a move."

He watched me as I went back into his home. I grabbed my bag from the bedroom, carrying it on my back as I walked through the home. I travelled light, I always did. I knew I could buy or borrow stuff whenever I travelled, so this was easier for me.


When I returned to the porch the two children were waiting for me with my uncle. "Can we walk with Tiffany?" Hannah asked her uncle as she pouted.

"Not today," my uncle smiled. "She won't be coming back here. You can watch her from the road though."

I hugged both of the children, "I hope you enjoy your lunch today. Be good for your dad," I told them as I stood back up and looked at my uncle. "Thanks for letting me stay."

"You know where I am if you need me," he reminded me as he hugged me.

"Thank you," I said as I pulled away before starting my walk to my partner's home.

The journey was short, I arrived at Daniel's Australian home and took a deep breath. It wasn't quiet here, people were in the streets celebrating Christmas, I could hear parties in gardens at the back of the homes too. Looking at his home, it wasn't what I expected, it was a normal looking house on an average street, I doubled checked the number of the house but it was definitely the right one. I walked up his driveway and nervously knocked on the door.

I stepped back and took my large summer hat off before I ran my left hand through my hair. The door opened and I found myself face to face with a woman who was around my age. She had beautiful dark brown hair and was very pretty as she looked at me with a confused look. "Oh, I think I might have the wrong house," I said in a panic as I looked at the door number, my mind flustered as I looked back at her. "Sorry."

"Who are you after?" She asked with raised eyebrows. "I know that both sets of neighbours have gone away from Christmas," she told me.

"Daniel," I said as I played with my hat that was in my hands, something to help keep my fingers occupied.

She rolled her eyes, "It's Christmas day, love. Can't you fans just leave him alone for one day?"

I was surprised at her words as I looked at her, "I'm sorry. I'm not a fan. I'm his..." I thought about the word I was about to use, I didn't even know who this woman was. "Friend."


"His friend?"

Nodding, I managed a smile. "Yea, my name's Tiffany." I was quiet as I spoke, unsure if Daniel had even mentioned me. Our relationship wasn't a secret, but we weren't exactly shouting it around.

The woman looked shocked as she put her right hand over her mouth before she spoke again, "Oh my God. I am so sorry," she was flustered now as she blushed heavily. "Daniel said you were in England for Christmas. Wait, he doesn't know you're coming, does he?" She let me come into the house.

I smiled at the way she over spoke, the way she panicked when she realised who I was. "I wanted to surprise him," I told her as she looked through the door into the rest of the house.

"Sorry," she grabbed my hand as she shook it. "I'm Cheryl," she grinned widely and I noticed the trademark smile she shared with Daniel, of course, this was his sister. "Wait, so, what's your plan?"

"Cheryl!" I heard Daniel's voice shouting. "Who's at the door?!"

"No one!" She called back as she closed the door to the living room before she looked at me. "Here," Cheryl opened the nearest cupboard door before she looked at me.

I got her meaning, I quickly got in, she closed the door before I heard another door open then Daniel's voice. "What's taking you so long?" He asked her, "Who was at the door?"

I listened as she laughed, "No one, just kids. Can we go and eat now please?"

Footsteps walked away leaving me alone, I smiled as I got out of the cupboard quietly.

Sneaking to the door, I looked around it before I realised I couldn't see anyone. I assumed everyone was in the garden from the smell of a barbecue. I put my bag on the floor, taking out only a gift I had brought for Daniel and holding it close to me as I dumped my hat with my bag.

Using my phone, I called Daniel. "Hello?" He answered after a few rings.

I grinned as I heard his voice. "Hi," I whispered down the phone.

"Babe, are you okay? Why are you whispering?" He asked me as I heard his voice in his home.

My nerves were all over the place, I couldn't believe he was close to me and he didn't even know. "There's a lot of people around," I said, it wasn't exactly a lie.

Daniel chuckled, my lips curled into a smile.

Peeking around the doorframe, I saw Daniel standing by the window at the back of the room.

"I know," he said as I sneaked towards him. I walked on the balls of my feet, keeping my stilleto heel off the foot even though it was carpeted. "I miss you, Tiff."

"I missed you too," I spoke out loud as I stood behind him.

Daniel spun around, his eyes were wide as the shocked look turned into a big smile. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he stared at me before he threw his arms around me dropping his phone to the floor as he did.

I wrapped my arms around him as I grinned. "I thought I would surprise you," I said before I kissed him on the cheek.

He kissed me on the lips, his touch something I had been missing and craving for nearly a month. "Oh my God!" He pulled away as he looked at me. "I just can't believe you are here. What are you... How?"

Laughing, I took his hands and held them tightly. "I just wanted to be with you, so I got on a plane yesterday."

Daniel looked gobsmacked, he pulled me close to him again. As he hugged me he picked me up and held me close to him as he kissed me on the nose.

A small giggle got our attention. Turning to look, I saw Cheryl by the door watching. "Well, isn't this cute?" She looked at her brother, "I thought Nate loved Christmas the most, but, ."

He looked back at me, his dark eyes staring into mine. "Of course I am. I can't believe you are here, Tiff." He placed a kiss on my lips before he put his forehead against mine. "This is truly the best Christmas present I could have ever asked for."

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