《PERFECT》Chapter 29




Chapter 29

It has been a week and Nick finally discharged from the hospital. Dr Andrian insisted that Nick gone through some test and therapyist to ensure that everything is well before discharging him. Nick is physically fine but still couldn't remember well especially the intimate things that happen between both of us and I didn't mind at all telling him most of it.

The one thing that I haven't told him is about my pregnancy. I don't want him to be in shock, just as he was when I confessed my love to him. I want to be sure that Nick is ready to hear it before I told him. I want him to at least remember something about us before telling him about it. No one knows about it and good thing I don't have any morning sickness that would give away about my conditions. Good thing too Dr Andrian kept his secret as promised but I know I eventually have to tell him before my tummy started to grow.

"Welcome home, Nick," greeted James when he opened the door. Nick cast him a weird look before getting out of the car. Obviously Nick couldn't remember him.

I immediately introduced, "Nick, this is James. He's the building manager." I looked at James and explained, "I'm sorry. He can't remember things that happened recently and I think he can't remember you."

James cast a confident smile, "It's ok. No worries. I'm very sure he will soon."

"Yes, I hope so too," I smiled back at him and when he offered to carry my bag I shook my head, "It's ok I think I can managed. Thanks, James."

"You're welcome," he nodded at me and Nick. Nick smiled at James before I took his hand and lead him into the building.

"So this is where we live?" Nick asked once we're in the elevator.

"Yeah," I nodded my head and pressed the button to our floor, "You brought the penthouse for yourself 2 years ago." Nick just nodded his head.

"Wow," Nick said once we entered our penthouse, "It's beautiful," while walking towards the balcony.

"Yeah it is. I have the same impression when I first came here," I told him standing next to him.


"Really? You were impressed too? Do you like it?" he asked.

"I love it," I stated.

He smiled, "Let's hope I could start remember things now that I'm back home."

"Yeah, lets hope you remember all the good one only," I said to him.

"Baby," he holds my hand while we facing each other, "I want to remember all. I'm not going to hate or blame you for all that happen. Both you and Amy are blaming yourselves for what happened to me. None of you are responsible, ok. I'm to be blame for my own reckless driving."

"Well, I'm resposible too for making you drive recklessly," I bite my lips. I still couldn't forgive myself for what had happened to him.

He kissed my forehead, "I love you," and wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him, "Let's forget about all that, ok. Right now I remember you promised to show me what we did when we played husband and wife."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Yes, I did," I murmured on his lips.

"Can we start now?" a cheeky smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Are you sure you are fit for it?" I teased.

"Ah. You'll be surprise how fix I am already," he joked.

I laughed, "Alright then, if you said so. Don't complain anything later," I teasingly warned him.

"Never," he seductively said making me laughed again before lead him upstairs to our bedroom.

Our lips immediately locked on each other once we're the bedroom. I lavishly undress him and he did the same with me until we both were clad only in our underwear. I pulled him towards the bed and laid him down while I get on top of him.

He smiled and mischievously asked, “Are you always on the top?”

I shrugged and evilly smile at him, “Occasionally, especially when I want to have my way with you,” and started kissing and nibbling his body, teasing him.

He inhaled deeply, “God, you making me feel like I’m in heaven.” I chuckled while continued teasing him and taking off his boxer slowly. He gasped when I took his hard manhood in my hand before tasting it.

He moaned loudly before pushing me off him and sat on top of me, “My turn now,” he smiled evilly at me staring into my eyes. I stared back at him and I could see a sudden changed in his eyes as if he remembered something.


I cast him a concerned look, “What wrong?” I asked him.

He shook his head and smiled, “Nothing but have I done something like this before?”

“Huh?” I couldn’t understand what he’s asking.

“I mean, I moaned and then turned you over looking at you directly into your eyes?” he asked.

I gasped. Gosh let’s hope he started to remember, “Yes, you have. You did it so many times whenever I teased you and you couldn’t take it anymore,” I clarified, “You remember it?”

He smiled, “Not really but I somehow know that we’ve done that before.”

I chuckled and blushed at the same time, “We done it numerous times.”

“Hmm, I have no doubt we do,” he smiled before kissing me passionately. We both were moaning and when he pulled his lips away from me, we both were gasping for air. His lips traveled down my throat and he bite it softly making me moaned again.

“I missed you,” I whispered softly as he explored, teasing and nibbling each and every part of my body slowly. I whined as indication I want his to speed up.

“No,” he shook his head and whispered, “I want to take my time exploring you. I want to endure every part of you. I want to remember them. I don’t want to forget about them,” and continued doing it. I smiled letting him do whatever he wants with me. “Gosh you so beautiful,” he said whenever he lips touched every inch of my body and I moaned loudly loving the feelings, but I lost my patient when he started teasing the bottom part of my body.

“Please Nick,” I whimpered, “I want you so badly, please.” This time, he didn’t resist my request anymore. We both whimpered and screamed of pleasure at the end of it.

“I love you,” he said before kissing me breathlessly again pinning me underneath him.

Feeling his weight, I pushed him off me, making him laid on the bed. I rested my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat. “Wow,” I said before kissing him on his chest.

“That’s the second time you said Wow after we make love,” he chuckled.

I chuckled with him but when I realized what he just said I immediately looked at him, “Do you realized what you just said?” I asked him.

“Huh?” he cast me a questioned look.

“You said this the second time I said Wow,” I repeat what he said.

“Yeah, the first time you said it after we did the first…..” he trailed and looked at me with wide eyes.

“You remember!!” I screamed happily hugging him.

“Not really,” he shook his head, “It just come and go, like that,” he flicked his fingers telling me what he meant. “I still can’t remember much, but I do remember you said that after we make love the first time.”

“At least you started to remember things,” I said to him, “That’s a good sign that you can remember everything again.”

“Hmm, you are right. I think it comes slowly along the way,” then cast me a cheeky smile, “If that the case we should make love more often. It really helped me to remember things faster.”

I laughed, “Hmm, I fully agree with you but I think you should rest until you are fully fit.”

“Aw, I am fit,” he whined like a baby pouting his lips making me laughed louder. Pushing the stand of hair the cover my face and tucked it behind my ears, he said to me, “I’ve always been dreaming you and I like this. Making love, teasing and laughing together,” he said looking directly into my eyes. I bite my lips and blushed. “Do you know that I could hear you while I’m in coma? I heard you told me you love me. I thought I was dreaming."

He could hear me? Can he hear everything I've said to him while his coma? Can he hear me when I told him I'm pregnant?

“You could hear me?” I bit my lips and he nodded, “So you hear all of it?”

“Yeah, all,” he confirmed.

I looked at him with shock, “So, that means you know that I’m pregnant?” I asked but immediately regret when I saw him gasped.


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