《PERFECT》Chapter 28


A/N : This chapter is also not edited... I apologize for any errors in grammar and spelling....

This story will end soon.... there's only 2 more chapters to go... Hope you guys enjoy this chapter... keep the comments and votes coming..... I see you all on Friday..... Muah... -Sally-


Chapter 28

“Why don’t you go home and rest, Ashley,” Nick said to me when everyone finally left in the evening.

“Why?” I pouted my lips, “You don’t want me to take care of you?” I asked.

He chuckled, “No, I just want you to rest. You need one. I understand from everyone that you have been staying here for the past 6 weeks without leaving my side. You’ve been taking care of me. I don’t want you to be sick because of me.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be sick. I’m strong,” showing him my muscles making he laughed, “I want to take care of you but if you prefer some hot nurses to take care of you then I’ll leave.”

He looked at me intensely, “I do not want the hot nurses, I’ve prefer you.”

I smug, “Are you sure?”

“Very sure,” he smiled still looked intensely at me.

I could feel my face flushed and did my best to act normal. “Do you want anything?” I asked him.

“Hmm,” he nodded still not taking his eyes away from me, “I want you.” I continued blushing and I bite my lips to stop myself from grinning like a monkey because I’m so happy to hear his words. He wanted me. He still does. I wanted to jump so high and screamed the top of my lung letting everyone knows that Nick still want me.

“Ashley,” he called softly, “Come here,” patting his left side of the bed. Well that’s the side which his hand is not bandaged. I obeyed without hesitation and sat besides him. “Can you come closer?” he waved his index finger asking me to move my face towards him. I move nearer but still not that close his face, “Closer, he instructed.

I curiously looked at him but still move my head closer to him until our faces was inches away, "What do you want to do to me?” I asked.

"I want to kiss you," he murmured when he pulled my head closer to him and kissed me. I was stunned as first but when I realized what happened I returned his kiss with full passion and longing.

We both were panting when we pulled apart, “Could you repeat what you said to me earlier today?” he requested.

I hesitated still not confident with his feelings towards me, “I’m sorry for telling you too soon about how I felt towards you,” I said to him and at the same time tried to move away from him but he tightened his grip on me.


“Do you think it too soon for you to tell me how you felt?” he asked. “How long more do you want to wait before telling me your feeling? Until I’m in another 6 weeks coma?” he smirked.

“You just woke up; you definitely not ready to hear my declaration of love to you. You need to regain your memory before hearing such words from me,” I said softly.

“Says who?” he scoffed, “You?”

I bite my lips and looked at him, “You don’t think it too rush to tell you how I felt? You too look like you not ready to hear those words from me," I pointed out.

He traced his fingers on my face and looked at me into my eyes, “I wasn't expected to hear it from you. All this while all I know is that you hate me and your declaration was a bit shocking to me but I always dreamed of you saying those words to me. I might not remember some things but I do remember that I wanted to hear those beautiful words from you. Don’t you know that I’ve been waiting all my life to hear you say those words to me? You might say it to me before, but damn I wish I could remember. I never want to forget those words from you.”

I smiled and trace my fingers on his face just like he did to me, “I never tell you how I felt towards you because I wasn’t sure about my feelings before. I know I care and like you a lot. When I saw you lying motionless, I finally realized and admitted the truth I felt towards you,” I told him, “I was so worried I never get to say it to you.”

“So you started to have this feeling towards me when we play husband and wife?” he asked.

I shook my head, “I actually have a crushed on you since junior high school but I make myself hate you because you ignored me. I was so jealous whenever I saw you walking with the other girls,” I confessed.

“I remember that I’ve been with the other girls because I wanted to make you jealous,” he smiled.

“Yeah I know, you’ve told me everything,” I smiled back at him.

“Did I also tell you that I’ve been in love with you?” he asked.

“Yes you did, before the accident but I don’t believe you. I said all the nasty words to you instead,” I bite my lips feeling embarrass with myself. “I always thought badly towards you. I never fully trust your feeling even after I’ve agreed to remain your wife. I have doubts about yours and my feelings. I know you love me but as usual being a stubborn person like me, I always pushed that feeling away.” I looked deeply into his deep blue eyes, “Will you forgive me for all the nasty words I’ve said and done to hurt you?”


“There’s nothing to forgive. I think I should blame my attitude towards you which make you didn’t trust me. I was stupid. I should have told you I love you instead I’ve called you names and acted like a jerk towards you. I do remember that somehow,” he said.

“We both are stupid,” I said looking deeply into his eyes, “I love you, Nick,” I said before I kiss him fully on the lips. We were breathing heavily again after we pulled apart.

“I love too, Ashley. I’ve been in love with you since the day we were introduced,” he told me.

“You did?” I pretend not to know, “You told me you just like me a lot,” I teased.

“I’ve told you that?” he queered and I nodded, “When?”

“During our honeymoon,” I told him.

“Hmm, do we have a fantastic honeymoon?” he grinned.

“Definitely,” I mocked, “Why would you think I agreed to give us a chance?”

Nick laughed at my reply, “Gosh, I really wish I could remember all that.”

“I’ve told you I’ll help you to remember everything,” I smiled.

“Especially the part what we do together?” he teased.

I rolled my eyes and then cast him a seductive smile, “Especially that.”

“Hmm, I can’t wait to get well,” he chuckled.

“I can’t wait too,” I smile, peck him on the lips before lay besides him. He puts his arms around me pulling me closer to him.

“Are you happy when we’re together?” he asked.

“Very, very,” I told him.

“And I assume I didn't call you Cass anymore?” he asked again and I nodded. “What did I call you then?” he queried.

“You call me Ashley,” I told him.

“Ashley? Not Wifey?” he teased.

“You did call me at first but thank god you didn’t anymore,” I told him and added, “But most of the time you called me Baby.”

“I called you Baby?” he queered, looked like he tried not to laughed. I hit on the chest pouted my lips and glared angrily at him.

He chuckled again, “You look so cute when you do that,” he said. I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

“Do you still glare and rolled your eyes when you annoyed at me?” he asked.

“Definitely,” I pressed and he laughed.

“Did I annoy you often while we were together?” he queered.

“Sometimes,” I said.

“But most of the time?” he questioned.

I put my arms around him, kissing his cheek, “You are wonderful, loving and charming.”

“You said that Amy and our parents conspired into making us and everyone else believed that we’re married. When do we find out that we’re not?” he asked.

“Well, you the one who suddenly asked me about our wedding certificate. When we both realized that none of us have it, I’ve asked Amy. That’s when she dropped the bomb,” I told him.

“Were we both angry?” he asked again.

“I know I was,” I said softly.

“What happened then?” he queried.

“Do you want to know?” I hesitated.

“Yes,” he nodded.

“But it not something good for you to remember,” I said to him. “I want you to remember all the happy times we had together.”

“I want to remember everything Ashley,” he cast me a pleading look. I tried to get up but he hold me tight, “Ashley,” he pleaded.

“You will hate me if you know the truth,” I sadly said to him.

“I would never hate you,” he assured me.

“You will once you recall all the things I’ve said to you. Once you realized that I’m the cause of your accident,” I sobbed.

“I would never hate or blame you for what happened. I understand you were angry at that time and people said nasty things when they angry even though they actually didn’t mean it. I don’t and won’t hate you, Ashley. I love you,” he soothed wiping my tears away.

“You were right. I was angry with everyone including you. I accused you are part of the conspiracy. I said nasty words to you and I don’t believe you when you said you love me,” I sniffed, “I’m so sorry for all that I’ve caused you.”

“Hey, you don’t have to apologize for anything,” he soothed again.

“I love you,” I hugged him. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“You will never going to lose me because I’m not going anywhere and I’m never going to let you go either,” he held my face in between his palm before kissing me passionately as if telling me he meant every words he said. I returned his kiss with the same feeling. I wanted him to know that I love him, more than my life.

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