《PERFECT》Chapter 27


A/N : Hey everyone... This chapter is not edited... so I apologize with there's gramma and spelling errors... Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and continue to comments and votes... Muah... -Sally-


Chapter 27

“Could you repeat what you say?” he requested softly. His right hand still wrapped around me while his other hand still stopped at my face.

I looked away and bite my lips. I could feel myself blushed. I felt ashamed for revealing to him about how I felt. I never do anything like this to anyone before and this the first time I tell a guy I’m in love with him. Well not just some guy but Nick.

I was about to respond to him, when Marc barged into the room, “Oops,” he said when he saw the position both me and Nick was in, “I’m sorry, I should have knock,” he apologized, “Continue with whatever you both doing, I’ll comeback later,” he said turning around.

“No,” I stopped him and got up, “Nick and I can continue later,” I looked at Nick who looked a bit disappointed, “Everyone is eager to see you again. It has been 6 week, you know,” I explained to him.

Nick nodded his head and smiled, “Yeah, we can continue what we left off later when we’re alone and this time, I’ll make sure the door is lock.”

Marc chuckled and mocked, “Well it good to know that the accident didn’t do any damage to your character. Glad to have the same Old Nick.”

“Yeah, you got that right, Marc,” I chuckled, “The same cheeky Nick Sinclair.”

“But you both still love him, don’t you?” smirked Nick.

“Yeah, I still do and I never thought I’ll say this but I miss you buddy,” Marc walked over towards Nick and hugged him, “How are you, my friend?”


“I’m feeling alright but I couldn’t really remember some things that happened,” Nick smile at his friend.

“He couldn’t remember what happen during the pass years,” I added.

Marc looked at both Nick and me with wide eyes, “You mean you don’t remember anything that happened recently?”

“Yeah, I don’t remember that you proposed to my baby sister,” mocked Nick. “Did I approve it?” he teased.

“Hey, you already given me your consent even before I proposed to your sister,” scoffed Marc, “You are the one who make me proposed to her.”

“I did?” Nick frowned, “I must be drunk at that time.”

“Hah! You complete sober my friend,” Marc snorted, “And I’m sorry, it’s too late for you to back off with your words. I’m marrying your sister as soon as you can stand on your two feet.”

Nick smirked at Marc, “Well if that the case I’ll take my own sweet time to stand on own two feet.” I laughed at both friends who were teasing and joking with each other and decided to join in their playful bickering.

“If you do that, then I too can’t show you happen between us,” I teased making Nick groaned.

Marc laughed and teased, “If you good to me, I’ll tell you what happen between you two.”

Nick shock his head and cast me a mischievous look, “No, I prefer Ashley show it to me.” I couldn’t help blushing.

“Ah, I really glad you are still the same Nick,” laughed Marc.

I rolled my eyes at both of them while the two guys continued teasing and joking with each other until Nick’s family came in to join us and by afternoon, Nick room was pack with families and friends who came to visit him. We didn’t have the chance to be alone.


“What did you tell Nick about your marriage?’ asked Amy when we both sit at the corner of the room while Nick was talking to his friends.

“I’ve told him the truth,” I told her.

“Oh, really?” she’s sound disappointed.

“You expect me to lie about our status?” I scoffed.

“Well, sort of,” she admitted.

I sighed, “I don’t want to lie to him Amy. I don’t want to pretend to be something I’m not. We don’t know how long until he fully recover his full memory. What if it takes forever? Am I going to pretend to be his “Wife” forever?” I asked her while she remained quiet. “I love your brother Amy and I want to be his wife, a legal wife to him. I want to spend my life with him without pretending anything. I want a real family with him.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I’ll let you do whatever you decide best for you. You have my support,” she smiled.

I smiled back at her and asked shyly, “Do you think he still loves me?”

“I’m sure he does because he sounded happy when he asked whether you both are married,” she said to me.

“He really sounds happy?” I couldn’t stop myself asking.

“Yeah he did. Maybe it’s time for you to admit your feelings towards him,” she suggested.

“I’ve already told him how I felt,” I told her.

“When?” she queered.

“Just now when we’re alone,” I informed her.

“What did he say?” she asked.

“He asked me to repeat it,” I chuckled.

“What?” chuckled Amy, “He didn’t kiss you senselessly after you repeat it to him?”

I shook my head, “Marc came in before I managed to repeat it.”

“Damn him. Remind me to hit him on the head for coming in at the wrong time,” she scoffed making me laughed.

“Well even if Marc didn’t come in, I might not repeat the words to Nick,” I sighed.

Amy looked at me weirdly, “Why?”

“Nick looked shock when I told him, as if he didn’t want to hear those words from me,” I bite my lips trying to stop my tears from falling.

“He definitely is shock but I’m sure he does want to hear those words from you,” assured Amy.

“You sound so sure,” I smirked.

“Because I know it is,” she said to me, “My brother has been in love with you all his life. He’s been telling me almost everyday.”

“Well that’s before the accident,” I pointed out. “Now with the accident and part of his memory is gone, he might not even remember he loved me.”

“You stupid fool,” she scoffed and hit my head, “I’m very sure the accident hasn’t changed his feeling towards you. I’m very, very and 100 percent sure that he still loves you. I know my brother’s love towards you is strong. A strong love is something not easy to be erased.”

“I wish I am as positive as you,” I said to her.

“You should be when you see the way he’s looking at you right now,” she said nudging her head towards Nick.

I turned and Nick immediately smiled when he saw me looking at him. I returned his smile. Maybe it just my feeling but the way he looked at me make me blushed. There’s a passion and longing look in his eyes which make me wished I could chase everyone out so that I could kiss him senseless.

“Doesn’t that look shows how he felt towards you?” whispered Amy in my ears. Yeah, she probably right and hopefully she’s right.

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