《PERFECT》Chapter 26


Chapter 26 - Edited by Grammar_Nazi

I don't know how long I was in the cafeteria worrying about Nick and my relationship. My phone rang, shaking me out off from my trance.

"Hello," I answered it softly.

"Are you still in the cafeteria?" asked Amy.

"Yes," I told her, "I'm finishing."

"Good, because my brother has been asking for you," she said.

"He did?" I queried.

"Yes. He looked disappointed when you didn't come back in," she told me happily.

"You didn't tell him anything, did you?" I asked.

"No, I didn't," she said but I somehow was not convinced with her reply, "Are you coming now?"

"Yes, I'm coming," I told her and got up from my seat.

I knocked on the door before entering Nick's room. I was feeling so nervous, didn't know what to expect now that he's awake and couldn't remember what happened. I cast a nervous smile at him while he just looked at me with a sweet smile.

"Hey," he greeted me while the rest of his family looked at me with a happy smile.

"Hey," I greeted him back and walked nervously towards him.

"We'll leave you two alone to talk," said his dad and as a cue both Amy and his mom walked out of the room.

"Doctor Adrian told me that we're married. Is that true?" his asked and his voice sounded happy. Is he happy that we're married?

"What did your family tell you?" I asked him instead.

"They said to ask you," he told me.

I looked at him, hesitated at the moment whether to lie to him about our status. I wondered what will happens if I lie? How long do I have to remain as his "Pretence Wife"? Maybe until he regains his memory. I looked down at my stomach; you couldn't tell that I was pregnant. I couldn't lie to Nick; I had to tell him the truth for our child. I want to be his legal wife as soon as possible but I need to know and ensure that he wanted it too.


I took a deep breath before I responded, "Everyone including both of us thought that we were married but we actually aren't."

He looked confused with my reply, "I don't understand."

"Amy and our parents conspired into making us believe that we were married," I told him.

"How did they manage to do that?" he asked.

"We both were drunk when we're in Vegas," I said.

"And?" he urged.

"We found ourselves in bed the next morning not remembering anything," I blushed.

"Naked?" he looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Yep, obviously the same Old Nick.

I rolled my eyes before answering, "Yep."

He smiled, "Did anything happen between us?"

I rolled my eyes again at him and shrugged and asked him instead, "What do you think?"

He chuckled, "How did they make us believe we're married?"

"We were wearing wedding bands on our fingers when we woke up the following morning," I told him and before he could ask I added, "They were Amy's."

"Amy's wedding rings? She's married?" he asked.

"No, she's engaged to Marc and they suppose to get married in two weeks time but they postponed it because of your accident." I told him.

"Oh," nodding his head, "Is this the one that you're wearing now?" he pointed at the ring on my finger. I didn't take off our ring even when I ran away from him that night.

"No," I shook my head, "You gave me this ring."

"I gave that to you?" he asked.

"Yes, to replace the one that was supposed to be borrowed from Amy and Marc," I told him.

"You accepted without any objection?" he looked at me intensely.

I bit my lips and smiled. He does remember my character well. "I didn't at first but when we heard that our parents knew about it, we both decided to be married temporarily.'

"For how long?" he asked.

"We agreed to remain married for two month until Amy's wedding," I told him.


"What will happen after that?" he asked again.

"We will get annulment," I replied.

"Is that when we found out that we were actually not married?" he solemnly asked.

"No, today is supposed to be our two month wedding anniversary," I looked at him and smiled, "We would never go through the annulment because, we both had decided to give our marriage a chance."

"We did?" he looked pleased about what I'd told him.

"Yes," I nodded, "While we're in Bora Bora, you'd asked me to give us a chance and I had agreed."

"You and I went to Bora Bora?" he looked shocked.

"Yes," I nodded, "For our honeymoon, at your father expenses."

"Wow, we went for a honeymoon?" he queried with an obvious cheeky smile, "So something happen during our honeymoon? Must be something good that makes you agreed to remain as my wife," Nick teased and I couldn't help myself from blushing. He obviously notice it as he chuckled, "Can I take that as yes?"

Trying my best to hide my embarrassment, I rolled my eyes, "What do you expect when a couples on a honeymoon on a romantic island?"

"Hmm," still casting the cheeky smile at me, "Would you like to enlighten me about what we did while we were there?"

I blushed at my own response, "I loved to but you have to fully recovered first. I don't want you to hurt yourself further more."

Nick laughed at my respond, "Tell the doctor to give me the best medicine so that I could recover immediately. I can't wait for it," making me laugh with him, "But could you show me just a little bit of it," he lifted his eyebrow playfully at him.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop myself from smiling, "Alright but don't blame me if anything hurts because of it," I playfully warned.

"Don't worry," he smiled, "I'm willing to take all the risk. It will all be worth it." Then he winked at me.

I smiled and sat besides him on his bed. I leaned forward towards him, "This is what we did most of the time during our honeymoon," and kissed him. I could feel he was stunned at first but within second he returned my kiss and like always, our kiss was full of passion.

It has been so long since I have felt his luscious lips on mine. I could feel myself on fire. A soft moan left my throat when Nick pulled me closer to him.

"Wow" he said after we pulled apart, "Did we kiss like that while we on our honeymoon?"

I blushed and nodded, "Yes and since then that's how we always kiss."

"Aw, how come I don't remember it?" he whined.

I chuckled, "Don't worry. I'll help you to remember everything again," I told him.

"Everything?" he smiled and I nodded my head. "Including what we did together while we played husband and wife?" he mischievously asked pulling me close to him wrapping one arm around my waist while both my hands on his chest making our face just inches away.

I chuckled and playfully hit his shoulders, "You are still the cheeky old Nick."

He smiled tracing my face with his fingers, "But now you don't hate this cheeky Nick, right?" he whispered.

"No," I shook my head, "I'm in love with this cheeky Nick," I confessed. Nick obviously stunned with my confession because his fingers stopped tracing patterns on my face. My hands on his chest could feel his heart beating faster than before.

I looked at his face looking for a sign of happiness or disappointment but none. He maintained his straight face instead as if he didn't feel anything. Everyone said that he has been in love with me forever but he didn't look thrilled about my confession.

I couldn't help wondering what's on his mind. Am I rushing into telling him how I feel? Didn't he want to hear this from me? Maybe he doesn't?

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