《PERFECT》Final Chapter


A/N : This chapter is not edited. Please forgive me for any errors in grammar and spelling.

Well, my dearies... it finally the end of the story..... Hope you guys enjoyed it... I'll be coming up with a new story probably by next week and continue with IN LOVE WITH A SILVERSTONE... Hope you guys will give me the same support on my new story...

Thank you all.... keep the comments and votes coming.... muah... -Sally-


Final Chapter

“You’re pregnant?” he gasped.

I immediately get off him, “I’m hungry. Do you want something to eat?’ I asked changing the subject. At the same time looking for my clothes which were scattered near the door. Oh, I forgot, we both discard our clothes there. I then looked for my bra. It should be somewhere near the bed but I couldn't find it. I scanned for it and found it lying somewhere at the end of the bed. Nick must has throw it there after taking it off.

I was about to get up to get it when Nick grabbed my wrist stopping me, “Ashley. Answer me,” he demanded.

I tried to pull my hand away and ignored his questions, “I think I’ll going to make some pasta. Would you like some?”

He didn’t let me go but pulled me back to him, “Don’t try to avoid it. Answer me Ashley! I want to know. I have the right to know!”

“You’re still not feeling well. You should rest, ok,” I said to him instead.

He scowled at me, “Ashley!!”

“You said you heard everything I’ve said while you’re in coma, sure you’ve heard that?” I smirked.

“Well, I heard you said you love me. You want me to wake up, that’s all. I don’t remember you telling me that,” he explained.

“Oh! I thought you’ve heard it,” I covered my face with my hands, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to let you know about it yet.”

He pulled my hands and tilted my chin, “When do you decide to tell me then? Until your tummy started to grow and you couldn’t hide it anymore?” he queried.

I bite my lips, “I do want to tell you, but I want to wait until you regain some of your memories,” I admitted and he looked angry with my admission.

“What if I still don’t remember? Are you going to hide it from me?!” he scoffed.

“No,” I mumbled softly biting my lips not daring to look at him, “I eventually have to tell you, especially when my tummy started to grow.”

“How long have you know about this?” he asked.

“One day before you wake up,” I softly informed him.

He hissed, “Does anyone know about this?”

“No, just Dr Adrian,” I told him without looking at him, “I’ve asked him not to tell anyone. I want you to be the first one to know before anyone else.”

I heard Nick heaved loudly. “Damn you Ashley! Why do you like to hide all this things from me? I always find out about something like this unintentionally. Just like I found out about you being a virgin and I’m being your first. When are you going to trust me?”

I looked at him with shock, “You remember that?”

He frowned before realizing it, “Yeah, somehow I did. Like I said it comes on and off. When something similar happened, like this now,” he mocked. I bite my lips giving him an apology look. He shook his head and looked at me sadly, “When are you going to trust me?” he repeated his questions.


I touched his face and looked directly into his eyes, “I trust you, Nick. I really do. I wanted to tell. I’ve been dying to tell you about this. About our baby but I really want you to be ready and well. I don’t want you to be in shock hearing about this. You just wake up from your coma. You have lost some of your memories. You don’t even remember what you have done with me. I want you to be well at least before I tell you about this. I don’t want it to be a burden to you.”

“You and my baby are never a burden to me,” he stressed. “I love you Ashley. Do you know that I’ve been dreaming of you having my babies someday, even back when you tell me you hate me and call me jerk? I’ve been dreaming of you playing a big part of my life.”

“You really wanted that?” I could feel happy tears in my eyes.

“Yes,” he nodded.

I cast him a suspicious look, “You not saying this because you know I’m pregnant right?”

He frowned, “Of course not! See!! You still have doubts about my feelings. That’s shows you don’t trust me!” he grumbled and turned away from me.

“I’m sorry I don’t mean that,” I apologized at the same time trying to pacify him by hugging him from behind. “I just don’t want you to say all those things because you feel responsible and obligated for what happened to me. I want you to want me because you really need me in your life like I did, not just because you feel responsible. Of course you are responsible of me and our baby, but…..” I shrugged as I also don’t understand what I’m trying to tell him, “You know what I mean,” I kissed his back before leaning my head on it.

He turned his body facing me, “I love you, Ashley. I definitely need you in my life. I couldn’t imagine myself without you. I want spend my whole life with you.”

I looked at him as smiled, “I can’t imagine myself without you too. I love you too.”

He smiled, “I know,” and kissed me fully on the lips.

“So are you excited about the baby?” I murmured on his lips.

“Hmm, definitely,” he smiled and touch my tummy tenderly, “How many months are you?”

“Well,” I paused calculating it in my head before answering him, “Inclusive this week will be 7 weeks.”

“When are you due for your check up?” he asked.

“Shit. I totally forgotten about it,” I hit my head, “I haven’t made any appointment with any gynecologist.”

Nick playfully hit my head too, “You always forget things.”

I pouted my lips, “I have a lot of things in my mind, you mainly.”

He chuckled and hugged me tightly, “Luckily it’s me who always in your mind.”

“Am I in your mind too?” I teasingly asked.

“Hmm?” he pretend to think and I smack him on his chest making him laughed before replying, “Of course, you fool,” and kissed my forehead, “You always on my mind and you are always my priority.”

I smiled and hugged him tightly, “I’m so happy to hear that.”

“We have to set your appointment with a gynecologist soon,” he said smiling. “I have to find the best for you and my baby.”


“Dr Adrian said he’ll recommend one. I think he knows a good one,” I told him.

“Right, I’ll call him and made the appointment asap. I’m going to do it myself. You might forget about it again,” he mocked. I rolled my eyes and I’m sure he couldn’t see because I’m hugging him but I was wrong, “Stop rolling your eyes, your stubborn girl,” he chuckled, “And don’t deny you’re doing it right now.”

“I’m not denying it,” I told him and rolled my eyes again.

“Do you know that there’s only one thing left for us to do?” he said. I frowned trying to think what more need to be done.

He chuckled but then looked at me seriously, “You need to be my wife.”

My eyes went opened wide with his words. I’m speechless, don’t know what say.

“Say yes,” he said staring directly into my eyes, “Say you’ll marry me.”

I could feel tears started to form in my eyes. I was so happy to hear it but I wanted to be sure, “You’re not marrying me because I’m pregnant right?” I asked him. “If that’s the reasons, then I don’t want to marry you.”

He glared at me before pushing me away, “Damn you, Ashley. I thought you said you trust me and now you asking me this!!” he sounded very annoyed with me.

“I trust you. I just don’t want you to ask me to marry you because your feel responsible….” I tried to reason out with him but he cut me off.

“Of course I felt responsible for you. I want to take full responsibility on you as your husband. Not as your boyfriend or what. I want you to wears my name so that everyone know that you and our baby are mine. You and our baby belong to me, Nicholas John Sinclair,” he pressed and then stared into my eyes again before added, “But if you think that I’m asking you to marry me because of you’re pregnant then I’ll tell you that’s not the reason. I’m asking you because I love you and I really want to spend my whole life with you.”

I could see the sincerity and the love he felt towards me when he said that. I didn’t stop my happy tears ran down my eyes any longer, “I love you too Nick and YES, I’ll marry you,” and once I said the words he crushed his lips on mine.

“Let’s get married today,” Nick said to me once we pulled apart.

“What?” I queered.

“Yes. Let’s just go away and get married,” he suggested again, “I know you might dream of a lavish wedding or whatever, but I really hope you agree to go away with me and get married tonight.”

Ah, he really didn’t know what I want for my wedding. I bite my lips and pretended to think, “I really want a lavish weeding. Every girl dream of that,” I said to him and I could see he slouched as if frustrated with my answer. I smiled before continued, “But I find it’s more romantic going away with the man that I love and marry him wherever he wanted us to be married.” He looked stunned with my answered and I chuckled, “Yes, Nick, let get married tonight. Anyway, almost everyone that know us thought we’re married, so why not.”

He smiled before pulling me into a deep kiss.

We didn’t waste any time to get dress. I put on my satin white gown which I already have while Nick wore is black suits. We have decided where we want to get married and we know there’s only one place that would marry couples in the middle of the night and that would be Vegas. Yes, we drove all the way there and got married in the chapel at the same hotel we’ve stayed with Amy. This time we make sure we have the wedding certificate signed.

It must be our luck because we managed to get a room in the same hotel that night and spend our first day as husband and wife there. I’ve never been happier. I’m now officially Mrs. Nicholas John Sinclair. I’m not his pretend wife anymore.

“I love you Mrs. Sinclair,” Nick said to me before kissing me again and make love to me for the first time as my official husband.


8 months later.

“AAHHH…..” I screamed on top of my lungs.

“Baby, breath deeply and relax,” soothed Nick, “Everything will be over soon.”

“Easy for you to ask me to relax,” I scolded him, “Try taking over my place and see how I could relax.”

“Aw baby, I wished I could do that,” he kissed my forehead, “I prefer myself to be in pain than you.”

His words make me regretted saying those things to him, I pursed my lips, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scold you,” I apologized, “But it is so painful.”

“It will be over soon once the baby is out,” injected the doctor who was attending to me. “It will be in no time soon. I could see the baby’s head already. Now all I need is for you to push harder when you feel the next contraction,” he said.

I nodded my head and screamed again when I felt the contractions, “That’s it baby,” encourage Nick holding my hand. No, I’m the one who holds his hand, not really hold but squeezing his hand but Nick didn’t complain but keep on saying to me instead, “I love you so much.”

After one hard pushed I could feel my baby finally out and Nick kissed my forehead, “It’s over now,” and within second I could hear he cries.

“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair. It’s a boy,” announced the doctor and handed him to me.

Nick kissed my temple, “He’s beautiful,” he said.

“No,” I shook my head, “He’s PERFECT. YOU BOTH ARE JUST PERFECT TO ME,” I said before kissing Nick fully on the lips.

I felt my life is now complete. I have a PERFECT and wonderful husband and now PERFECT family. Nick might still not be able to remember some of the things that happened in his recent life, but who cares, as long as he remembered that he loves me and our baby, that is just PERFECT TO ME.


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