《The lonely wolf [bxb]》A warning



" what's one thing that you have always wished for?" My therapist Abigail asked as she looks at me. I was sitting on a couch while she was in a chair in front of me. She had a book and a pen waiting to write down anything she found interested, typical therapist. She is also a werewolf which was easier for me to communicate with her through mind link.

' when I didn't have a home or anyone to take care of me, or to call a family. When I was all alone I have often wished, no prayed for death to come my way. It was one thing I needed more than anything else in the world.' She looks at me with pity, something that I didn't like but I have always been on the receiving end of it. She started writing down what she felt was important before focusing her attention on me once more.

" tell me about your school, were you being bullied there or did you have a lot of friends?" She asked and I sighed, was this necessary?

' I had friends, some who even looked up to me because I was supposed to be the next alpha but it didn't quite work out like that.' She nodded her head while tapping the pen against her chin.

" have you ever wondered why you're not an alpha and what rank you are?" She asked with wide eyes as if she had somehow managed to win a lifetime supply of corn beef.

' yuck.' Forest replied as he shivered from disgust.

' always hated that thing, you could have said tuna or something.' I rolled my eyes and went back to focusing on Abigail and her stupid questions.


' maybe I'm just an ordinary wolf, I'm not an omega or even a hybrid. If anything at all I feel....normal.' She nodded her head in understanding while staring at me, creepily I might add.

" you know Raina got you back, maybe she can help you figure out who you are or maybe you're just a late bloomer. Who knows? A lot of times wolves from higher ranks tend to find out their title at the age of eighteen but maybe you are special. You can think about it and let Raina know that you need her he..." I held my hand up while standing up, getting ready to leave.

' one thing I don't classify myself as and that's a damn experiment. I won't sit back while someone pokes and prods my body in hopes of finding out something that I deemed a lost cause.' She opened her mouth to protest but I held my hand up, silencing her.

' you are being paid a generous amount to help me get better, not turn me into a fucking science project. Forest may have allowed Raina to tap into his mind to talk to him and get me back but at the end of the day, I'm not forest. I'd rather leave things as it is, now if you'll excuse me I believe our hour has come to an end.' With that I walked away from her as I felt myself getting close to having a panic attack. Today was supposed to be a good day, when I woke up this morning I made a promise to not let anything bother me.

To go about my day without a care in the world. But knowing my luck, something was bound to happen. I shook my head to clear the fog that was trying to take control. Forest wanted to comfort me but I blocked him instead in order to deal with my problems by myself. I didn't realize how deep in the forest I was until I my mind started clearing. Looking around, I spotted the pack at a distance and breathed a sigh of relief. I was about to turn back around when I heard the rustling of a bush so I stopped and held my breath.


If it was a bunny that jumped out of it I'll fucking kill it. But no it wasn't a bunny that stepped out which left me trembling from fear because of the stranger that was standing in front of me.

" hi you don't know me but I'm here to warn you. Your mate has been sending out search parties to find you, he's actually a lot closer than expected. If you don't want to be found I suggest you leave here and run. He will do much worse to you than he has done before, take my warning and disappear before he gets any closer." The man the vanished, as if he wasn't just standing here in front of me.

'F-Forest do you know him?' I asked as I was taking deep breaths to calm down.

' no. It's the first I'm seeing him, you won't run will you?' He asked in an unhappy tone. It took a while for me to reply because I had to make sure I gave the right answer.

' I'm not leaving forest so you have nothing to worry about. I may be a lot of things but one thing I'm most definitely not is a coward. Now if he finds us, we will be able to accept his rejection so I won't run. I'm through running.' Being happy with my reply, forest howled a joyful one. I was at a place where I wasn't going to let my darkness take over. Even though it was proven to be damn difficult because I was still being drawn towards the forest where I belong.

I had to try not only for me but for him as well. If anything goes wrong, I know that I have a badass alpha queen mother who would be willing to fight my battles as well as everyone else who was willing to protect me. I don't know how long this will last or what will happen to me in the end, but I do know that I wouldn't trade what I have here for anything so I'll fight to remain here. Even if it meant going against my mate, I will and that the honest fucking truth.

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