《The lonely wolf [bxb]》Searching for him



Where is that asshole?

I've been searching for him ever since my father dumped that speech on me the other day, but it seems as if he had disappeared off the face of the planet. His scent was gone so I couldn't find him, all because I had rejected him. My temper was getting the better of me, I was lashing out at everyone because my idiot of a father kept on reminding me that I had to find him or suffer the consequences as if I gave a damn.

Why must I go through so much? Why can't I choose someone for myself instead of wasting my time on an unwanted rogue? Maybe I should have killed him when I had the chance, then and only then I would have been free of him.

" another one." I said as I slammed my glass down on the countertop startling Ella, my bartender in the process.

" don't you think that's enough for now?" She asked and I glared at her. Stupid is as stupid does.

" I'm a fucking werewolf, I can't get drunk so give me another one." she nodded her head and went on to do what I asked. After having like the tenth drink and still not feeling the effect of it, I got up and started throwing a bitch fit. I threw my glass on the wall watching as it shattered into pieces which has everyone scattering out of my way and away from my rage. What? I was the alpha here and therefore this was my fucking bar, no one had any say in it, not even my parents. After I was done, it took a moment for me to calm down. Looking around I realized how stupid I was to pull such a move.


The barstools were broken as well as the hundredths of liquor bottles that were destroyed in the process. I was breathing hard as I take in the scene in front of me.

" I guess now is not the right time to talk to you." miles said while shaking his head.

" if it's not fucking important I don't want to hear it." I replied as he continued to look around. He started to help Ella clean up as she was mumbling about not being paid enough for shit like this.

" Zach, hunter and Julian were out like you instructed, trying to find your mate. We have a strong feeling he might be well protected so you won't be able to find him." it seems as if miles was hiding something. I don't know what, but I have a strong feeling he was keeping something important from me.

" They are still searching, next pack they will be heading to is the shadow stone pack. Hopefully, we can find him soon." yeah hopefully. I'm tired of my father's constant nagging, I'm tired of the elders always having to say something about how I live my life. The last time I checked, I answer no one, not even the goddess herself.

" make sure what you are telling me is true because If I find out you are lying I won't hesitate to sever your head from your body." He looks at me like I was losing my mind and maybe I was, given the predicament I've been placed in. I left them to continue cleaning up my mess, at least they had something to do thanks to me. As I stepped outside, I focused my attention on the mass of trees that were in front of me. Where could he be? And who was hiding him? I knew that little bastard couldn't survive on his own for too long without getting help from someone else.


Don't call me stupid...

Maybe I was on to something here, maybe I should have gone with them to search for him because I felt like miles was lying to me.

' max are you still mad at me?' I asked after noticing how quiet he was.

' what do you think? You got rid of my mate and expect me to be happy about it? It's always you stupid humans, messing up something that was given to us by the goddess. You always think that you're too special for anyone else but let me tell you something, you're wrong. You never thought about me, you always thought about yourself and that is one selfish trait you have. Now leave me the hell alone to deal with this lonely mess you have somehow managed to get me entangled with.' with that, he disappeared to the furthest corner of my mind.

I sighed and shook my head, why did I have to be stuck with such a needy wolf? Why were all the wolves like that? I have no idea. They tend to make bad decisions and expect us to sit back and enjoy the ride well fuck no. If I wanted a fucking male mate I would have accepted him but what the hell am I going to do with him? Just thinking about fucking him had me shaking from disgust at the thought of having anal sex, it's just not my cup of tea.

Am I to be blamed though? Was max right? I groaned as I started walking, heading towards the forest so I could clear my head. This was a lot to think about. With my parents and brother on my case, constantly getting on my nerves, I've had it up to here. No wonder I was quick to snap at anyone who got in my way. The stress was getting too much and even though I found myself liking this new change, it gets tiring sometimes. But I had a plan though, one that involves that rogue when I find him. I will show him that I wasn't going to change because he's here, when I do find him I will make sure he suffers just the way he should have. I will show him the monster I am and deep down inside

I pray to the goddess that I don't fall in love with him because that's the last thing I would want to ever happen.

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