《The lonely wolf [bxb]》A friend in need is a friend indeed



'come on, what's the harm in trying?' Raina asked as she started following me back to my room. After I left the forest where the stranger warned me about my mate, I went back to the pack house so I could get something to eat and take a shower. I had something to eat and now I was on my way to take said shower when Raina came up to me, talking nonstop.

' I said no before raina and I'm still saying no. What use would that be for me?' I asked in an irritated tone as she continued to disturb me.

' you could get your tongue back, I know I'm not as perfect as my family, but I could get you your tongue back. The sad part is you still won't be able to talk but at least I would help you in some sort of way, please?' I sighed as I glared at her. Persistent bitch.

' I'm not a lab rat Raina, I don't want to be experimented on.' she rolled her eyes while folding her arms.

' I won't be experimenting on you, you doofus. I will only use a spell I learned from my cousin Kat, it will be as quick as wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. It will be over before you know it.' I laughed silently while shaking my head because of what she said. Raina was right, we were on the verge of becoming really good friends. I like her personality, there's never a moment when I was around her that I didn't find myself smiling. I sometimes find myself missing the sound of my laugh, I wondered what it would sound like right now. It's been so long since that dreadful day but it still felt as if it happened yesterday.

' you know what's interesting? The fact that you can tap into my mind so I can communicate with you even though you aren't a member of this pack.' She laughed and shrugged her shoulders.


' I'm a bad bitch am I right or what?' She started wriggling her eyebrows which left me in a fit of silent laughter. After we calmed down, she went right back to nagging me.

' come on, please? I don't want to pull the I helped you before so you owe me card.' I glared at her and she returned it as if saying she wasn't scared of me. I guess she wasn't going to let this go.

' fine. Do your voodoo stuff, but if I find out I don't like it I'm killing you in your sleep.' She shuddered while pretending to be scared. I opened my room door and gestured for her to get inside then closed it with a loud bam which scared the hell out of her. Serves her right for cornering me like this.

' ok sit on the bed so we can get started.' I raised my eyebrow at her, which left her blushing as if just realizing what she had said.

' not like that you pervert.' I rolled my eyes while telling her to hurry up, I was badly in need of a shower and she was keeping me away from it. After closing her eyes, she started chanting her spell in another language which was scary as heck. I felt strange, a strange sense of calm surrounded me putting me in a deep sleep. When I woke up, the first strange thing I noticed was how different my mouth feels. Next thing I realized I wasn't in my room anymore.

' Raina, did you kidnap me to use my heart or something? I promise it will only bring bad luck to you.' I heard laughter echoing through the room I was in, looking around I didn't see Raina which was a bit creepy.

' oh calm down boy. At least I got the job done thank you very much.' Raina appeared in front of me suddenly and with me being me, I took up the pillow I laid on and threw it at her. she dodged it easily while sticking her tongue out at me.


' want to see it?' she asked nervously which set off an alarm bell in my mind.

' if you gave me a snake tongue I will make sure you suffer for a very long time.' I replied while glaring at her.

' don't tempt me.' A mirror appeared in front of me after she snapped her fingers. I stuck my tongue out and nodded my head as I realized it looked as normal as it could given the fact that it was magically placed there.

' thank you, Raina. this means a lot to me.' She smiled at me as the mirror vanishes into thin air.

' now where the hell am I? I told you I wanted to take a shower and get some rest. You and my therapist are the same. You both are always invading my personal space.' She chuckled and sat next to me.

' you're in my hideout. A treehouse I built so I can escape the stress of being a witch. It's calm here and peaceful, I just thought that you would like it here. If you want I could get you back or you could take a shower here if you'd like to.' She was blushing as she started fiddling with her fingers.

' you have a bathroom here as well?' I asked surprised because I didn't know that could happen.

' I have every and anything you can think of. I'm a witch remember? This place was magically built for my purpose. Plus I have two bedrooms here if you want to sleep here as well, a kitchen that is fully stocked, and a games room you could get lost in. Now, this can also be your hideout, we could come here and spend some time together as um I mean as friends if you'd like.' This couldn't be true, did Raina like me more than friends? given the fact that she was stuttering, something she hadn't done before.

' you do know I'm gay right?' I asked as her eyes became wide.

' y-yeah I do know, I mean I could tell by the way you carry yourself. I promise you I'm not flirting with you. I have someone out there as well, it's just up to me whether or not I should find him. I just want us to be good friends that's all.' I nodded my head, still not convinced by her speech because of the blush that was evident on her face.

' don't get too cocky, she's just nervous.' Forest said while laughing at me.

' I know she's nervous, but you never know. Why would she do all of this for me? Why would she go out of her way to help me if she didn't somehow like me?' I asked and he sighed.

' who knows? Just go with the flow and accept her offer. You need a friend or two right now, it's something you deserve more than anyone else.' I agreed with him and gave Raina my answer. I'm making the right decision here am I not? I hope so. Because forest was right, I do need a friend and I was glad I had someone right here with me. To help me through my lonely, depressed state. At least I was welcomed here and that's all I could ever ask for.

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