《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 13-Dream
"Matt stop playing" Jin said
"I may have met her once, but she definitely sounds and feels like her" Matt started trying to get ahold of me again but I slithered behind Cindy. I really wanted to get out of there, I wasn't prepared for my identity to be revealed already. Damn I didn't even tell Jin about Dream and here goes his brother blurting out my existence.
A blind guy knew who I was before anyone else did.
"Hello, can we continue this first?" Dylan yelled out not realizing what the commotion was all about.
Jin had a stone face. He brushed passed his brother and faced Cindy and I. For a second I thought maybe he could see it. But his lethal glare had my heart racing with fear. Why was I scared of him? Is this what they were trained to do? Intimidate others with only their eyes.
Jin places both hands behind his back and whispered to us "why were you two late?"
"Late?" I whispered back. So he refuses to acknowledge what his brother just revealed? Did he hate me that much to not even mention me? Maybe he forgot. Or maybe he knows, is that why he's acting so heartless towards me? I was so confused.
I could tell Cindy was thinking the same thing.
This was definitely not the same sweet Jin. Something bad probably happened to him to make him this evil.
"We are not late, it said arrive here by 1pm." Cindy said
Jin nodded "what time is it then?"
I pulled out my phone and checked the time.
Jin suddenly snatched the phone from my fingertips so rough, it broke my nail. "Hey!" I said trying to grab the phone from him. He held it up high and gave me a slight warning "did you read the instructions? No cell phones. So since you two broke two rules, you will be punished"
"What?!" Cindy and I both yelled out
He placed my phone in his pocket. Then slowly pointed to the front of the stage. "Push ups, fifty of them, now"
Cindy and I both stared at each-other and repeated "what?!"
That's when Jin got in my face; he was so close I could smell his minty fresh breath. "Don't tell me you're deaf. I said push ups, now! You want to fight for this country right? Well you better learn how to follow the rules, so go and do those push ups-
"Or what?!" Cindy said pushing me aside and getting in Jin's face. He didn't even flinch. "Or get out!" He barked so loud it had my whole body start quivering. Cindy gritted her teeth and balled her fists "are you seriously getting butt hurt because we brought our cellphones?"
A lot of the trainees in the back stared giggling. Some stayed quiet, fearful that Cindy had the balls to say this. Jin frowned and said "oh so you brought yours too? Hand it over."
"Then that makes it 100 push ups, now move it" he said pointing to the front. When we didn't budge he slowly smirked "just like I thought. You both can't handle this type of environment. You won't last. Both of you are weak inside and out, I would recommend you go back home and do what girly girls usually do, we don't need it here or in the army" then without another word he brushed passed us like we were scum
He embarrassed us.
In front of everyone
I found myself storming out. I kept telling myself to not cry, but the tears just involuntarily spilling out. I never felt so humiliated in my life. Not since what happened few years ago. I don't even think I ever wanted to tell Jin about Dream. He doesn't deserve to know it. I don't think he would even make a good father. He was so mean!
I made it halfway to the car before Cindy was yelling out for me. I didn't turn around. I just kept walking until my legs burned. He is so sexist! Just because Cindy and I were females and dressed like girly girls, he thinks we are weak?! Man he can burn in Hell. I heard another voice calling out for me, a male voice. That's what made me stop walking and look over my shoulder.
Hot Matt
He's blind but he was running as if he wasn't. When he finally caught up to me, he grabbed my hand. "Why are you giving up Quinn?"
I frowned. "I'm not Quinn" I lied trying to yank free. But he had a tight hold. "Come on, I may be blind but I don't need eyes to know who you are."
He finally let me go and I crossed my arms "I don't know what you're talking about"
He frowned. "Alright. I'll pretend you're not. Please just listen, you can't just give up now, I swear training isn't even bad-
"I don't want to join the fucking army okay!"
He focused his eyes on mine. He didn't smoke nor frown, just had a plain expression on his face. "Then why are you here?"
I started kicking rocks and wiped my tears. I was glad he couldn't see that I was crying. It would add on to the humiliation. "Are you crying?" He asked.
I straightened up and blurted out "of course not! Your brother just pissed me off!"
Silence fell and in that moment I knew I just revealed who I was.
A smile slowly spread on his face and his eyes twinkled "how'd you know he was my brother?"
When I didn't answer he just nodded "I won't tell him. For whatever reason you're hiding your identity on purpose, and it's okay. There must be a huge reason behind it but I won't force you to tell me. But if you're leaving now...you're only going to prove him right Quinn. You're a really sweet girl, I'm sure you can handle him. He just wants to prepare you for war that's all. He's the same Jin, I promise he hasn't changed"
I highly doubt that. He was an incredible asshole. I wanted to go home and just cuddle with Dream. But the more that I thought about it, the more I felt like Matt was right. I can't leave now. He already humiliated me in front of everyone, I can't give him the satisfaction of breaking me. So I finally breathed a hard breath and thanked Matt. "If you want we can go back inside together, show him you're much stronger then you look. I'm pretty sure you look like the stereotypical female"
I found myself laughing. He was right. Ever since I lost all the weight, whenever I would walk down the street people gave me this image of one of those weak Instagram models that just take pictures and wear revealing outfits but I'm completely the opposite. I can fight, Jackson taught me all I needed to know.
You don't know whose going to want to hurt you. That's why I learned self defense which would come in handy in this boot camp
Matt grabbed ahold of my hand and squeezed. His other hand brushed my body once. "You know, you didn't need to lose weight. I'm sure you looked fine before."
I almost laughed at that bluff "if you only you could see what I looked like before-
"Like I said before, I don't need to have eyes to see how much of a beautiful girl you are."
My heart skipped a beat and I felt the need to just cry. It's rare to find a guy that just like you for you. But then again, he could just be saying the right things for me to go back inside.
Well it worked.
We went back. Hand in hand. I spotted Cindy at the front finishing her push ups. She jumped up afterwards and stuck out her tongue out at Jin. "You have anymore for me to do? Huh? I don't mind breaking a few nails to prove to you that I'm strong alright. Don't let this pretty face fool you, I don't mind getting down and dirty"
A lot of the females were applauding her; Nick settled everyone down before glancing at me. He smiled and turned to Jin, who looked at me with disbelief. "Oh you came back. There are 100 push ups waiting for you"
"And she will do it. You'll see" Cindy blurted out in my defense.
"Yeah just sit down" Sophia ordered, pointing to a seat in the front. Cindy pointed her middle finger at her "I do what I want alright. I did the fucking push ups, where is my recognition?"
I heard Jin let out a groan. He walked over to Cindy and sarcastically clapped "good job, now have a seat."
Cindy rolled her eyes and walked down to the front. I couldn't see who she sat next to because my anxiety started to kick up. I had to literally do push ups in front of everyone. Strangers and my bullies. What if the red headed brothers recognized me? What do I do then?
Then I started thinking about Dream.
My anxiety went away and I marched up those steps. I got in Jin's face and asked "100 right?"
His face didn't even move. We just had a stare off. I cursed myself for blinking first. "Get on the ground soldier. NOW!" He said pointing to the floor. I immediately dropped down and started doing them like Jackson taught me. I never got tired when it came to push ups, my body was so small, that I could even do them with one hand. And that's what I did. Did all 100 without breaking a sweat. Once I was done I jumped to my feet and got back in Jin's face. "Is that all you want me to do?"
"Hell Yeah! That's my best friend! You go best friend!" Cindy yelled cheering.
Jin didn't even turn to her. He kept his eyes on me. "What's your name?"
Caught off guard I kept quiet.
He stepped closer "What's your name?"
"I uh...Queer"
"Queer? Your name is Queer?"
I heard a lot of giggles in the audience. And my anxiety came back again. I quickly thought of something and whispered "Queen, my name is Que-
"Speak up!"
"QUEEN! My name is QUEEN!"
Jin let out an aggravated sound before turning to the crowd. "Attention future soldiers, let's thank Queen and her friend over there for being so disruptive today. Because of them, you all have to run a mile around the woods, and don't worry, there is a trail for you to follow"
Groans filled the whole place. I looked at Cindy and she looked like she wanted to pounce on Jin. "Now everyone out! And I want running! No jogging!"
Everyone started to move except for me. I was still stunned. He wanted me to damn push ups! And I've done it! Now he wants me to run? The hell.
Jin faced me when I was the only one that didn't budge "move soldier! NOW!"
I still didn't budge so he took out his whistle and blew it in my face; startled I jumped off the stage and ran with the rest.
I don't know what I ever saw in him.
Jin was the leader of the men and Sophia was the leader of the females. We all followed her. There was about fifty girls here. We all ran a long ass trail. I don't know how many trees I bumped into but I lost count when it happened three times. Cindy tripped over a few rocks and scraped her knees. But we both jumped back to our feet and followed Sophia.
I can't believe my bullies are the ones I have to follow. This is some bull fucking shit!
But out of all the girls, Cindy and I were the most athletic. That was shocking cause some of the females here looked like men. All bulky and muscular but can't even run without stopping for a few rests. Sophia usually stopped running when she spotted the same few that stopped running. She would bark at them like a dog. It was disgusting. Cindy and I both knew she wanted to yell at us also, but we were just too good for her. I believe we were even better then her.
But there was one girl that lost it. She was really heavy. Kind of like me when I was in high school. But slightly smaller. She was having a panic attack. Cindy and I both stopped to help her off the ground. This girl looked like she weight 190 pounds. Her stomach was poking out her shirt and to make matters worse, she decided to wear gym shorts; we saw her huge fatty legs and it was quite hideous. Her whole face was drenched with sweat. She had her hair in a short bob and her blue eyes sparkled at us when we helped her up. "LADIES! You better keep running! We don't help the weak!" Sophia screamed out.
"God she can be a bitch" the girl said.
Cindy and I both laughed. "Tell us about it. We went to high school with her"
The heavy set girl started jogging and we tried to not over run her. "Oh really? I did too"
"You went to the same school with her?" I asked appalled that I've never seen her before.
She giggled "Yeah I was quite popular"
"Really? What's your name?" Cindy asked
Without hesitation she said "Roxy"
Cindy and I both stopped. We stared at each other in disbelief. Roxy? Hot Roxy? The girl that sealed my fate? Her last words were that she wishes I just killed myself. I always hated her with a passion. But this girl in front of us was so sweet. It couldn't be Roxy.
Roxy stopped jogging to stare back at us "what? Did I say something wrong?"
Cindy bursted out laughing. I jumped back and watched my best friend die in laughter. Roxy was breaking down by each giggle that left Cindy's mouth. I believed she thought we were bullying her. She turned back around and stared jogging without us. I pulled Cindy up "that was rude"
Cindy wiped her tears "serves her right. Look at her now, she's fat and miserable, I guess she now knows what it feels like to be picked on" she said still giggling.
I frowned not feeling the slightest bit amused. "Come on, let's catch up before Sophia punishes us"
After the horrible running was over and done with, Sophia showed us where we will be sleeping. And I was right. The damn small little houses. Surprisingly the inside looked way better then the outside. It had three neatly made beds with nice sheets already premade. I smelled them just to make sure, and detergent filled my nostrils. Nice! The place kind of reminded me of a dorm. A nice little fridge was next to the beds and a Minnie closet for each roommate. There was a small TV for entertainment and some snacks already there for us. That's nice. The only thing I didn't like was the wooden floor. It was hard and looked dirty.
There were three beds, Sophia said I could room with Cindy and Roxy.
Roxy didn't say anything to that, just had her head bent down.
I wonder how the boys dorms were. Probably bigger and nicer.
Before we could unpack Sophia asked for Cindy's name. She lied and told her it was "princess" wow how original Cindy. How original
Sophia rolled her eyes and wrote it down "lunch is in twenty minutes, the showers are in the next building, our first routine will start tomorrow so you guys get to know each-other today because you will need some alliance to make it through this month." She stopped talking to turn to the group of boys that just made it from their run. Jin was walking passed us. He smiled at Sophia and she responded back with a flicking of the tongue indicating something was going down tonight.
I crossed my arms "can you continue!" I found myself yelling.
She stopped and stared at me "Hey, don't yell at me alright. Always remember I am the boss of you, and if you ever raise your voice at me again, I will make sure you do more then 100 push ups"
Cindy elbowed me and whispered "it's alright. Let her yell, we both know she's just jealous. We can beat her up later"
I huffed and kept quiet. I refuse to give her a reaction.
Cindy and I went back to the car to grab our stuff. Honestly this whole boot camp gave me an adrenaline rush, I hope me telling Jin about Dream would ruin anything he had with Sophia. Shit! I don't even want him. He's a dick! And as for Nick, Zack and Dylan, they're going to get there Karma soon.
Roxy is already suffering her karma. So I can't do anything about that.
I haven't seen Matt in a while. I wonder where he went. I kinda liked his company. He reminded me of the Jin I lost.
Cindy slapped my shoulder and I came back to reality. "What?" I asked rubbing my shoulder in agony.
She nodded forward and my heart leaped when I spotted Jackson with Dream in his arms. He parked right next to Cindy's truck; his scary expression was a mixture of anger and fury. Cindy and I both screamed, scrambling out of there. We only made it to two steps before he got in front of us. "You got Five seconds to start explaining" he demanded
I couldn't even run because Dream grabbed ahold of my leg. She seemed so entertained by this. "I missed you so much mommy" she cooed then started jumping up and down for me to lift her.
I did
Cindy jumped under one of the cars but Jackson grabbed her feet and dragged her out. When she finally got to her feet she blurted out "we got kidnapped!"
Jackson crossed his arms; now fuming.
"Hey! What are you soldiers doing?! Get back to your rooms now!" We heard Sophia yelled out
"Is that....Sophia?" Jackson said now turning his attention on his ex girlfriend.
The face he was making would make any girl feel some type of way. And Cindy clearly looked jealous.
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