《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 12-The sexy blind brother
So Sophia
She went from a brunette, to blonde and now she dyed her hair silver. I couldn't even be mad, made her look really beautiful. I mean she already is drop dead gorgeous, she got thicker with more developed assets. But, she was still ugly on this inside. Our history was too bad. I didn't hate her, but I disliked her.
And now, she went from dating my brother, to dating my ex boyfriend.
Jin and Sophia had one thing in common.
They were my bullies
I picked up my giggling daughter and watched the couple. Sophia had already let go of Jin. She fixed her hair into a tight bun and showed him the spilled coffee on her leg as if he had the power to make it vanish.
So pathetic
She started to flick daggers at me "children are not allowed here, try not to bring her with you next time" she hissed.
"What? You bumped into us first!" Cindy said coming to my defense
Appalled Sophia placed both hands on her hips "I bumped you yes, but the little girl purposely tripped me with her tiny foot."
"The little girl has a name!" Cindy fired back "god lets pray you never have children, you would be an awful mother"
"Excuse me?" Sophia said walking up to get into Cindy's face. I hugged Dream tightly already knowing what was going to happen. Sophia had no chance with Cindy. My brother has been training her real hard, she was into boxing and planned to make a career out of it.
Jin quickly got in between the girls. He lightly pushed his girlfriend out the way and turned to Cindy and I "no children okay" then he eyed me "will I be expecting you at boot camp?"
Cindy looked over her shoulders and winked at me before smiling. "Yes you will! I'm signing up myself"
I could see Sophia rolling her eyes. "Great."
"Mommy, I'm hungry." Dream mumbled before poking out her lower lip. I already knew the tears were about to come out. So I tried to cut the conversation short by asking for another pamphlet for Cindy. Jin grabbed Sophia and they both went back inside the office. Dylan stayed and apologized for Sophia outbursts "she's doesn't like kids"
Cindy rolled her eyes "What a shocker"
I'm surprised Sophia didn't even recognize Cindy. I mean Cindy didn't even change that much. She was our best friend for some time before she started to be a bully, so I was surprised she didn't recognize either of us.
Jin was the only one that came out the room. One hand held a pamphlet and the other held a big honey bun. He handed Cindy the pamphlet, then he walked towards me. I held my breath so hard I thought I'd faint at any second. He stopped midway and stared at my little girl in my arms. Jin still had that nonchalant look as he gave Dream the honeybun. She looked at it for a few seconds before grabbing it quickly as if he was going to change his mind. As soon as she had it in her tiny little fingers, she hid her face on my boob like she usually does when she's shy.
Jin attempted to smile but stopped mid way before turning back to a frown.
Ok Kanye West
"You know, that little girl kind of looks like you. Same eyes, same skin, same facial structure" Dylan blurted out staring between Jin and Dream.
I looked over at Cindy and she had the widest eyes ever. "Uh well...
Jin crosses his arms. We could tell he was irritated "I'll see you two in a week. The location and time is all on the pamphlet. Just call the office if you have any questions"
Before I could even ask anything, he walked back to the office. "Wow, he is sooooo nice. More guys should be like him" Cindy sarcastically said before leaving. I placed Dream down and teared the plastic off the honey bun.
"So, whose the father?"
I looked up even forgetting Dylan was still in my face. He had a genuine smile plastered in his face and my first thought was that he had a crush on me. I could not look at him the same ever since he called me a whale. So I just shrugged "he's not in our kids life"
Dream started nibbling on her snack not concerned about our conversation. "Dream, slow down or you will choke" I said attempting to take the honey bun away but her little fingers grabbed it back; shoving most of it in her mouth. Alright I better get her some real food before she dies.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Dylan said scratching his shoulder awkwardly
I grabbed Dream and nodded "yeah, it's alright."
"Listen, maybe we can grab some coffee-
I stopped him there. Maybe if he wasn't my bully I'd give him a little chance. But right now, was not the time. "I'll see you at boot camp."
Then I left.
"No phones! No contact with family members, and no make up??!" Cindy said reading the rules. She was all over my bed while my daughter sat on her leg. "Oh my god! The type of training they have on this sounds brutal" she said picking Dream off her leg and on the ground. "Like for instance, we will have to train on the ground, know how to shoot and fight with other future soldiers"
I gulped. Fight? I don't want to fight anyone. What did I sign up for. There is still a Chance to quit. The boot camp was a month long and I never spent that long without Dream.
She was my world
"We have to go!"
"Hello! He clearly doesn't know who you are, so we go to the camp and find ways to get back at him! Like revenge!"
I frowned. "Or, we can just tell him about Dream."
Cindy frowned. "Yes, after you totally get revenge on him! I mean he drove you to almost kill yourself-
"How many times are you going to keep mentioning that?"
"Until it Sticks!" She then got off my bed, walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders "he didn't call you. Not even ONCE! He just disappeared without a care of the world. And now he's with...Sophia out of all people. He's trash. Dylan and Sophia too. We need to get revenge. And boot camp will get us closer to them."
She was talking as if she wanted to kill them. I was for it in the beginning but it just seemed childish. Why would I suffer in boot camp only to get revenge on him?
Cindy could tell I was skeptical. So she sighed. And stood up. "Fine fine. Let's just check it out. Because god knows he would never give you at time of day."
I nodded agreeing. I didn't plan on spending long here, so why was I packing up as if I was going to stay longer? The pamphlet said we had to pack work out clothes. So I packed all my gym attire. Dream helped me pull out a suitcase from the closet, and that's when we started packing.
Toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, sneakers,etc. we weren't suppose to bring phone but I planned to bring mine. Just in case I had to check up on Dream. Cindy and I both planned to tell Jackson that we plan on going on a girls trip. You know...anything to not have him question us. If he truly found out about our true intentions, he would literally drag me back home.
So we waited until the day we were actually leaving to tell him. Cindy and I woke up extra early and dragged our pink suitcases down the stairs. Jackson was in the kitchen preparing his protein shakes while Dream helped by handing him some of the ingredients.
He and my daughter were close. Very close to the point he wakes her up in the mornings sometimes so they can have their morning runs. Dream never complained. She loved her uncle. I just don't know why Cindy and Jackson won't have kids of their own. I mean Jackson treats Dream like his own.
His gaze shifted towards the stares and he automatically asked "where are you guys going?"
My knees got weak. He could always tell when I was lying, so Cindy talked for me. "Girls trip! It's the summer and we need time for ourselves, you are more then welcome to join" She lied cheesing so hard, I could see all her teeth.
Jackson didn't seem to notice this. He drank some of his protein shake and offered Dream some. She took a sip before shaking her head. "It's disgusting, I want smoothie" she said standing on the table. Her eyes stopped at mine and she brought her arms up; letting me know she wants her morning hug.
Honestly, I was scared to go up to her. I knew Jackson would sense my shakiness. God I hated lying. "Girls trip? Where and for how long?"
"Jackson we both know you don't care." Cindy said moving both our suitcases to the door "can you help us put this in the trunk? We will be back in a month."
I held my breath as Jackson walked closer to us with Dream. I could tell he was sensing Cindy's fib. His one blue eye was twitching a little too much. But he still had a smile on his face "oh girls trip huh? Sounds interesting. So why are you guys dressed like you are going out to fight war or something?" He said analyzing us.
Both Cindy and I had camouflage pants on with a black tank top and black army boots. I let go of the breath I was holding in and whispered "I don't know, it's a girl thing, I mean you are welcome to come. I just need time for myself. I think a month is enough, so please do me a favor and watch Dream, I know you can handle it"
Jackson didn't answer. Just stood there with a smirk on his face.
I gulped. "....well we better get going, right Cindy?" I said staring at my best friend. She was already racing out the door leaving me to battle Jackson by myself.
"So you never told me where you're really going. You said girls trip but to where?"
I tried to change the subject. "I uh..it's not far from here. It's like this spa place. You know...anyways, we are going to be late. And you really need to work on gaining some more weight, you look like you lost a few pounds" I lied trying to keep the focus off of me. As I expected he looked at his body and gave me a baffled look "alright fine. Whatever. Have fun. And by the way, I know you skipped leg day-
Oh here we go
"Look, I'll work on it later." Then I kissed Dream good bye. I could tell she was fighting back tears."I don't want you to go" she said. I smiled and ruffled her white hair "I'll be back soon, don't worry, and I'll bring you something"
She gave me a glum facial expression. I patted her hair once more and thanked Jackson one last time.
As I made sure the suitcases were all put in the back; I had to turn and witness my best friend and my brother giving each other kisses goodbye. But it wasn't a short peck, it was a full on make out session with a lot of touching. I rolled my eyes and searched for Dream. She was still at the door staring at me. I waved but she didn't wave back. I frowned "Dream I'm coming back. Alright?"
She didn't acknowledge me. She just went back inside and shut the door.
I would have normally went back for her, but I can't this time. She will understand why I'm doing this, maybe not now but later. I don't want to give her a reason to say I never tried to talk to Jin.
The camp was two hours away. It wasn't hard to find, because it was literally near the fucking woods. Once Cindy and I stepped out, I immediately felt the shock of being somewhere I was familiar with. The place looked like a concentration camp. It was disgusting. I had a feeling they tried so hard to make it look disturbing. The place was dark because the trees were literally hiding the sun. The camp had many small houses, kind of reminded me of little houses. But there was one big trailer looking house I was guessing for the soldiers. They didn't look appealing at all; the small houses had a dirty brown color. Jesus, I wonder what the insides look like if the outsides were this bad. The woods looked horrific and I was indeed scared.
There was a bunch of cars surrounding the little trailers but no one was outside. This felt like a horror movie.
I looked over at my best friend and all the color from her face drained. "Ummmmm.....yeah I quit, I'm going back home" she said already grabbing the handle of the car.
I pleaded with her. This did indeed look scary and I regretted not telling Jin about Dream when I had the chance. This was my last chance, fuck boot camp, I don't think I'd last anyways. "Cindy please I beg you. Let's just go inside and talk to him, then we can go home"
She patted her behind "Listen Quinn, my ass hurts and-
"Cindy please." I begged
I didn't want to go inside alone. We drove this far, we can't back down now.
She sighed "fine"
I smiled and grabbed ahold of her hand and led her to the bigger trailer. She almost slipped on a puddle in the process. I could tell she was already sulking. I knocked on the door of the trailer but nothing. So Cindy kicked it open with her full might, the door opened and slammed on something. My heart immediately dropped once I got a good luck of who was inside. There were like a 100 chairs surrounding a stage. One side was all female and the other was all male. I spotted Jin almost instantly. He was on stage reading out the instructions. But who was next to him made me want to vomit. I couldn't miss there faces. Not in a million years.
Nick and Zack.
The red headed brothers.
All of my bullies were in one place. What the hell?
They were all soldiers? Was this a way of god punishing me not bringing Dream with me?
They all stood next to Jin. Dylan and Sophia were on the other side of him. Everyone turned to glance at Cindy and I.
All eyes were on us.
I just stared awkwardly not knowing what to do.
"Do you still want to stay?" Cindy whispered
"Nope lets go" I said turning around
I almost slammed my body on a specimen. I stepped back just in time to see who it was. He was really tall and identically muscular to Jin. He didn't have an army suit on but he did have baggy pants with a really tight white shirt. So tight I knew what he looked like shirtless. I stared into his eyes and green eye balls met mine. They look pained. One hand was touching his cheek while his perfectly sculpted jaw line gave me a painful grin "ouch, that hurt"
His voice. Sounds so familiar.
"Matt, are you alright?" Jin said running up to the guy.
Oh my god. Cindy hit Jin's younger brother with the door on accident. Words can't describe how mortified I was. Jin's brothers were the only ones that didn't judge me. Well then again, Matt is blind. So I don't think he ever knew what I looked like.
Cindy grabbed my hand and I watched as Matt passed his brother and stared directly into my eyes. I started apologizing but he held out his hand "it's alright, I can handle a door to the face" he joked. But that red mark on his side said otherwise. He lifted his hands up and said "may I?"
"May you what?"
He started feeling on my face. His soft hands had me frozen. Is this what blind people do? Just touch peoples faces? I could see Jin was sincerely annoyed by this gesture.
"Ummm...what is he doing?" Cindy whispered
Once Matt was done he smiled and whispered "Quinn, long time no see"
I swear everyone was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. My eyes widened and I saw Cindy's jaw drop.
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