《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 11-New Quinn
"Quinn...you ready?" I heard Cindy call out.
I quickly grabbed my shoes and attempted to put them on. It was a fail because I kept hopping around in a struggle. So defeated I threw my heels to the ground and rushed to the human size mirror. I fluffed my hair and started twirling around. The last six years I truly changed. For one, I got super close to my brother. He promised me he would watch my weight for me ever since I attempted to take my life. We have been in and out of the gym for years. I watched my body simmer down from a size 10 to a size 2. I now had my moms body. I was tall, slim but still had something to hold. I watched my weight and made my appearance attractive.
There was no rolls
No stretch marks
Nothing but beauty.
I quickly fluffed my hair once more and twirled one last time. I had on a tight short dress with some tall heels. Had to admit, the dress made my legs looks longer then they really were. I looked sexy. And I was confident enough to say that.
Heads turn whenever I walked down the street. I've had many guys on my feet, but I refused to date. Not after what Jin did.
Never again.
"Here, your purse!" My five year old daughter cooed as she raced in my room with my brown Michael Korrs bag. I grabbed the purse from her fingertips and kissed her a thank you. She gave me a toothless grin.
She looked just like her father
Blue eyes, blonde hair and very pale skin. Her blue eyes were so huge, she often gets called a doll. Her hair was so blonde it almost looked white. I brought her to my high school graduation and people were shocked she was actually mine. She looked white. Not a hint of black touched her skin. She was so tiny, that no one believed she was 5.
Of course I graduated from a different high school. After Jin totally broke my heart I had to escape it. Start over somewhere else. I left my moms house to live with my dad. Cindy moved schools with me. She drove one hour and a half to another high school everyday for me. I was very blessed to have a friend like her. I thought maybe the bullying would stop at the new school...
But it didn't
Not until I started losing weight
"Can I come?" My daughter dream asked giving me another smile. She held both tiny hands behind her and started giving me those puppy dog eyes every time she wanted something. It always worked. I could never say no to her. She was the most obedient little girl ever. Such a blessing.
She was turning six in a couple months so I bit my lip before nodding.
What was I doing?
I've played this a thousand times in my head. I was finally going to confront Jin. Let him know he has a daughter. I slowly started to get knots in my stomach. I wonder what he looked like. I mean I know he heard that I tried to kill myself, but not once did he come visit me. Not once did he call. Not once did he even ask Cindy at school if I was okay.
I'd expect that though. He used me. That's why I hid Dream from him.
He never loved me. He didn't even want children. So why would he want Dream.
But as my daughter is still growing, I started to just rethink my thought. She deserves to know who her dad is, no mater how much I hate Jin.
Well do I hate him?
I sighed and picked up my daughter "come on, Cindy is waiting for us"
I walked downstairs to find my brother doing push ups in the kitchen. I rolled my eyes disgusted at the fact I allowed him to live with me. Ever since we became gym buddies, he's been on my ass about working out and eating right. I can't even enjoy a snickers bar without him lecturing me. But I guess I have to get used to it. He did marry my best friend.
Yeah shocker right.
How did that happen?
Well, I believe because she started joining us at the gym and he finally had a good look at her perfect body.
Maybe that's what sealed the deal probably. I don't know.
"Uncle Jackson!" Dream yelled out already tying to get away from my hold.
Jackson got off the floor and picked up my daughter. "Hey beautiful"
"Where were you?" I asked my brother
Jackson got huge. And I'm not talking about fat but he got very buff and very tall. He was at least 6'5. He was so big I was curious on how he and Cindy have sex. I mean, the man looks like he would crush her with one hug. I'm glad he finally shaved off that stupid fuck boy man bun off. He dropped out of college and just works as a gym trainer.
He could have did something with his life but he said he chose to be happy. And gym makes him happy.
"I always go on my morning runs. Where are you going?" He asked punching me in the shoulder.
It hurt. I almost cried. So I angrily grabbed my daughter back "Cindy and I are going to the mall" I lied.
If I mentioned Jin's name, he would go ballistic. Especially if he found out Jin moved to the same town as us. Cindy ran into him at the nearest Bojangles. He had no clue who she was. But she did do some research and found out where he lived. He was lives literally thirty minutes from me.
I felt like this was gods sign. He wanted me to see Jin and just tell him about Dream.
He deserves to know.
I held no grudges towards him
"You want to come to the mall with us?" Dream whispered at Jackson before giggling under my armpit. My heart sank and I prayed Jackson would say no. He always went out with Cindy. Always! They were attached to each other, it was crazy.
But he just shook his head. "No, I'm heading to the gym. You guys have fun" he said already pushing me out the door.
I was surprised he didn't come out to give Cindy a kiss or a hug.
They were inseparable
I placed Dream down and watched her race over to Cindy.
Cindy still looked the same. She was still short but she grew her hair out so long, it almost touched the floor. She mostly kept it in a high bun. She chose to wear bummy clothes today; sweatpants and a T-Shirt that said "I hate you"
"The hell are you wearing?" I asked her
She opened up the back door and placed Dream inside before turning her head to glance at me "What? You want me to dress decent for an asshole like Jin? No thanks. I just want to get this over with"
I frowned and watched her close the back door. She opened up the passenger door for me and motioned for me to get in. "You getting in or what?"
I crossed my arms "dude! I thought we talked about this? Why are you still upset?"
She slammed the passengers door with a loud bang scaring Dream. Her blue eyes widened as she watched us. "You're going back to Jin, the guy that drove you to almost kill your self and-
"Please stop. You act like I'm going to fall back in love with him or something"
"I mean look at you Quinn. You look sexy! What if he does want you back? I don't want you to forget all the things he did. I mean I get it he's Dreams father but still. And also, he does deserve to know, but I just don't want you to think he's going to be happy about all this. He will still be a-
"Lying asshole. I know I know"
God if I can repeat how many times she says this it would be too much. She and my brother hated Jin.
My mom is probably the only one that doesn't. She said hating someone takes too much of your energy. She already forgave him. Hell even I forgave him.
They should too.
"We already planned this Cindy" I said walking over to her placing my hand on her shoulder. "I'm just going to let him know about Dream and let's just see how it goes. It's been six years. He needs to know. Dream isn't getting any younger" I said trying to give her a smile; letting her know this wasn't hurting me.
She rolled her eyes "I can't believe you don't hate him. You have too much of a good heart Quinn. Too much."
I forced a smile and we finally got in
She placed Jin's address on her phone. She found it by just typing his name. All his personal shit was on the internet. So life threatening but we needed it right now.
As we got closer and closer to his place my heart would not stop beating. What would he think once he saw me? Would he look disgusted? Would he feel guilty? Would he fall in love with me? Would he like Dream? Would he despise her? What if he slams the door in all of our faces?
What if he doesn't want anything to do with Dream?
My heart shattered
Dream always asked me who her father was. My response would be that her father was traveling. That she would see him in a few years. Whenever she would go to school, she would come home crying on how all the other kids had dad's but her. I really didn't want her to know about Jin. I wanted to make up a lie and say he's dead
I couldn't do it
We pulled up at an apartment complex. My anxiety that I thought went away came back. I gulped hard and looked over at Dream. She was jumping up and down in her seat playing with her white strands of hair. I glanced over at Cindy and she had a smug facial expression "ready?"
I looked at my daughter one last time and nodded.
His apartment number was 106. The complex was pretty nice and clean. Their was barely any people outside, and it was quite easy to find Jin's door. I said a silent prayer. I was about to retreat and call this plan off but my eyes stopped at Dream. She was looking up at me and smiling.
Like a proud daughter.
She deserves a father. I don't want to look back and hate myself for not trying.
I sighed and knocked. I didn't even knock three times before the door opened abruptly. Cindy and I both jumped back.
It wasn't Jin.
It couldn't be Jin
This guy was very tall with dark hair and blue eyes. It took a few seconds but it finally registered that it was Jason; Jin's older brother. He didn't change one bit. Still looked the same like I last saw him. He greeted us with a smile. He was wearing some casual clothing; a big shirt with some shorts.
He greeted us with a smile. His eyes was staring at me the whole time though. I was pretty sure he might recognize me. "Let me guess, looking for Jin?"
My eyes widened and I was about to say yes but he cut me off. "The recruiters office is five minutes away. Turn left on Blue ridge street and- don't you want to write this down?"
"Wait, excuse me?" Cindy asked for me.
Jason leaned on the edge of the door way and smiled once more. "The recruiters office for the army. He's there."
"Wait..you think we are here to recruit to the army?" Cindy asked almost laughing
Jason laughed back and nodded "yeah, we get visitors like you daily asking where Jin is. I guess joining the military is popular nowadays"
What? He's in the military? What? Why would he do that?
"So you don't know who I am? You don't recognize me?" I whispered almost looking down in embarrassment.
Jason then frowned and stopped leaning on the door way. Instead he analyzed me with his eyes before shaking his head "should I?"
"I'm guessing you're not here to be recruited?"
Cindy shoved me and slowly chatted "yes! Yes we are! So where is it again?"
Jason stared at us again. I thought he would catch Cindy's fib but he reluctantly wrote down the address to the office. Dream grabbed it and thanked him politely. He nodded "cute kid. Is she yours?" He asked Cindy.
Why did I suddenly feel irritated?
Cindy almost choked on her laugh "no, we just kidnapped her"
Jason chuckled. "Well have fun you two." Then he shut the door.
Okay, I decided to hurry up and see Jin before I get nervous again. Right now I was feeling confident. Jason couldn't recognize me, so there is no way Jin would. But then again, I've only seen Jason once.
I just needed to see him
The recruiters office was in fact five minutes away. This time, I didn't wait in the car. I quickly got out and got my daughter. We went inside the cold place with confidence and I searched for Jin.
There were several doors, as I attempted to reach for one, someone from the inside opened it. I didn't recognize him. But all I know was he was very beautiful. Damn. Smoking hot. Tall, muscular especially with his army suit on. He widened his eyes as he saw me and I found myself blushing. He was wearing a hat that hid his blonde locks, but once he took it off my heart leaped. Jesus. He was hiding long locks. He looked like Jesus Christ himself. I was digging the little goatee he had. "Wow, hello" He said almost dropping his hat to shake my hand. I looked over at Cindy and she was giving this man the most hateful look.
I didn't want him to see this so I asked him for Jin
He responded with a smirk "Why?"
I froze
He quickly chuckled and guided us in. "He will be back shortly. Now what can I get you ladies?" He said walking over to a desk. He pulled out seats for us. As he was making his way to his seat Cindy whispered in my ear "that's Dylan"
My heart dropped "what?"
She nodded and gave him another death glare
Dylan? The one that was the main reason I almost killed myself? The one that had the whole school calling me a whale? That Dylan? I couldn't help but squint hard at him. God! Why was he so sexy? It would be easier to hate him if he was ugly.
Dylan looked oblivious to our facial expressions. He was now staring at Dream. She was struggling to climb on my lap. I grabbed my little girl and placed her on my lap.
He placed both hands under his chin. "She's your daughter?"
He was staring at Cindy when he asked this.
"No she's mine"
His eyes widened "really?"
"Yeah? Why the shocked look?"
He sat back and analyzed Dream "no, she's just....beautiful"
Dream smiled at his compliment and tried to hide her face in my chest. I rubbed her hair to comfort her and asked about the army. Anything to make him change the subject. Jin was coming shortly and I wanted my mind on something else.
Dylan didn't know who I was.
And that's good.
"Well first, what are your names?" Dylan asked glancing hard at me.
I gave him a fake smile "I..uh...it's a secret"
Dylan raised both his eyebrows.
Cindy almost choked with laughter. "Hey tell us about basic training" she said grabbing a random pamphlet and slamming it on his desk. Dylan didn't even flinch. For five minutes straight he talked about basic training. And well....
It's hell.
I could tell he knew what I was thinking so he gave Cindy and I both new pamphlets. I read the title
He explained to us that he and some other army soldiers run the boot camp to basically prepare anyone that want to join the army. "You guys think it through. I don't want you to sign four years of your life away to something you would hate. Basic training is no joke. And if you join the boot camp, it would give you a sense of how basic training really is."
My immediate answer was no. I didn't even want to join the army. I just want to see Jin. That's it. I'm not going to bust my ass. For what? I'm good. Fuck boot camp. And fuck him. But damn, staring at him was making me feel weird. It was only Cindy that didn't feel the impact. She looked like she was about to hop over the desk and slap him.
A knock on the door interrupted us.
When I turned around I saw him.
He also had his uniform on. God...he got taller. I think he matched Jackson's height. He wasn't as muscular as Jackson though but he was really ripped. I could tell even if he did have his suit on. He cut his hair short. Really short, that it made his blue eyes look bluer then I last saw him. His face looked more manly. His facial hair was thicker and longer. And damn his broad shoulders had my knees weak. They were so perfect.
Wait what was I doing? This guy almost killed me and here I am going crazy over his looks.
He walked over to Dylan not even acknowledging us. He silently gave him some papers and talked to him about some new recruits. I heard Cindy curse under her breath.
Dream started tugging on my arm "mommy I'm hungry, mommy I'm hungry" she repeated multiple times before Jin finally stopped talking to his friend to stare at all three of us.
His eyes locked on mine.
The way he was looking at me made me feel uneasy.
He looked like he was angry and was about to take his anger out on me. I cleared my throat and stood up "Hey...I uh..."
He interrupted me "children aren't allowed in my office"
I frowned "What?"
He frowned and stared at my daughter "kids aren't allowed here. It's my office. I don't allow children in my office."
Dylan tried to apologize for Jin's rudeness. Cindy quickly got up and grabbed Dream "I'm going to take her outside" then she headed for the door "before I whoop his ass" she said under her breath loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.
I glanced back at Jin and he was giving me the most hateful look. What the hell? What did I do? Does he even know who I am?
Dylan started speaking and letting Jin know that Cindy and I wanted to join boot camp. Jin almost laughed. He looked me up and down, making sure to rest his eyes on my exposed chest. "I don't think you would survive boot camp. Listen not to sound rude but I'm sure their are other job that would fit your......
"My what?" I asked already gritting my teeth.
he shrugged "alright. I'll see you at boot camp in a few days then" he said grabbing the pamphlet from the desk and handed it to me. I snatched it from his fingertips forgetting why I was even there.
Wow the nice Jin from high school sure turned out to be an ASSHOLE!
"Oh my god!"
We heard a scream
All three of us ran out.
We found a lady still screaming for dear life. An empty coffee cup was on the floor. I looked closer at her and realized spilled coffee was smeared all over her pants. Dream was right beside her hiding giggles. Cindy didn't though. She was laughing her ass off. "Mommy it was an accident" Dream uttered out
"No it wasn't!" The lady screamed back before running to Jin. I stepped aside and watched her place her arms around his neck.
The lady was beautiful. Her hair was clearly dyed silver. I could tell she was in the army as well just because of how muscular her arms looked. "Sophia you're okay. It's just coffee not a snake" Jin said; voice now soothing.
Sophia? Jackson's Sophia?
Wait...are they...dating?
My question was answered once she pecked him on the lips.
Wow. So my enemy is dating my other enemy who is the father of my child?
Words can't describe how I'm feeling right now.
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