《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 14-Sophia meets Jackson
"Why are you staring at her like that?" Cindy asked voice calm and scary.
Jackson didn't turn until Sophia left. She was oblivious to the fact Jackson and Dream were now here. I already know getting rid of them would be tricky. If Jackson sees Jin, then it's over. A fight will break out or worse, someone can get seriously injured. Jackson always warned me if he ever saw Jin again, then he would kill him with his own hands.
"She just looks different...." Jackson said now turning his attention back on us.
Cindy looked annoyed. "Whatever, didn't think she would have you blushing"
Jackson instantly frowned and placed both hands up "are you serious? Are you really trying to direct this on me? You guys are the ones that lied to me"
I tried hard not to give him any eye contact. So I focused on Dreams hair. I was kind of impressed that Jackson gave her a perfect combed Afro with a little black bow on top. She gave me a dimple filled smile and started showing me her little red boots.
"Alright fine, Quinn and I decided to join bootcamp" Cindy finally said still looking angry.
"Why not?"
Jackson was annoyed at this point. He glanced at me and ordered me to spill everything. First I had to ask him how he found out, he proceeded to pull out one of the pamphlets from his back pocket. "Here, you guys left these on the kitchen counter" he hissed "I mean if you were going to lie at least do a good job at it"
I felt so embarrassed I started laughing. Yeah I was an incredible bad liar but damn, this was just mortifying . I had no choice but just tell him everything. I let him know about Jin first and that I really needed to tell him about Dream and the only way that would be possible was joining this camp for a little while. If I never joined this camp I don't think he would ever give me a time of day. I expected Jackson to get so disgustingly upset that he probably maybe would have grabbed both Cindy and I and drove us back home.
He hated Jin that much
But he just frowned and let out a long sigh. "So you came to finally tell him about Dream. That's mature of you, but this is kind of a stupid way. You could have just called him or-
"Trust me, he's hard headed. He's quite different now, attitude wise" Cindy stated "and besides, he doesn't even recognize us"
"I mean, you two totally look different" he said jokingly.
I frowned. I didn't look that different. I mean yeah I lost over 50 pounds. But I was still the Same Quinn. I still had my face, my eyes, my lips. Things were just not making sense.
"So do you promise to behave? I mean, I really don't want you to start fighting with Jin and his friends" Cindy added. My brother rolled his eyes "so they're soldiers? Okay cool. I want to join, how do I join?"
I felt like he was doing this just to make everyone upset. Jackson didn't need to be in this camp. After high school he decided he wanted to join the marines. He went through basic training and everything. He actually destroyed basic training and after all that, he decided he didn't want to do it anymore. After two years of enlistment he didn't want to go anymore. He just wanted to get married and settle down with Cindy. He could have done so much, but chose not to.
"Jackson, you know you will dominate this place. Besides, whose going to watch Dream?" I asked tickling my little girl "I'll watch myself. I'll behave I promise" she begged hugging me tightly. I couldn't leave her here. Jin hated kids, there is no way he would allow Dream here. "Please mommy, I will be good. Please? Please? Please?" She whined.
"Yeah I'm sure Jin would allow her to stay. I mean if he saw me there is no doubt he would" Jackson joked elbowing his wife. But Cindy still gave him a hard glare "I don't like how you were staring at Sophia.
He frowned. "Listen if I wanted Sophia I would have married her. But I married you. So stop"
Cindy crossed her arms. My brother placed his arm around her and pecked her on the forehead. "So let me go see Jin." He finally said releasing his wife. "I just want to talk, that's all"
I started to panic "okay remember, my name is Queen and Cindy is Princess"
"She named herself Princess? Really?"
I rolled my eyes agreeing with the stupidity. She didn't have a reason to lie about her name. There was a bunch of Cindy's in the world.
"Hey just stick with it." Cindy acknowledged before giggling
Jackson sighed "I don't know what I just got myself into it. But I promise to back off, Dream deserves to know who her asshole of a father is"
Dreams eyes widened "he's here? My asshole father is here?"
I squinted hard at Jackson for teaching my daughter such language. Now she's going to be saying the word "asshole" now. I wanted to teach my child how to respect others, but how is she going to do that if she's just cursing all the time.
"I want to see him!" She said squirming out my arms. Once she got on the ground I held her hand and warned her to not run off without me. "I'll take you back home if you misbehave, do you hear me?"
She lowered her eyes and nodded "I'm sorry"
I smiled "alright, well I guess let's get going before we get yelled at again"
"I'll be damned if anyone yells at me" Jackson stated as he walked in front of us. "Fake it until you make it" I said. I realized Cindy was too quiet, so I poked her in the ribs and she responded by poking me back. "What's wrong?" I mouthed
"I don't like how he was staring at Sophia" she mouthed back. "I'm sure it was nothing. He's not into chicks like her"
She shrugged "he used to like chicks like her"
Everyone was in the cafeteria. It wasn't hard to find because the young trainees were piling in there. My heart started racing instantly fast. What the hell? What was I so scared of? Jackson promise to behave so I shouldn't worry right?
The cafeteria was huge, they had cooks and I had a good smell of spaghetti and meatballs. I could hear Dreams belly growl. She was staring at the place wide eyed. It was very clean surprising. Everyone looked nice. Some men stopped to admire my daughter. She loved the attention.
The only negative thing I had to say was that the place looked segregated. One half of the cafeteria was all male and the other half all female. There were a bigger table for only the soldiers. Sophia was sitting on Jin's lap. Everyone could see her grinding on him. I was in fact disgusted. I set Dream down and turned to my brother. "Okay so what's the plan?"
"We go over there and talk to him, and I swear to god I will not embarrass you."
"Cross my heart" he said crossing his chest with his finger.
"So are you sure you're over her?" Cindy said coming in between us. Jackson groaned "Cindy...if you don't want me here just tell me. I don't mind leaving-
She sighed "I'm sorry. I'm just letting my insecurities get the best of me. I mean the girl is gorgeous"
"And she's also dating Jin, don't forget that" I stated
Jackson looked horrified "are you serious? Why am I not surprised by this" he said. We all turned to face the bigger table. And that's when I felt a hard strike in my belly. It felt like I just got hit by lightning. Dream managed to escape our group and run to Jin's table. Her little boots almost slipped on the slippery floor. The soldiers didn't see her. It was not until Sophia got off of Jin that she saw the little girl. She screamed as if Dream was a rodent; she fell on her ass and her tray of food splattered all over her. Cindy let out a roaring laughter and soon everyone in the cafeteria joined. Jin got up after witnessing my daughter. Dream waved a shy hello before grabbing the honey bun that was on Sophia's lap.
Satisfied she ran back to me holding the honey bun up high like a reward. Sophia's jaw dropped so low I was surprised it didn't fall off.
Cindy couldn't even speak, she was on the floor in tears. "Your daughter is a straight savage" she giggled
Once Dream reached me I lifted her up. I was about to scold her but she handed me the honey bun "it's for you"
"We can share" she said trying to cut it in half but her little fingers couldn't tear it off. My heart melted and I helped her tear it off. I didn't even notice Jin and Dylan standing right in front of me. The cafeteria was still roaring with laughter that I didn't even know what Jin was saying.
"What?!" I said
He placed his hand up to quiet the people. Then once everyone was quiet he turned to me "do you think you can explain why you have your daughter here?"
We both stared at Dream and she just chewed on to her little piece of honey bun, with no care in the world. She even offered Jin a piece. He stared at it for a very long time before staring at Jackson. "And you are?"
Jackson got his wife off the floor and walked over to Jin. "What? don't tell me you forgot about me already?"
"Enlighten me" Jin said crossing his arms
"I'm the guy that beat you up for hurting my sister." He finished with a chuckle and turned to Dylan "you too, remember? I blackened your eye, punched your nose, all that good stuff" he said
Dylan was the only one that looked uncomfortable. He tried to break the awkward silence by politely giving Jackson a handshake but my brother gave his hand a disgusted look before turning back to Jin. "I'm sure you remember my sister Quinn, do you want to see a picture?"
Okay he was not making things better.
"Jackson...stop" I whispered
But my brother's face turned serious as he got closer to Jin.
Jin didn't even flinch. He kept a steady glare on Jackson. Neither of them blinked. I backed away just in case a sudden fight broke out.
"Jackson? Is that you?" Sophia blurted out joining the group. Her smile widened when she confirmed it was indeed him. She went in for a hug but Cindy got in between them. "Please don't touch my husband" she warned.
Sophia stepped back and looked over at my brother "you're married?"
Jackson raised his eyebrow before slowly nodding "Yeah"
His ex girlfriend crossed her arms in shock "you told me you never wanted to get married. What changed your mind?"
He didn't even hesitate when he said "my sister"
"What?" Sophia and Cindy responded
He stayed quiet for the longest that even I was curious. What did he mean he married Cindy cause of me? That didn't make sense. I never told him to marry her.
"Mommy I'm hungry" Dream whined; finishing off her final piece of honey bun.
"So wait, why are you here Jackson? To join your wife?" Sophia questioned looking Cindy up and down.
"No, he came to find my asshole daddy" Dream blurted out. I started choking on my spit. She just nodded at the group "my dad is here"
Everyone was quiet. I had to place my hand on Dreams mouth to shut her up. My coughing got out of control that it made Jackson slam his hand on my back a little too hard. I tried so hard not to show the amount of pain I was in "kids, they say the silliest things" I finally let out.
Dream shook her head and placed my hand down "but he said my dad was here." Then she stared at Jin "is he my dad?"
"Okay! She's hungry, let me get her something to eat" Cindy said grabbing Dream from me and leaving us behind. If there was a cave nearby, I would hide in it. This was just too mortifying. Jackson tried to change the subject by asking to join the camp. But Sophia was more focused on his marriage. "How did you meet her Jackson?"
"Why does it matter Sophia? He came here for camp" Dylan said coming in Jackson defense. My brother sneered at him "I didn't ask for your help"
Dylan turned bright red and elbowed Jin for some help. He was in his own zone. "Yeah, you can join, but since you came late, you have to be punished. And as for the kid-
"The kid has a name. And she stays" Jackson sternly said. Everyone got quiet "I'm sure you owe it to me after what you did."
Jin got quiet. And Jackson took that as an opportunity to get back in his face. He whispered something I couldn't comprehend. Whatever he said made Jin turn and say "if she misbehaves one last time, I'll be kicking all of you guys out this camp."
"What? You're going to allow her to keep her daughter here? It violates the rules, besides where is she going to stay?" Sophia gasped
Jin frowned "with her mom" he glanced back at me "you're her mother and so you are responsible on what happens to her. Alright?"
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I was still extremely angry he made me cry.
He then gave Jackson one final look and everyone left. Except for Sophia that is. "Do you have a minute?" She asked
"Well since you're joining the camp, I'll show you around"
Jackson smiled and for a second I thought he would give in "of course! Let me get my wife and you could show us both around"
Sophia was stunned by this and without another word Jackson left. "Who is he to you?" She said turning to face me. I did not like her tone. So without thinking I just said "oh, my gym trainer."
Then left before she could ask more questions. I spotted Matt talking to Cindy and Jackson. He had Dream in his arms. He held her as if she was a football. When I got closer to them, I guess he sensed this so he started waving. I waved back and cursed myself for my stupidity.
He's blind. But here I was waving at him like he wasn't.
Matt walked over to me and grabbed my arm "let's go for a walk"
I hesitated. Jackson and Cindy were too busy talking to notice this. I looked over to find Jin locking eyes with me. It was like he was waiting for my next move. I frowned and shrugged "yeah sure"
Matt smiled and walked me out.
He let Dream go and she ran into my arms. Her whole mouth was covered in chocolate cake. I wiped her it with my black shirt.
"I could tell she's cute just by feeling on her face" Matt chuckled.
"Do you normally just touch peoples faces"
"Yeah, is it weird?"
I found myself laughing. I guess he got so used to it he thought it was just normal.
"Can I ask you a question?" he suddenly asked turning to face me.
I stopped dead in my tracks. Anxiety already returning. Oh no. I can't imagine what he's going to ask. So I held my breath waiting. But Matt just stood there staring at me. I kind of was skeptical that he was even blind. I brought my hand up to his face to see if he would blink.
He didn't.
He just grabbed my hand and held it "if I can count how many times people tried to do that with me"
Embarrassed I apologized
"It's okay"
"So the question?"
"Oh right. Why did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Fake your death"
Speechless I whispered "fake my death? I didn't fake my death. I'm right here"
He now frowned confused "years ago your brother told everyone at the high school that you killed your self"
"Yeah, So all these years Jin and I thought you didn't exist anymore"
Everything started to make sense now
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