《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 15-Snake
It all make sense. No wonder they never thought I was even myself. Everyone thought I was DEAD! I mean I attempted to kill myself but Jackson and my mom saved me. Why would he tell Jin and everyone else that I was gone? Why would he do something so fucking stupid! No wonder he told me to stay away from Jin after all these years! He tried so hard to keep us apart. It explains why he didn't call or check up on me.
I should be upset but I slightly felt happy. He wasn't as heartless after all. But then again, he did go on with that stupid dare.
It doesn't matter. I was tired of waiting! I wanted to tell him everything. This was my moment.
I'll curse out Jackson later.
"You okay?" Matt said feeling my face once more. This time I allowed him to. His finger stroked my nose before going down and resting on my lips. He just kept it there for the longest. He looked so much like Jin with only minor differences. "So I'm guessing it was all lies, your brother made it up?"
"Why would he do something like that?"
I shrugged and I know he felt my movement. "You know, It broke Jin down"
I felt my heart, I didn't want to hear how bad Jin felt. He dated me all because of a dare. He lost his virginity to me all for a dare. He played with my feelings all for a dare. I would always be haunted over that. Always.
"You didn't deserve all that Quinn. Just go talk to him. I'm sure he would be more then ecstatic to know you are not dead" he chuckled; finger still on my lips. I stepped back and he reacted by stepping closer. He shifted his gaze to my lips and I had to ask him "are you really blind?"
He grinned showing me his perfect white smile. "Sadly. Unless you want to donate your eyes to me"
I giggled and got closer; watching his eyes follow my every movement. How was he able to tell where I was going? How was he able to look directly into my eyes?
"Do you know what you look like?"
Matt shrugged "I have a pretty good idea. What do you think?"
Um you're hot duh.
"You look good" I said smiling even wider remembering he can't see my facial expression. And just like that, he touched my face again. "You're smiling, do I look that good?"
This is so wrong. I'm flirting with Matt. But he was making it so easy. He was the type of guy to goof with you without any judgment. He made it so easy to communicate with him. I loved being around him. He was genuinely nice.
I suddenly got a horrible feeling. I started looking around for Dream. It was too quiet. I spotted her a little far from us. She was facing a really big tree; standing frozen like a statue. I couldn't see her face but she never stands that still. Never. "Come on, lets go see what's up with Dream" I said grabbing onto Matt's hand.
He had a firm grip on it. I looked at his face and he had a worried look "Do you hear that?" He gasped
"What?" I said standing still listening.
A little hiss that was hard to hear erupted.
That's when Matt let loose and ran to the direction of Dream. I was not far from him. When we got close I stopped Matt from getting closer. A really long venomous snake was challenging Dream.
The snake was really long. It had its whole body standing up; sticking out its tongue at my daughter. Dream just stared wide eyed at it; shaking with so much fear.
This wasn't good. My daughter is allergic to snakes. She gets really bad rashes from it. One time it got so bad because she accidentally touched a snake when she was two and her whole face swelled up. That snake could end her life right there. My motherly instincts kicked in and I attempted to wrestle that darn snake but Matt stopped me. "I got it, don't move"
Before I could even do anything, he walked slowly up to Dream. She saw this and fell to her knees; and just like that the snake got closer. Dream started whimpering and calling out for me. I grabbed a rock and was about to go for action but what stopped me was Jin.
My heart leaped once I spotted him come up behind the snake. Matt could tell someone else was there so he backed away. Dream started backing away from the snake and that's when the little fucker pounced on my kid. Jin leaped at it and fell on it. He quickly got up and stomped the snakes head in. Dream screamed, but not because she just witnessed Jin brutally murder a snake, but because there was another one slithering its way to her. Jin got in front of her as that other snake striked. Jin had its neck and broke it with his thumb in a matter of seconds. The sound was horrific.
"Shit" Matt said
I ran and grabbed Dream only to realize Jin's hand was breaking out. "He's deadly allergic to snakes" Matt yelled out running to his fallen brother. My eyes widened "does he have an epipen??" I asked.
Jin roamed through his pockets and pulled one out. With one swift move he slammed it on his thick left thigh. I covered Dreams eyes but she removed my hands; shocked.
Matt went to his side and started asking questions "did it bite you?"
When Jin didn't answer. He asked again. "Did it BITE YOU?!"
"No, it's okay, I'm okay" Jin said standing back up. He walked over to Dream and checked for any bruises on her little arms and legs "is she alright?"
I couldn't help but just start tearing up. "Thank you, thank you so much" I said questioning the type of mother I am. I should have never had her out of my sight. I should have never made her stay in this camp. She could have died.
Surprisingly Jin grabbed my head and placed it on his chest. "She's allergic to snake as well" I muttered still sniffing.
He let me go and gave me a stunned look. "Really? It's rare for a human to be allergic to snakes, are you sure?"
I nodded wiping back my tears. It almost killed her the first time". Dream clung to my neck still shaking with fear. I tried to settle her down with a back rub but she got worse. Her whole face turned red and I knew she was about to cry.
Jin walked back to the snakes that he killed and asked Matt to pick them up.
He did.
I jumped back when the two men got close to us again. "What's your daughters name again?"
"Dream" I said
"Dream, look, I killed them. They won't bother you ever again. If another one comes along just call me. I'll kill them again. Alright?"
Dreams red face turned back to normal. She let out a small smile and said "thank you. You saved my life" she said brought her hands up for Jin to pick her up. He hesitated at first. He told his brother to go back to the camp. He then wiped his hands and grabbed our daughter. She excitedly clung to his neck.
Ok Quinn. Now it's your chance to just tell him. Tell him who you are and why you're here. He just saved his own daughter without even realizing it. They were both deadly allergic to snakes. And he just risked his life to save the daughter he doesn't even know about. Now it's your chance.
He slowly threw my daughter up and caught her. She screamed for more. He did it over and over again. I kept kicking myself for not just telling him. "Jin, I have to tell you something" I found myself saying.
He stopped throwing Dream and glanced at me. "I'm listening"
"So about Dreams father-
We all looked to see Sophia run towards us. She stopped halfway when she spotted Dream
And I. Her face suddenly turned dark "I think you owe me 50 push ups" she said directing it straight to me
"Yes at the beginning of lecture I let everyone know not to come across this trail. It has many snakes and-
"She didn't know Sophia, besides, my brother led her here, he probably had the trails confused" Jin said handing me back Dream. The little girl started whimpering. I told her to stop. This was not the time to start crying.
Sophia looked disappointed that she didn't get me to do the push ups. I can't imagine what she's going to have me do tomorrow. She seemed spiteful and just jealous.
She walked over to Jin and grabbed his face. She slid her tongue deep in his throat right in front of Dream and I. Infuriated I was about to throw one of my shoes at her. But Dream beat me to it. She grabbed one of her boots and threw it at Sophia's head. It was a perfect hit.
Sophia turned around looking appalled. "Did you see that Jin?! Did you!" She yelled
Jin looked like he was hiding a smile but he soon got serious. "She's a child Sophia, I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm" he said giving Dream back her boot
"It was NOT an accident" Dream teased wiggling her toes at Sophia. I started giggling once I witnessed my ex best friend get more upset. "Kids do the silliest thing"
Sophia gritted her teeth "get ready for tomorrow. It's going to be hell"
"I'm already in hell" I said rolling my eyes. She can't break me. Maybe when I was fat but not now. I could easily break her down if I wanted. She was all bark but if someone barks back at her she will easily crumble. She couldn't last if she was in my shoes back in the day. I had more important things to worry about.
I needed to see Jackson.
I found him in Me and Cindy's room. She was unpacking while Jackson was staring at Roxy. She was chilling eating popcorn uncomfortably. I knew she knew Jackson was staring at her. Once he spotted me, he pointed at her and mouthed "she reminds me of you" I rolled my eyes and set Dream down.
Without even caring if Roxy was there I pointed my finger at my brother "why the hell did you tell everyone I was dead!"
All eyes were now on me. But I didn't care. Jackson didn't say anything so I marched up to him and repeated it "why did you tell Jin I was dead? Why would you do such a thing?" I said demanding answers. He didn't look guilty like I expected. The only thing that came out his mouth was "how did you find out?"
"Damn Jackson, really? No wonder no one thought you were you." Cindy said joining Jackson on the bed.
Dream already made herself busy by watching Roxy eat. She seemed very entertained.
As for Roxy, her eyes were glued to us.
I didn't care
I went back to yelling "hello! Are you going to tell me why you would be that stupid enough to tell him those lies-
"Listen, he drove you to kill your self alright-
"Attempted Jackson! I attempted!"
He frowned and his face illustrated a look of misery. "Well, you seemed dead alright. You were never the same."
My anger went away and I straightened up
"Quinn...they bullied you until you didn't even want to live anymore. I saw those cuts Quinn, I just wanted them to feel the guilt, the pain, the agony, and guess what? They didn't! They just went back to doing what they usually do. No remorse, no nothing! So yeah, now you understand why I hate them so much."
"But Jackson-
"Quinn....you cried everyday. You became anorexic afterwards, you tried to kill yourself AGAIN Quinn. Mom had to lock you up in that stupid hospital. And Jin and his so called friends went back to picking on other people. If they really gave a fuck, then they would have at least stopped being fucking bullies." Jackson then stood up "so no, I don't feel bad at all for telling them you passed away. They don't care about you, I just wish you never slept with him. The only thing that came out of that was, Dream. I wish he would just die"
"Jackson don't say that" Cindy said
Jackson crunched up his mouth and shook his head. "He's a bully. That's all he's going to be. He hurt my little sister, so no, I don't feel bad."
We heard whimpering. Thinking it was my daughter I turned. It wasn't Dream, it was Roxy. She was weeping silently while eating her popcorn. When she realized the attention was on her, she stopped eating and whispered "I'm sorry"
Jackson didn't even ask why she was sorry. If he knew Roxy was the one that told me to kill myself I think he would yell in her face as well. But he just stormed out and slammed the door behind him scaring Dream.
She started crying. Like loud crying. I ignored Rocky's sad excuse of a sorry and grabbed my daughter. "I'll be right back" I said to Cindy.
Once I shut the door behind me, Dream started wailing. "Stop crying, you're too old for that"
She only cried higher!
I wanted to look for Jackson. Let him know I wasn't mad.
I wasn't mad at anyone. The only person I had to be mad with was myself. It was my fault I allowed myself to be picked on. It was my fault I didn't do anything but just give up. I scared my whole family. I would literally die if I lost Dream so I can't imagine how my mom felt.
I'm such a disappointment.
I couldn't help but join Dream and start crying as well. I didn't care who saw but I fell on the grass and just started crying. Our cries were so loud we couldn't even hear Jin speak up.
My vision was blurry but I knew it was him. His voice was really deep and raspy. He grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up. "What is the matter?" He asked.
It was a genuine concerned way. Thank god Sophia wasn't there.
I couldn't even speak without stuttering. So he grabbed Dream from me and she instantly stopped crying. He then took my hand and led me to god knows where.
I felt like we were walking for about two minutes. He took Dream and I to a waterfall. It was getting dark and the water was glistening in the moonlight. It looked magical. What caught my attention was a huge cave near the water fall. The only thing covering the cave was the water falling from the tall rocks. Wonder what it would be like to just swim there.
Oh wait, I can't swim.
Jin sat down and placed Dream in his lap. She couldn't sit still. She left us and went to play with the water. I wiped my eyes and warned her not to go inside.
"You're child is beautiful, really stunning" he grinned.
A grin I haven't seen in years.
I nodded trying hard not to look him in the eyes. His face would make anyone faint. He's acting nice to me and it had my whole body filled with butterflies. "Why were you crying?" He asked interrupting my thoughts. I sniffed and wiped my nose. I caught his eyes and we just stared at each other for what seemed like forever. My eyes finally shifted and I stared at his pendant that was wrapped around his neck. I looked closer and realized...
My face was on that pendant.
Well...my teenage face.
I went to touch it but he grabbed my hand; halting me. "I uh...well..I wanted to touch the-
"What is that?" He asked
I stopped speaking to see what he was staring at. My heart dropped when my scars were visible. They were all over my naked wrists.
I panicked. And yanked my hand free "I better get going"
He followed me up "hmm yeah. Now tell me, is there more?"
"More?" My heart racing thinking about my legs.
He crossed his arms and nodded. "If you're physically hurting yourself, there is no way that-
"I'm not! I'm not"
"Oh really?"
"So you don't mind me evaluating your body, or maybe Sophia can-
"I don't have time for this!" I said going over to get Dream.
"Quinn...I know there's more" he said following me. I froze and swiftly turned around and faced him.
"What? What did you call me?"
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Zhanyi ❤💚 Fanfiction 💛 ( Myanmar 🇲🇲 ) This story is my 1st story.📌So, you can criticize on this writing.✌🏻Although it is a *Zhanyi Fanfiction*, everything, including the characters in this story, is my own idea. 🤍✨Ep - 1 to 37 Final + Extra 💘Started Date - Nov 28,2020 SAT ✍🏻💛Final _ July 13,2021 TUE ✍🏻🖤Kroyalwhite💌💞🤍𝑲𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞🖤✨
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