In Serial

Throughout the Ages

8 109 29
Author: Type:Male

A new virtual reality game has just been released, different to any that have come before it. Throughout the Ages sees the players guiding a small community from the the stone age onwards, acting as benevolent gods that inspire and bless their charges. The peoples of Lorinas are not mere abstractions, though, but complex AI with their own thoughts and motives, living in a rich and dangerous fantasy world!

Follow the tale of John, the uninteresting author self-insert character, and his sexy AI handmaiden Jade, as they pursue success in a game where their decisions can mean life or death!

This story is supposed to be a dungeon lord like story in a VR multiplayer setting, I hope people who read it enjoy it.

Partially ghostwritten by the incredibly handsome and clever Sniggyfigbat, and edited by the occasionally competent Dosahder.
(Warning: this synopsis might not be entirely objective)

(Upload schedule is highly irregular due to having to match three different plannings)

more tags might be added in the future.
Also it is my first story so please point out spelling and grammar mistakes.

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