《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone, Patch 1.1.2


Throughout the Ages; Age of Stone; Patch 1.1.2


Finished final touches on the sixth playable species! The Yeti. The Yeti are a mountain dwelling race. They have heavy fur and the physical strength necessary to survive the harsh climate. Yeti packs are led by a dominant, bestial female. Possessing immense physical strength, but slow of wit (although her cunning is not to be underestimated), the female rules and guards her collection of weaker, more intellectual males. Who maintain the tribe and tend her eggs for her. Yeti females don’t get along however, and a new ones birth can lead to sections of the tribe splitting off and moving to new territories on the mountain. Both these groups are controlled by the player, but getting them to cooperate on anything will prove a challenge. Added an in-game store where players can purchase cosmetic changes for their tribes with gems. These cosmetics are only visible to the controlling player.


Due to common complaints and a way larger playerbase at release than anticipated we have decided to increase the in game time increment from 1 year for every week in real time to 3 years.

This change should allow both the players to develop quicker and developers to more quickly identify bugs and possible exploits. Due to complaints from various conservative groups, wolfkin no longer greet or communicate through sniffing each others behinds.

Bug Fixes:

The chance for elves to give birth to twins has been reduced from 15% to 1,5%, no repercussions will be taken against any player affected by this bug. Fixed elven twins being born as one individual with two heads. Removed growth of dead trees. Minor performance improvements. Major performance improvements. More minor performance improvements. Fixed colour blind mode displaying colours. Renamed the “Dos is an asshole and I quit” species to Berahan. Bok-tar larvae no longer come above ground for air, instead digging small air vents while in their juvenile form. (in other words, no more land sharks) Split off the strain of flying Bok-tar beetles from the main species, now known as royal Bok-tar beetles, only occurs in the northern western desert area of the continent. Stopped krakens from migrating up stream and hunting in shallow coastal waters, any tribe who got attack by one of these creature will get a compensation, these will appear close by the areas of the original disaster. Fixed an exploit which involved Kagonn beetles and Fytali trees, all players who used this exploit will be struck with a major curse of bad luck for the next 6 in-game months (around 1 real-time day) Fixed Deliran (giant spider) reproduction rate, Deliran will now reproduce once every 60 days as intended, instead of once every 60 seconds. Have reverted utter desolation of North-Western quarter of the continent, as resulting from the previous bug. Fixed clubs being more aerodynamic than they were supposed to be. Kundrika aggressiveness has been tweaked and the will now prefer fleeing over engaging, exceptions can still occur. Updated most of the interface. Many of the buttons have been moved to more ‘convenient’ locations. Finally managed to make the second moon remain in a stable orbit. Fixed upside down clouds. Snow continent removed: too confusing for new players. Updated localization files. Fixed UI scaling.



We are still working on stability for some of the more niche dive-pod brands but we are making progress. Implemented some of the basics for some of the more advanced systems, we were planning on finishing these later but already the minimum requirement were met by the community thus we are forced to quickly implement the first few phases of the system. The update will have to access the main database and thus the servers won’t be online for the next few hours, we apologize for the inconvenience.

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