《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone: chapter 16


( Jormund POV )

This bloody goblin. “Go keep an eye on the goblin”, Forgu said, “It’ll keep you out of trouble”. Bastard.

That said, under the circumstances he’s probably got a point. He took the shift in supposed leadership well, and told me it was quick thinking. Even so, understandably he’s a little peeved at the whole situation. Clearly it’s harder for me to say anything undiplomatic to the wolfkin while I’m chasing an escapee through the woods.

Still, I think I’ve got a system worked out now. The first day, I decided to keep watch in the small camp we had outside of the cave, at which point the goblin promptly started finding ways to disappear every time I turned my head. Now, I just drag him around the wolfkin village with a length of rope. I still can’t leave the village for fear of him escaping, but at least I’m now free to explore. The constant sight of the wolfkin seems to curb the goblin’s enthusiasm to get away from me.

I’ve explored the cave pretty thoroughly now - it’s huge! Today’s the fifth day we’ve been here, and I only just found a new passage to where the wolfkin craft weapons.

Seeing the way they bind together their clubs has given me a bunch of ideas. By and large the wolfkin haven’t been that interested in talking to us, but my ‘battleaxe’ idea drew some interest from the crafters. Three of them were unconvinced, but one of them agreed the idea had some merit, a grizzled silver-backed elder.

After introducing himself as Garuu, he takes me aside for a chat, being particularly interested in comparing human and wolfkin physicalities. Eventually, the conversation turns back to axes.

"So, how heavy are you trying to make this ‘battleaxe’? I must admit, I’m tempted to try putting one together!"

"That would be great! To be honest, Garuu, I’m not exactly the greatest knapper you’ve ever met. At this point I’m not sure if it’s the concept that’s flawed or just my execution. I’ve been trying to fashion an axehead that’s twice, maybe thrice as big as this one? I don’t really know exactly the right weight, but the axe I use currently is too light, and the shaft binding’s just not strong enough."

I reach for the simple axe that hangs from my belt and hand it over to Garuu.

"Hmm… a simple design, useful for cutting wood. But, as you said, it’s a little small. And you want to modify it for combat. Hmm."

Well, it’s certainly a challenge. We would need a better handle, and a high quality flint for the head. Or maybe… No. We don’t have any of those laying around, but what about… No, that couldn’t...

He trails off into muttering, and slowly moves towards the rock shelf where the crafters keep their tools and materials. I follow and watch for a while, dragging the silent goblin with me, as Garuu turns my small axe over and over in his hands. Eventually, I interrupt him.

"Ah… is there anything I can help with?"

He looks up, seemingly astonished.

"Yes, of course! In the pack, there’s always something to do! Let’s see, let’s see… First, I think we need to know how strong you are, to judge the bindings accordingly. Come, I’d like to see you spar with some of the older pups."

He turns, and beckons me to follow. The goblin whimpers, and then hurries after me before the rope snaps taut.

(Kali POV [it’s the goblin])

What is wrong with these humans?! First, they’re treating the wolfkin like allies! Do they not know the beasties are dangerous and murderous and other bad things?! Idiots! And, if that weren’t enough, the big boss human agreed to some silly mock fight with some of the wolfkins pups! I thought he’d be ripped to shreds, with the scary old crafter watching and laughing! As it was, he got off with only bruises and a nasty scrape, but it was still foolish! Only silly hunter goblins would be so bold and ambitious!


Still, it was interesting to watch, and at least he untied me for a bit! I didn’t dare run, not with that old silverback watching me like I’m lunch, but it was nice to stretch my legs, oh wasn’t it just! At first, he lost most of the fights, those three pups teamed up and overwhelmed him many times. Nasty things, wolfkin pups, small and fast and slippery as lightning in spiderweb! After a while, though, the human got used to the pups’ reach and speed, and he started to win some bouts. Interesting… The human learns, fast. I daren’t make too many failed attempts to escape. Better to save for a big one.

Now, it’s back to the cave. It’s nothing like the hollow; there’s smoke and dimness, yes, but it all smells wrong. Smells of danger. Still, here at the back with the hides and tools isn’t so bad, and the crafters know their trades. Not as well as us goblinses, but well nonetheless! Ah, the old wolf is explaining his choices of materials.

"So... For the handle, I’ll use a large leg bone from a Hondruc. The shape is a bit unusual, but it’s the best material that we have lying around. The head, well, I’ll search for some good candidates tomorrow, and we’ll bind it with Kagonn sinews."

The boy just sits there and nods, clearly he doesn’t understand any of this! I know I should just stay still, stay silent, but it’s infuriating!

No, I can’t just sit in the corner. I sidle closer, to take look a better look at the... stuff that the wolfkin is gathering. His choice of materials is just wrong! I mean, they could be worse - the Hondruc bone might work if he shapes it with water and heat - but the flint is just plain weird! He has way better ingredients then that!

"No, no, no! No! This is all wrong!"

Ah. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Now they’re both staring at me. Oh dear, the wolfkin doesn’t seem pleased.

"Oh, really? Is that so... burrower? If this is “all wrong”, then how would you do it, hmm?"

Um. Ho hum. Shit. I suppose I’d better answer as best I can before he… eats me?

"Ah… What do I have to work with?"

The wolfkin seems amused. Perhaps I shan’t be eaten immediately! Perhaps Kali shall live another day! Still, let’s not get ambitious, hmm. End up like the hunters, all cut down and poked full of holes by the humans. Yes. No ambition. Concentrate.

The wolfkin rises, bones creaking, and walks me to the stockpile. It’s on a shelf, about a foot above my head, and even if I jump I can’t see. He leans down, and my heart pounds in expectation of sudden death, but instead he just lifts me up and puts me on the shelf.

So many materials to use! I’m quite overcome with excitement! So many bits and pieces to poke and prod, to try to cut them with my claws and taste a bit of the bones, to smell the different fats in bowls and to hold the leaves to the light.

"Hmm. I thought you were going to craft something, not prepare a meal."

Mockery?! Bah!

"Do not doubt me, wolfkin! I was the greatest craft-goblin of my tribe! I’ve fashioned the armor of headmen and warriors, the tools that fed the hollow!"

"Oh, really? So, if you’re some mighty pillar of the tribe, outfitter of your chief, then why did you run off?"


I find something that I can use and lay it aside, and continue searching the stockpile.

"I… I wanted to see the world. To get away from the hunters."

They got all the best things, but worse, the others aren’t even allowed to leave the hollow! Not except for grandfather, but that is because he’s the medicine man! The females never even leave the lower reaches! Always in the dark with the little anklebiters.

I left because I wanted to see the world, human. I don’t expect you to understand.


Bah, he’ll work it out.

I think I’ve found my palette of materials. Now I just need my tools.

"My tools. Can I go and get them? They are still at the fireplace. Yours are too large for my hands, and too… too crude."

They exchange glances, strangely quiet. Jormund nods, and we make a quick trip to the human camp. Upon our return, I find Garuu looking over my choice of materials.

"Goblin… What do you plan to do with these things? You had best not waste them. I might have to replenish our stocks of goblin skull."

"You shall see! You shall see, I shall make the best axe you have ever seen! Just to show you, do not doubt the goblin craftsman!"

"Hmm. We’ll see. We’ll see. Or… how about a challenge, greenskin? You’re not using any of the materials I planned to. We could make a little wager over it."

My pride, and your skull.

A challenge, eh?! Do not challenge Kali at a game of craft!

"Agreed! I do not fear your threats, wolf!"

( Jormund POV )

The craftsmen are off working on their bet, one physically tied to the other, and here I am sitting by the fire and roasting supper. I’m staring into the flames, lost in thought, and so it takes a second for me to notice when one of the first wolfkin we met materialises out of the gloom. He joins me, huddling by the warmth.

"So, I hear that Garuu’s found another challenge! He’s always looking for something to fill his time, now that the Alpha’s barred him from slowing the hunting pack. What’s going on with your goblin prisoner, though?"

"I’m not quite sure myself, to be honest. He and I were discussing weaponry, and the dreadful little thing got it into it’s head to doubt Garuu’s choice of materials. I thought Garuu was going to rip that head right off, there and then, but instead they made it a competition of sorts."

Trai unleashes a yipping cackle that causes the hair on the back of my neck to rise.

"Well, I shouldn’t expect that the goblin has much of a chance! Garuu is our best crafter! He’s one of those who strives to be the very best at whatever he puts his paws to, can’t stand being second. Apparently he made a bid at becoming Alpha, back before my time."

Many of the hunters are jealous that he’s making a weapon for you. You should look out for that; it might cause problems at the Conclave.

"What? Blast, that’s the last thing any of us need! I just wanted some advice, I didn’t expect it to cause trouble."

"Well, Garuu wants a challenge and a challenge is what you gave him. People are keeping an eye on both him and... Kali, that was the greenskin’s name, right?"

"Kali indeed, but why such interest?"

"Garuu hasn’t gone to such trouble for a weapon since he made the Alpha’s own club! And that one was fashioned from the bones of an old Ardron! As for the goblin, well, he’s doing things that I didn’t think were possible. Somehow he changed the form of the bone he’s using into a handle, actually reshaping it, just bizarre! And that’s not even the weirdest bit: he’s using a mixture of fat and something from his pack on the Kundrika chitin, and now he is shaping it with his bare hands! You need rocks to even scratch that stuff!"

Magic, or… something. I don’t know that I trust it.

"I don’t really understand what either of them are doing. Back at home, we just use chitin and hides for the tents we live in, not for armor. We are quite good at using flint in new ways, though."

"Yes, I’ve seen the tools you carry. Using stones to make weapons instead of bones. Strange, but effective."

In any case, enough idle chatter! I almost forgot the reason I came! The elders have decided, we shall hold the conclave in just a few hours. You should go and prepare your case. I’ll watch the crafters, keep them both out of trouble.

This evening!

I thank him, and quickly head towards our camp. Around me, I can hear others are already busy with their own preparations.

( John POV )

I hover above my community and silently appreciate the beauty of the night sky.

Alas, I have things to do.

"So, when is the meeting?"

"Should be just a few more in-game minutes."

"Who are we meeting with?"

"No idea. The message just states, I quote, “A Minor Conclave has been called, with members of your community invited as important guests.” It gives a timestamp, nothing more."

I feel a slight tug on my shoulders, and I quickly pan around, looking for its source. It’s pulling me south.

"Jade? Is this normal?"

The pull increases in strength, and I start to accelerate towards the mountains. Jade simply hovers beside me.

"It seems that we’ll be on time for the conclave whether we like it or not. In the meantime, though, we get one heck of a view!"

We’ve already left the savanna, and I watch as the mountains grow larger at a tremendous rate.

When the pull finally starts to slow, I can hear the sound of drums. And... singing? Or howling? Hard to tell, it sounds a lot like both.

Finally we reach a large clearing in front of a cave. It’s a hurricane of chanting wolfkin, surrounding a gaping eye wherein stand the key players of the scene. Four grizzled wolfkin pound the drums in ceremonial rhythm, matching the the flickering flames of the central fire. A giant, grizzled mass of muscle and menace stands, utterly still amidst his swirling lessers: The Alpha. And, looking shocking out of place, my humans.

I come to a halt, hovering above the heads of my representatives.

Across the fire, the ancient wolfkin titan stirs.

Above the wolfkin, a figure starts to appear. It seems negotiations have begun.

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