《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone: chapter 10


(John POV)

It’s been a week since the launch of Throughout the Ages, and a busy week for me, unfortunately! On some days I had to stay at work during the night!

Even so, I haven’t seen Jade much this week. I rather thought that she was angry with me again.

Turns out that she wasn’t home, or at least she wasn’t overseeing the home when I arrived.

Turns out that she was in the chatroom Night’s Sky with Zane.

Ah well, that’s one worry off the list.

I send her a message saying I’m home and want to dive into Throughout the Ages.

(John POV)

"Ohh, it feels good to be back! Work’s pretty good at the moment, but nothing is as good as diving back into VR!"


"Jade? Is something wrong? You’re very quiet…"

"No, nothing is wrong, master."

Ah, that isn’t good. She only calls me that when she’s upset about something…

Or if she’s really angry. Judging by her tone, I suspect the latter.

I am about to beg for mercy, but she stops me as soon as I mention work.

"That’s not what I am angry about. Think very carefully about what you have done and then try and find a good way of apologizing."

I follow her advice and stay silent until I’ve got a clue. Buying time, I decide to take a good look at our community in the meantime.

"How are we doing for points?"

"We managed to get 4 points over the course of the last week. There were 2 pregnancies in the community. The first one we had turned out to be a twin."

"What else happened?"

"There are some things that could be of use. Master.

First our people got the skills “Primitive bonecrafting” and “Primitive fishing”. That happened without my influence, actually, they just go the skills through simple tinkering and by living close to the river they got better at fishing."


"That probably saved us a lot of points. Good."

"We also met another tribe, and their healer even helped with the birth of the twins."

"Did we get any hints regarding medicinecraft? I’d like to get those skills up as fast as possible."

“I must disappoint, master. I didn’t manage that much.

The tribe left shortly after, it was a small tribe of elves that was travelling northward.”

I still can’t figure out why Jade is so angry. I’m about to ask for a hint when a warning appears.

Hostile Tribe detected

Your hunters have spotted a group of 48 goblin hunters heading towards your community

(Jormund POV)

I was chopping some wood when one of the hunting parties hurried back into the village.

It looks like there’s something going on, maybe they’ve found a big herd! Could keep us well fed for a while!

Maybe I would be allowed to join in the hunt this time. Might be worth asking, at least.

With that thought in mind I finish the branch I was working on, gather my stuff and head back towards the village.

When I arrive, it’s clear something big is going on. My father is gathering all the hunters, old or young, anyone who’s ever held a spear.

Yor calls out to me as I approach.

"Jormund, over here! Finally! Go get your spear and stay with the elders and the children!"


Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it. This looks to be the biggest hunt in my lifetime, and I’m being told to stay behind. And for the stupidest reason, too. What the hell?!

Yor has already walked off towards my father and is talking to him at a tone I have only ever heard him use when he was teaching me.

My father rushes over to me next. Before I can get away, he reaches out and grabs my shoulder.

"Jormund, we haven’t been on the best of terms for… awhile. But... I want to take the chance to tell you what I think of you. After all, I might… Well. I might not get another."


Oh. That’s… not what I expected. What the hell is going on? In the pit of my stomach, much of my building resentment curdles into dread.

"I know that you have been training ever since that ambush. Don’t think your dedication has gone unnoticed. You… you should know that I am proud for all the effort you have put into your training. You are the best son I could ever have wished for. Know that."

When I hear the words I almost fail to comprehend them. He isn’t angry? But... I failed him. I lost almost a week's worth of meat.

"Yor believes that you will be able to defend those that remain, and I agree. Hopefully nothing will happen, but please, stay behind while the rest of us meet the goblins."

Goblins? Of course it’s bloody goblins. So that’s what’s going on. Must be a big band, though, to have my father this scared.

"I… how do… Thank you. For... trusting in me."

Father grunts and nods, a sharp approving nod.

"Next hunt will be the one that makes you a man."

Dad turns around and addresses the gathering before him.

"Now, all of you! Good luck! May you all return to your loved ones after this fight."

To the tribe, he must appear steady as a rock. I hope I’m the only one to see the slight tremor in his clenched fist.

(John POV)

Jade and I watch the hunters of our community gathering their armaments. En masse, they begin the trek towards the rocky outcrop where the goblin warband was last spotted.

"I am certain we can win this. How much will it cost us, though? We’re going to have a lot of wounded and we’ve got no way of healing them. Damn, I wish we’d got some training from that healer."

"At least we shouldn’t have too much of an issue with the goblins themselves. We have 32 humans with weapon experience against their 48 goblins. We are at a clear advantage in strength. Although, if they get lucky and know how to use their numbers correctly, it might still be a close call."

We follow the hunters until they reach a narrow gully. Some dead riverlet has carved a slight but meaningful depression, flanked by steep dunes which we can use to our advantage.

"We can put hunters on both of the hills here and lure the goblins through the trench in order to ambush them. It’ll give us a surround and minimize the impact of their numbers."

"That could work, but how would we lure them in?"

"Not how. Who."

(Madok POV)

I am running towards the trench with Yor by my side. The goblin warband is close on our heels.

Both of us are grinning like damn fools.

I’d be reminded of our youth except then it didn’t involve quite such certain death.

"Whose bright idea was this, again?"

"It was your idea, but I couldn’t let you go on your own!"

"You didn’t need to show off and kill one of them before running off!"

"Ha! It caught their attention, did it not?"

Entering the trench, we keep running as fast as our legs can take us. I can feel my lungs starting to burn, and I note that Yor’s barely keeping up. If the goblins don’t catch up with us, the years will, soon. I toss the thought aside; there’s more pressing concerns.

When we reach the narrowest span of the trench, a narrow slot easily held, we turn and brace ourselves.


Spears fill the sky and fall like killing rain.

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