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the twins and there human mate

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Author: Type:Male
the twins are the sons off alpha kane and luna cassie. they are the next alphas in line to the bloodlust pack. they are intimidating and cold to those they don't like or those who disrespect them and there family. they are fiercely protective of there little sister skylar and even there brother keaton. however keaton moved to another pack with his mate so it's just the twins and skylar left.
there best friend is jacob who is next in line for the beta position when they take over as alphas. the twins come across as cold and intimidating however they are soft when it comes to those they love.
Xavier is the "nicer" twin. while he is cold and intimidating people would prefer him to have to talk to instead of his twin xander who is much more colder towards people. Xavier will have a laugh with you and will talk to you unless off course you upset him or his family.
xander on the other hand barely talks and is a lot more intimidating. he is cold and what intimidates people more is he barely talks but can read people like a book. he is very straight forward and gets to the point. the only people he softened for is his family and maybe just maybe his mate.
precious is a human. she is so kind hearted and very innocent. she is a shy girl and a lot of people love her. if only her parents would show that love. her parents don't abuse her but they barely even acknowledge her. she works in a cafe to be able to feed herself as her parents are barely home and never leave her any money to survive. she goes to xander and Xavier's school but she be the new girl. the new shy girl.
what happens when the twins find out there mate is human? what happened when precious finds out they are werewolves? will she run and reject them? or will she stay and accept them?
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