《the twins and there human mate》introduction


Xavier is what was known as the softer twin. He is more outgoing and more talkative. However that doesn't mean that people are not intimidated by him. He is soft towards his family and especially his little sister skylar.

Xavier is looking forward to meeting his mate but is also nervous of what she would think about having two mates as it is very rare. He knows he will love her no matter what though and that scares him.

He always thinks about his mate. What will she look like? Will she have a wolf or will she be something else? What is she doing now? Is she excited to meet them? All these thoughts run in his head a lot.

Xander is the one everyone is scared but also intrigued about the most. He is quite and observes everything. He can read people like a book and has this dark Aura round him. Xavier's aura is dark but xanders is darker.

He loved and adores his family especially his little sister. He is very protective of his family but again especially his sister and mother. He is always very soft with them but even they know not to test him to much.

Xander doesn't really talk about his mate and always gets tense when people mention that he will find his mate one day. He wants her more then anything but is also scared about it.

Precious is a shy, innocent, lovely but clumsy human girl. Life at home isn't exactly the best. Her parents barely even acknowledge her and ignore her a lot. They don't care about her and make it very known. He has to move house with them but again is left alone as her parents go on a "work trip".

She loves to make new friends but most of the time is to shy to do that. She has never had a boyfriend and she has never even had her first kiss.


She starts to work at a cafe that she doesn't even know the owners are werewolves. She loves the cafe and the owners.

Precious has not long ago turned 18 but yet didn't get anything of her parents. She had been working for 1 whole week at the cafe when it was her birthday and even they managed to get her something for her birthday.

Skylar is the twins little sister. She, like precious is a sweet lovely girl. She is so kind to everyone and is kind of the opposite to her twin brothers. She is 17 and when she turns 18 will find her mate. She Hope's it is jacob.

Jacob is the next in line for beta. His father Beta jason is the beta at the moment but once his father steps down and the twins become alpha he will be the beta. He has just turned 18 and is waiting to find his mate. He Hope's Skylar is his mate but will not find out until she is 18 or if she is not his mate and his mate comes before she turns 18. He is cold like the twins but not towards his family and definitely not towards skylar.

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