《the twins and there human mate》chapter 6- reject her?


I got out of bed ready for school again. I groaned not wanting to get up but also wanting to see my mate. Skylar wont even talk to us and she has never actually lasted this long. My mom suprisingly hasn't mentioned our mate since she first saw us so I think my dad has spoken to her.

I got ready for school and walked downstairs. I barely slept last night thinking a about our mate and what we will do.

The thing is as much as I don't want her in danger and want to keep my distance only for that reason I know I cant. If I ever saw her with another male I would kill them there and then. She is ours no one elses. I knew what I had to do.

I walked into the kitchen and say down waiting for xander. What I said next was not what I meant but I had to say it for xander to understand and realise that we can't ignore her or let her move on. I can't and wont let it happen. Even if I am being selfish I just can't do it.

We all sat down eating our breakfast. The room was silent which never happens. Just then xander walks in and sits down.

"I said in a monotone voice.

The room was filled with tension. My mom gasped and tears came to her eyes. My dad looked at me and didn't say anything. He already knew what I was doing as I mindlinked him before. He never told my mom as we needed xander to think I'm serious. My moms a bad actor.

Xander dropped his fork in suprise.

"he asked.

I looked at Skylar and seen her crying her eyes out. She walked out to her bedroom slamming the door shut. I will speak to her soon.


"I repeated.

xander roared.

"I gritted out.

He growled so loud that the house shook.

"he roared.

"I roared back.

My mom cried her eyes out as my dad comforted her. He never stopped us though knowing we needed to so this. He went to take her out the room but she smacked his hand away.

"my mom shouted at us.

I growled at the end of her sentence not liking her saying that. My dad growled at me.

"He roared making me flinch.

My mom put her hand on his back and kissed his cheek to calm down.

I sighed softly.

"I said on frustration tears coming to mye eyes.

My mom walked out o me and pulled me to her hugging her. I sobbed in her chest.

"she said softly kissing my head.

Xander sighed. He walked up to me and mom and kissed moms cheek before pulling me in for a hug.

"He said softly.

I hugged him back just as tight.

"xander said softly.

I smiled up at him and nodded.

I walked up stairs and knocked on skylar door.

"she said hiccuping.

I sighed but opened her door. Skylar was spread on her bed, head in her pillow while sobbing. I walked up to her, picked her up and pulled her to my chest.

"I said softly kissing her head.

"she said sniffling.

"I said softly.

"She asked softly.

"xander said coming our of nowhere.

Myself and skylar jumped not even realising he is there.

"slayer said softly.

We smiled at her.

"Xander asked.

"Skylar squealed.

We chuckled at her but agreed.

We headed out to the car ready to get to school. I just hope precious is not still upset with us after we never said goodbye.

We got in the car a d all I could think about is precious being and and upset with us. I'm really hoping she is not anymore. I will do anything to make it up to her. She has us wrapped around her finger already and she doesnt know it.


I know i was cold to her at the beginning but it was because I was scared. I was scared she would reject us but also scared we couldn't protect her. I realise how wrong I was though. We would do whatever it takes to protect her. The only thing we would need to protect her from is rogues.

We pulled up to the school and all got put the car. Precious was already standing with jacob and aria. The girls squealed and hugged eachother. I groaned as now there are 3 girls that squeal.

We walked up to precious who stiffened when she noticed us. I frowned not liking she was uncomfortable and my wolf whimpered.

"Xavier said awkwardly.

"precious said nervously.

"I said in my deep voice but as soft as I could.

Everyone's including xavier and precious eyes widened. Everyone including myself didn't expect it but I don't regret it she is my mate. I would do anything for her. I know everyone else was shocked because I never apologise so they know it knocked my ego down to say sorry.

Snapping out her shock precious replied.

"she stuttered shyly with a blush.

"xavier said softly.

Precious eyes widened again but this time at the nickname. Her cheeks went even more red making us smirk. She likes the name.

She smiled shyly up at him. Just then the bell rang and we all headed to our first class.

The day went by fast and everyone has normal talk.

"Precious asked nervously.

"skylar replied exitedly.

Precious looked at us and we nodded in yes. She smiled happily making us smile at her. She seemed suprised that we smiled but gave us a shy smile.

"Aria asked.

"she said excitedly. She seemed sad about jamie which made me frown. I don't like her sad.

You can tell she loves the cafe though. Her eyes sparkle when she talks about the cafe or the old couple. I want to see that sparkle in her eyes all the time.

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