《the twins and there human mate》chapter 7- secrets out


Precious p.p.v.

We are on our way to the cafe and I'm really excited to see claire and jamie. I hope jamie is okay. I can't wait to introduce them to my friends.

The twins are giving me a lift after asking how I will get there. Embarrassingly I had to tell them I can't drive.

We pulled up outside the cafe and we got out the car. I noticed how xander and xavier moved right besides me as if they had to protect me. I was confused but ignored it as I was to excitedl to see claire and Jamie.

We walked in and the bell chimed.

"We heard from the back off the cafe.

"I said softly.

I heard a squeeze before we noticed claire jump out the back and run towards me with jamie following after.

"I heard Jamie shout while chuckling.

All of a sudden Claire's body slammed into me nearly making me fall back if it wasnt for xanders arm making me stay up. I could feel the sparkle where xander touched me but ignored them to soak in Claire's comfort.

I smiled happily at claire and jamie.

All or a sudden claire and jamie looked behind me and there eyes widened. It looked as though they bowed there head making me confused. I looked behind me but all I seen was the twins, Skylar, jacob and aria.

"I asked them concerned.

They snapped out there trance and nodded.

"she said excitedly but she also seemed nervous.

"I giggled.

"I said with a blush. I said happily.

"jame said softly.

They all said Hello and shook hands with eachother.

"claire asked more relaxed.

We all said our orders and sat down. Jamie and claire sat with us as well for a while and only got up if a customer came in. After a while it was time to go home.


"xavier said.

My eyed widened.

"I stuttered.

They all seemed concerned and I thought they would let it drop but boy was I wrong.

"xander said sternly. I could tell he was being serious and new I would not get my own way. Hesitantly I agreed and got in the car. I told them my address and the took me there.

Its 9 at night right now. They clearly noticed the lights out.

"skylar asked.

I stiffened.

"I mumbled quietly.

"skylar said.

"I more questioned then stated

I heard what sounded like a growl and spum around to face xander.

"" Xander gritted out.

My eyes widened in horror. How did he know?

"I said quickly. To quickly.

"xavier said.

My eyes softened when he called me love and I blushed.

"I said softly ashamed I lied to them.

"xander asked.

I was suprised by the name but before I could question it xavier cut in.

"he said softly.

I sighed but felt there was no use lying. Clearly they know when I lie.

"I said looking down.

"Skylar asked.

I sighed softly.

"I said.

There eyes widened in suprise.

"skylar said horrified.

"I said tying to make her not worried. It seemed to make it worse though.

"xander gritted out.

I think this is the most he has ever spoken.

"I stuttered not really knowing what to say.

"skylar asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I said softly.

My eyes widened when I felt xander pull me onto his lap and xavier hug me putting his head in my neck. They were breathing heavily.

"I asked concerned.

Skylar chuckled from behind.

"skylar asked but more stated. I could sense they were all angry.

"I said softly thinking it might calm them down and they would understand.

"xander and xavier said at the same time.


Skylar squealed happily.

"I said in horror.

"Skylar said sadly.

My eyes softened.

"I said softly.

"Xavier said sternly.

My eyes widened in shock.

"I said.

"skylar blurted out.

"I asked.

" " skylar said happily.

"I said shocked.

I heard them all chuckle.

"Skylar said softly.

"I asked softly.

"Skykar said clapping her hands.

I nodded and we all headed inside.

I walked in and I could see them staring at my place. It wasn't anything special. Just a normal size house. I walked into my bedroom and they all followed me. I made it as homely as I could. My bedroom is the best bit out if the house. My favourite colour is pink and when I got my first wage I painted my walls a light pink with fairy lights around my room.

I walked up to my closet and got some clothes. I didn't take them all incase I come back.

"Skylar asked.

"I said softly.

She sighed but nodded in understanding. We all headed back after I locked the house up and got in the car.

We drove to the house. We parked out the house and got out. I was nervous as this will be the first time I meet there parents.

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