In Serial

World Labyrinth

8 201 21
Author: Type:Male
Meet our hero: an average young man with an average life, who ended up dying while working an average job. However, he's a given a chance to see another world at the final crossroads of his old life. The catch... well... he knows there's one. There always is. But, hey, when you're about to die, you take whatever opportunity's provided to you. This is the young man's story in the new world as he learns he can't afford to be average anymore.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I've decided to put this note up due to some comments and ratings left for this ORIGINAL FICTION complaining its boring. This story starts slow and it takes time for things to pick up. Also the MC doesn't start off as superman or become superman magically in two chapters. He also is AVERAGE... so it takes time to build up his character. Starting chapter 14 or so things pick up, but this isn't a pure hack and slash and skills level up story like most of the FF on this site. Just giving you a warning, so you don't end up disappointed and end up having to post large paragraphs complaining about the story... I also post on average every TWO OR THREE DAYS, so you'll get more to read.
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