《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》More Trouble
(No One's POV)
Fuutarou was currently walking in the hallway looking at his study cards. A familiar voice called out to him.
Yotsuba: Uesugi!!!
Yotsuba bumped into Fuutarou from behind, resulting in him stumbling forward. Miku followed closely behind.
He turns around in shock.
Fuutarou: Woah! Yotsuba!
Yotsuba: Tomorrow's the big day!
Fuutarou: For what?
Yotsuba: Come on! You know what day I'm talking about! See, look!
Yotsuba held out the school camp flyer in front of her.
Yotsuba: It's the school camping trip! Have you read the information booklet?
Fuutarou: Can't say that I have.
Yotsuba: They've got all kinds of fun activities! Outdoor cooking and skiing, fishing, hiking, of course. And then, there's the campfire! Where the dance happens!
Miku stood there and thought about Yotsuba's words yesterday.
Yotsuba: I heard that a lot of people have ended up dating because of it, so the legend's gotta be legit!
Fuutarou: Like I said, students shouldn't date. It's just a waste of your time.
Yotsuba: Aw. That's sad! If you had feelings for somebody, you would want to go out with them, right? Wouldn't you, Miku?
Miku stayed silent as her thoughts dawn on a question on her mind.
Yotsuba: Miku?
Miku: Wait, why do we date people we like, anyway?
Fuutarou and Yotsuba: Huh?
Ichika came up behind Miku without anyone noticing.
Ichika: That's easy. When you like somebody, you want nothing more than to be with them. Miku should know that feeling pretty well.
Miku thoughts dawned on Y/n. She turned to face the other direction, to avoid everyones stares.
Fuutarou: All right. Enough foolishness. It's time to start studying!
Yotsuba: Again? I'm not ready!
Ichika: I have a shoot, so I'll have to skip out. Sorry. I sent you a text earlier.
Fuutarou: Huh?
He pulls out his phone and checks the messages.
Yotsuba: Yeah, and I'd better get set for tomorrow.
Yotsuba turned around and took off, Fuutarou reached out her and watch as she took ran away.
Fuutarou: Hey, you can't just take off! Should have known.
Fuutarou ran after Yotsuba, leaving Miku and Ichika by themselves.
Ichika: Miku. My class has a meeting about the camping trip later on.
Ichika pulls out a wig from her purse and hands it to Miku.
Ichika: Do the usual, please?
Miku nods.
Miku: Okay.
With that they both headed their separate ways, Miku turned around to the corner and went to use the bathroom until she saw something that caught her attention.
On the stairs just next to the bathrooms, sat Y/n and Mj. They both chatted with each other with text books on their laps. Y/n says something that makes Mj giggle, punches his shoulder in response to the joke.
Miku held the wig close to her chest and tighten her grip on it. Seeing their interaction with each other sparks a little jealously within her.
Y/n looks up and notices Miku staring at them, he says a few words to Mj and places his textbook down and got up to walk towards Miku. Miku seeing this immediately went into the bathroom quickly as she can, this confuses Y/n immensely.
Miku had her back against the wall, she slowly slid down to the ground.
Miku: Why did I run? He probably thinks I hate him now.
Miku's phone vibrated, she pulls it out her pocket and saw a message from Y/n.
Y/n:(Text) You alright? Just ran away fast before I could get a word out.
Miku quickly sent a text back.
Miku:(Text) I'm okay, just had to use the bathroom quickly.
Y/n:(Text) Too nuch information, but I gotcha. Anyway, I'll be heading out in a bit, maybe after you get done with your business you and me can chat real quick before I head out on patrol.
Miku:(Text) Really? If you don't mind, I'd love to.
Y/n:(Text) Alright, it's a date.
Miku's face instantly went red when she read the message.
Miku: A date.
( Y/n Pov)
Me and Mj were currently walking over to the lockers after our little study group.
Mj: Thanks, sorry about grabbing you out of nowhere, I needed someone to help me with this and I thought about you.
Y/n: Nah, don't mention it, happy to help.
We both stopped at the lockers.
Y/n: If you want to do this again sometime, me and my brother Fuutarou tutor these Quints after school, if you want you could join us.
Mj: Hmm, I'll think about it, see ya around.
Mj walked past me and turned around and gave me a wave. I smiled and sent one back to her. I turned around to walk about to the bathrooms but a orange circle appeared in front of me and I found myself in another area.
Y/n: What the--?
I felt a hand on my shoulder, I instantly smacked it away and turned around to see a person I never thought I'd see again.
Y/n: Steven?
Dr. Strange: Hey kid, long time no see.
There were bruises all over his face, as well as a cut on his left cheek.
Y/n: You okay? Don't like too good.
He waves it off.
Dr. Strange: I have a lot to tell you kid, brace yourself, it's gonna be a lot.
Y/n: Okay, what's up?
Strange snapped his finger and I found myself in the undercroft. Strange sat down on a chair. He gestured over to the magical cells were the cross-species I defeated were placed in.
Dr. Strange: I just made things way worse kid. I took wherever those cross-species back to their universe, but as a result, I brought more visitors, from different universes.
I walked closer to the cells and noticed three people in them. One of them were in the far back of the cell sitting down.
Y/n: Hello?
The figured looked at me and stood up, revealing his full height. He walked closer and out of the shadows.
Y/n: Holy moly. Your huge, and probably strong.
???: Have you seen these muscles, I would rip you in half, easily.
Y/n: I don't doubt that.
I walked over to the next cell and was met by giant fireball hitting the barrier. I backed up instinctively from seeing this.
???: Let me out!!!
Two flaming fists banged against the barrier. The inside of the cell was covered in flames.
Y/n: Oh come on!
From within the fire I could a man in the center.
???: I'll burn you all to a crisp! Let me go!
Y/n: I'm just gonna go to the other cell, now.
???: Hey! Don't turn your back on me!
Ignoring him I made my way to the next cell... which was full of water. I looked closer at this and a face appeared in the water, I gasp sharply as the water began to take shape of a man.
???: I don't know who you are, but when I get free you'll pay for putting me in here!
Y/n: Great, just what I needed, a water man, what's next a sandman? Why can't it ever be a guy who shots pasties from a gun?
I turned around to walk over towards Strange, he looks at me when I got close and I folded my arms.
Dr. Strange: I put them back, but four more visitors came through with me. And their not from the same universe as the cross-species. I managed to get three of them, but the last one, I have no idea where he is. I'm tired, I've been at this for two days.
I placed my hand on his shoulder.
Y/n: Just take a break.
Dr. Strange: Okay kid, I'll do that.
Y/n: A quick question though, why bring me here?
Dr. Strange: It's something you needed to know. The cross-species that came from here, were from the same universe. But these guys, they're not. One claims he was going against a Spider-man that had stingers, other said he was facing against a Spider-man that can go invisible. Another wearing a black suit. It doesn't add up.
Y/n: How serious is this?
Dr. Strange: I do not know, there's something definitely going on with the Multiverse, it doesn't explain how these guys disappear from their world and end up on ours. Anyway, about time I send you back home.
He sits up and creates a portal. But before I could go through, he grabs my shoulder and stops me.
Dr. Strange: Before you go, you're gonna need this.
He waves his hand again, fast as lightning, something came zooming towards me, then I felt something attach itself on my arm.
I looked down and saw the arm bracelet I used to transport the cross-species here.
Dr. Strange: There is a chance he might be around you're surrounding area, so use this when you see him.
Y/n: Sooooo, do I keep this? It's technically mine, you used my web shooters to make it.
Waving his hand the circle surrounded me and teleported me back to school. I stood in the hallways.
Y/n: I'll take that as a no. Good talk Strange.
I covered the arm bracelet with my sleeve so that no one could see it.
Y/n: Okay, guess I could wait until Miku gets done with whatever she's doing.
I walked forward to find a way out of the school, until I heard voices coming from a room. I followed where the voices came from, which leads me to a room.
(Few Minutes Ago)
Miku stands in a classroom dressed like Ichika. In front of her was boy.
Maeda: Oh good, you made it. I appreciate it.
Miku: Sure. You're Maeda, right?
Miku looks around the empty classroom.
Miku: Where is everybody?
Maeda: Um... Actually, there's no meeting. I lied to you.
Miku: What?
He looks away shyly.
Maeda: Look. If you'll have me, I'd really like to dance with you at the campfire.
Hearing this caught Miku by surprise. She wasn't expecting to be in this situation.
Miku: With me? Why?
Maeda: Uh, well, you know. I... I really like you.
Miku's eyes widened when hearing this.
Miku:(Thoughts) Didn't expect that. But Ichika's cute, so she probably gets this all the time.
She turns around and was about to leave the classroom.
Miku: Thanks for that. I'll get back to you later, okay? Bye.
Maeda spoke up.
Maeda: I need an answer now.
Unknown to the two, someone was leaning on a wall, just outside the classroom, listening in on the conversation.
Maeda: Don't leave me hanging, Nakano.
Miku: Um...
She grew more nervous with each passing second. Maeda notices this and leans in closer.
Maeda: Hang on. Something's little different about you today. I think it's your hair.
She backs up.
Miku: Really?
Maeda: You're a Quintuplet, right, Nakano? You and your sisters all look alike.
He closes the distance between both of them and leans even closer.
Maeda: You tryin' to pull a fast one on me?
Miku was silent, she couldn't think of what to say in this situation. The door behind her opened, revealing Y/n who was listening to the conversation just outside.
Y/n: Man Ichika, you sure are hard to find. Do you have any idea just how long I've been searching for you?
The two looked at him surprised.
Y/n: You didn't forget about our little meeting, did you? We should get going, I know this restaurant called Micks a couple blocks away from here. They make the best fries hands down.
Miku: Y/n, I...
Maeda slightly irritated by Y/n spoke up.
Maeda: Now listen here, buddy, this is between me and Nakano, not you.
He walks up to Y/n.
Maeda: And I don't know what makes you think you can call her by her first name like that, but don't!
Y/n raises an eyebrow.
Y/n: She called me by my first name, so why can't I? Besides, you barely know her and you asked her out to dance, pretty ballsy I gotta say. You should think about her feelings first before unloading all of yours on her.
Maeda backs him, after a few seconds he glares daggers at Y/n.
Maeda: This is none of your frickin' business! Quit being nosy and leave!
Y/n: No can do, me and this pretty lady here have plans. So it is my business.
Maeda: Oh yeah? That's it!
Maeda reaches over to grab Y/n's shirt. In Y/n's prospective, it was all slowed down. He could see the hand slowly reach for his shirt, but made no attempts to stop it. He let's it happen.
Miku's eyes widened seeing Maeda grab Y/n's shirt.
Miku: Please calm down!
Maeda: Get lost, punk!
Before he could do anything, Miku grabs Y/n's arm and hugged it close to her chest.
Miku: Sorry. I promised Y/n I'd dance with him!
Y/n looks at Miku surprised.
Y/n:(Thoughts) What?
Miku:(Thoughts) Huh?
Both surprised, Miku and Y/n stood still while Maeda took a few steps back.
Maeda: Yeah, right!
He points at Y/n.
Maeda: That's a lie. You're way out of this nerd's league!
Miku shakes her head.
Miku: No. It's me whose out of his league. You don't know him like I do.
Miku thought about all the good deeds Y/n had done by being Spider-man. Ranging from stopping robbery to stop cars and saving the city from danger. Never asking anything in return, his selfless actions inspired many others, Miku included. She closes her eyes as an image of Y/n in his suit filled her head.
Maeda: What? Are you guys dating?
Miku hugs Y/n's arm even tighter.
Miku: Yeah! We're such lovebirds! Come on, let's walk to that restaurant you talked about!
Y/n: Y-Yeah, let's go.
Y/n and Miku walked out of the classroom arm in arm. Maeda quickly rushed out of the room to confront them.
Maeda: Hold it! If you really are a couple, shouldn't you at least hold each other's hands?
They both stop and turned around.
Maeda: What's wrong? You can't do it? That's kinda suspicious.
Y/n: Listen buddy, not every couple goes around holding each other's--
Miku slipped her hand into Y/n's, surprising him and Maeda.
Y/n: Nani!
Miku's face was blushing a deep red.
Miku: Um, listen. I'm not blushing 'cause I'm holding hands with my boyfriend. You know, because we totally do this all the time.
Maeda: Damn it! All right, fine, I believe you.
He turns around and crosses his arms in defeat.
Miku: Maeda? This is probably a bad time to ask, but what made you want to confess something so personal?
Maeda: You're really twisting the knife.
He turns to face Miku.
Miku: Sorry.
Maeda: Um, well, I guess, you do Irina because you want that person all to yourself. Or somethin'..
Miku:(Thoughts) Oh. You want them all to yourself.
She sneaks a quick glance at Y/n who had his attention on Maeda. In her Miku's eyes the light from the sun illuminated his body, making his hair glitter.
Maeda: Ugh. What the hell am I sayin'? Look! Don't you give Nakano trouble!
Y/n: She mostly gives me trouble.
Miku: Aw, you're so silly!
They both turned around walking arm and arm, Miku leaned on Y/n as they walk.
Miku: Let's get out of here, Y/n.
Y/n:(Whisper) Hey, Miku! Don't cling to tight.
She was shocked to hear this.
Miku:(Whisper) You know who I am?
Hope flutters within her, being able to tell the difference between her and her sisters made Miku happy.
Y/n:(Whisper) I'll tell you about it later. Let's just go.
(Timeskip, Y/n's POV)
At the front, I stood in front of Miku with my back turned against her. Miku changed back into her regular clothes while I stood guard.
Miku: Tell me, how did you know it was me?
I scratched my head.
Y/n: If you thought I figured out at first glance then you're wrong. Ichika messaged me, saying that she had work today, and when I bumped into you, you were holding a wig. Last but not least, you said "You don't know him like I do". That tipped me off. So I deduced that "you" were Miku.
Miku: Oh...
She had this bland expression on her face and a hint of disappointment.
Y/n: Something wrong?
She looks away with huff and a pout.
Miku: No... nothing wrong at all.
Y/n: Okay... if you say so.
I grabbed my phone to check the time.
Y/n: It's about that time. Gotta go out on patrol.
Miku: Already?
I nod.
Yotsuba: Hey, there you guys are!
Yotsuba, Fuutarou, Nino and Itsuki stood before us. Me and Miku looked at each other confused.
Nino: Well, clock's ticking.
Y/n: What?
Fuutarou: We're going to get clothes, not much of a choice we have.
Y/n: Yeah... sorry, that's gonna be a pass for me. I have to do something right now.
Yotsuba tilts her head to the side.
Yotsuba: Really? Must be important for you.
Y/n: You could say that. Anyway, I gotta get going. Try to bring him back in one piece. And, Nino. No drugging him.
Nino rolls her eyes at me, but slightly smiled.
I gave all of them a two fingered salute and walked through the front doors. I looked up at the golden sky and sighed contently.
Y/n: It's a beautiful out here, wish I could actually enjoy it for once.
I grabbed my bag off my back and walked over to an alleyway. I kneeled down and grabbed my jacket and mask.
Miku: You don't have to go, you know?
Y/n: Know any other crime fighters here?
She shakes her head.
Y/n: There's you're answer.
Miku: And what about the trip? Do you think... you'll go.
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