《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》A Fated Reunion
(No One's POV)
Over at the Quints apartment, Y/n was sound asleep on Miku's bed. Miku who was still awake just stared at him.
Miku: Most be Hard for you having to help Fuutarou tutor us. You put on a mask and help people without asking anything in return. Wish I noticed sooner, I could've lighten the burden on your shoulders.
Miku leaned slowly learning forward towards Y/n. Her face just inches away from his. A blush slowly crept up Miku's face, her eyes landed on his lips.
Miku: Why does my heart beat faster whenever I see you? Does yours?
Miku backed away from him. She looks at his torn suit that rests next to him. She grabs it and held it up. Miku inspected the damage on the suit.
Miku: It really is in bad shape. Must be a pain for you to fix it everytime.
A knock on the door alerts Miku.
Ichika: Hey, Miku? Got a sec?
Miku: Ichika?!
Miku quickly threw the suit underneath her bed and covered up Y/n with blankets. She went over to the door and opened it slightly.
Miku: Ichika, is there something you need?
Ichika: Yeah, sorry to bother you. Have you talk to Y/n lately?
Miku glances back at her bed.
Miku: Just recently, why?
Ichika: Did you take any notes on today's lesson? If so, can you do big sis a favor and let her borrow them, please?
Ichika puts her hands together.
Miku: We didn't have any lessons today, I fed Y/n my croquettes and he fell on the ground with a stomach ache.
Ichika: Really? How much did he eat?
Miku sweat dropped when hearing this question.
Miku: All of it.
Ichika: He must've liked it if he ate all of it.
Miku shakes her head.
Miku: I know he didn't like it. He just didn't want to say it, so he decided to eat all of it.
At that moment both Miku and Ichika heard someone humming hatreating. Nino skipped past them holding a rose in her hands. They both watched as she entered her room, both of them looked at each confused.
Ichika: I wonder what that was about?
Miku turned around to look at Y/n who was sound asleep on her bed.
Miku: I think I might know why. Anyway Ichika, if you want any notes I have some in my desk.
Ichika: Really? Thanks Miku.
Miku: Give me a second to get it.
Miku closed the door. She walks to her desk and opens the middle cabinet that holds her notes. Miku went to walk back to the door but before she reach the handle a single web line hits her shirt.
She hurriedly looks over at the bed and saw Y/n's hand extended out. His fingers accidentally triggered his web shooters in his sleep. Miku tried to pull the web off her shirt but to success.
Miku sighs, she started to take off her shirt leaving her in her bra. She looks pouts at Y/n who continues to sleep on her bed.
Miku: You better be asleep, if I find out you did that on purpose I'm gonna--
Another web shots at her but misses entirely. Miku quickly went over to her door and opened it slightly. She stuck her hand through the creek and handed Ichika her notes.
Ichika: Is everything alright?
Miku: Yeah! What makes you say that?!
Ichika: No reason. Anyway, thanks Miku.
Ichika headed to her room leaving Miku alone. Miku turned around and walked to Y/n. She carefully leans forward and takes off his web shooters on his wrists.
Miku walked over to her desk and places his web shooters on top of it.
Miku: Where am I gonna sleep?
Miku pondered on the thought.
Miku: I could sleep with Ichika in her room, but I accidentally ended up sleeping here again. Not to mention it'll be a little suspicious if I did.
She walks over to the dresser that was apart of the bed. Miku grabs her pajamas and made sure Y/n face was covered.
Miku quickly put on pajamas. After that she slowly made her way to the bed. Her beated faster with each step she took.
Miku: We slept in the same bed before... you didn't say anything about it.
She grabs the covers that was on top him and got on the bed with him. She snuggles closer to him. Her head rests on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Miku: This is between us. Don't tell anyone... please.
In his sleep Y/n mutters a name, a name of the one whom he met at Kyoto.
Y/n: Reya...
Miku gasps sharply at the name, she sits up and stares at him in shock.
Miku: That name... where did you...
Y/n: Reya... I'm so glad... to have met you.
A smile slowly formed on Y/n's face, Miku seeing this had a small smile on her face. She layed back down on his chest and closed her eyes.
Miku: I see. That's how it is.
Miku fell asleep on his chest.
(5 Years Ago Kyoto, Y/n Pov)
Me and Reya continue to walk around in search of our siblings. We held hands to make sure one of us didn't get separated.
Reya: I think we should head over there.
She points over to a market with numerous of people shopping around.
Y/n: There's a lot of people there. I'm not sure if we'll even find them in there.
Reya: Won't know if we don't try.
Reya ran forward resulting in me pulled along with her.
Y/n: H-Hey!
Reya giggles as she drags me along with her. She looks back at me smiling. I smiled back.
We stopped running when we got close to the market place. Both of did our best to walk in the crowd, with so many people it was difficult. In the end a stranger accidentally bumped into me, me and Reya's hand were separated due to me being pushed in the other direction.
I did my best to move forward but everyone else was moving in the opposite direction. I was swept away by the crowd.
Y/n: R-Reya!
Out of the crowd a hand reached out to mine and grabbed hold of it. Reya seemed to have appeared out of nowhere from the crowd of people.
Reya: C'mon let's try to get to the side!
Y/n: Okay!
We both marched to the left. It was hard and there multiple times were we were almost separated again but we continued until we reached a stand.
Reya: This was a mistake. There's to many people here.
Y/n: That's what I told you. Gimme a second, I gotta clean my glasses.
Grabbing my glasses I started to clean them with the clean cloth I had in my pocket. Before I could put them back on Reya grabbed them from my hands.
Y/n: Hey!
She puts them on and giggles.
Reya: What do you think? Do I look smarter?
I quickly swiped my glasses from her face and put them back on. She laughs out loud from her stunt. Reya's attention was at the stall next to use and something had caught her eye.
Reya: Look at this!
I walked over to the stand to see what she was looking at. Reya turned around and had a pair of blue headphones around her neck.
Reya: These headphones look really cool, don't they?!
Y/n: I wouldn't go that far.
She turns around and puts the headphones back where she got them. Reya turned around again wearing butterfly ribbons on the side of her head.
Reya: Look at me! I'm a butterfly!
I couldn't help but laugh at this.
Y/n: Are you always this energetic?!
Seeing me smile Reya turned around again to grab something else at the stand. Turning around once more she had these star hairpins on her head.
Y/n: Those actually look good on you.
Reya: You think so?
I nod. Reya smiles warmly at me. She turns around to put the hairpins away, her eyes landed on two pieces necklace that forms a heart. On them had the words weirdo one and two.
Reya: Excuse me sir.
She calls out to the owner.
Reya: How much is this?
Reya points to the necklace, the owner looked at it then at Reya.
Owner: Two thousand yen.
This shocks Reya and she immediately looks at her purse.
Reya: I only have a Thousand.
She lowers her head. Seeing this I grabbed my wallet from my pocket and took out my Thousand from within.
Y/n: Here you go.
Reya looks up and saw me holding out my money to her. She gasps sharply.
Reya: You don't have to!
Y/n: I know. I just want to. So here, take it.
Reya looks at me. A smile formed on her face and she grabbed the yen from my hand. Putting my money and hers together she held out to the owner. He grabs it and he handed her the necklace. I walked closer to her and inspected the necklace.
Y/n: Is the other half meant for your friend?
She shakes her and held out one half that had weirdo two on it. I looked at it and then her in confusion.
Reya: This half is for you.
She dropped the necklace in my hand.
Reya: I know it ain't much, but I want you want to remember me after this trip. So I decided to get these necklaces, one for you and one for me.
I continued to look at the necklace in my hand, despite it having the word weirdo on it, seeing it made me happy. I put the necklace in my wallet to insure that it doesn't get lost.
Y/n: Thanks.
Reya: Can you make me a promise?
Y/n: Huh?
She looks to the side shyly.
Reya: If fate allows it, if we ever meet again, I want you to wear that necklace.
I smiled at her request.
Y/n: Of course. It's a promise. You better do the same, okay?
She nods. Reya puts the necklace around her neck. She touches the necklace and smiles, then both of her hands reach over to grab and just like that, Reya started to drag me along with her.
Reya had her eyes on me the entire time smiling and laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with her. That all soon faded away by a bright light illuminating my vision.
(Dream End, Present Time)
I slowly started to wake up from my dream of Reya. My chest felt heavy for some reason.
Looking down I saw Miku sleeping soundly on my chest, my eyes widened in surprise as my face started to heat up.
Y/n: Why? Why again.
I tried to move her but she woke up when my hand touched her shoulder. Miku looked at me with tired eyes and a droopy look on her face.
Miku: Y/n... good morning.
Y/n: G-Good morning!
I immediately got off the bed and fell straight to the ground. Miku still looking sleepy just looked at me confused.
Getting her bearings Miku face then went red. She looks down at her pajamas and immediately covered up her exposed breasts.
Someone then knocked on the door. We both looked over and heard a familiar voice.
Itsuki: Miku? Are you okay? I heard a loud noise. If you can hear me, I'm coming in.
The door handle slightly started to turn. Acting quick I jumped onto the ceiling and at that moment the door opened and Itsuki walked in.
Miku seeing me on the ceiling quickly got up from the bed and made sure Itsuki's attention was on her.
Miku: Itsuki, what's going on?
Itsuki: That's what I'm wondering. I heard a loud noise in here and thought you might have fallen or something.
Miku: I think you were just hearing things.
Miku glanced at me and I pointed at my bag which was right next to the bed.
Itsuki: Strange, thought I heard something in here. Sorry for barging in I was just checking on you. I'll see myself out.
Before Itsuki could turn around, Miku quickly grabbed her arm.
Miku: Actually now that your here there is something I wanted to talk to you about!
Itsuki: Really?
She nods. Miku made sure Itsuki's back was facing the door. Quickly descending to the ground, I grabbed my back and pulled myself up.
While Miku was keeping Itsuki busy. I crawled out of the room through the open door. I crawled to the ceiling of the living room and found myself in a predicament.
In the living sitting at the table was Nino, Ichika and Yotsuba.
Y/n: Crap. Just my luck.
Opening my back I reached in it and grabbed my mask and put it on.
Miku and Itsuki came out of the room. Seeing me first on the ceiling Miku quickly covered Itsuki's eyes. She looks at me and I pointed below me.
She looks at where I'm pointing and saw her sisters at the table. Miku immediately pointed at her room. She leads Itsuki down the stairs and I quickly shot a web at Miku's, pulling myself forward, I landed on the floor and jumped up onto the ceiling.
A couple of seconds later Miku came into the room and closed the door behind her. Upside-down I descended down on a web.
Y/n: This isn't good. I can't get out with all of them in the living room.
Miku: I know.
Y/n: Say what time is it?
Miku: Around seven. Why?
Y/n: Okay, game plan.
I landed on the floor.
Y/n: See if you can distract your sisters, I'm gonna see if I can sneak out to the balcony.
Miku: Distract all of them? It's gonna be Hard, but I'll try.
Y/n: See if you can get the door open. Quick escape for Ms.
Miku nods. Putting my bag on the ground, I put on my jacket and gloves and slung the bag on my back.
I kneeled down to the ground and got ready. Once Miku opened the door I quickly shot a web and pulled myself to the ceiling.
Miku hurriedly went downstairs to get her sisters attention. Staying quiet I watched everything unfold.
Miku: There's something I need to tell you all!
Everyone at the table just looked at her.
Nino: What's up with you?
Miku looks at everyone, she tries to speak but they all come out hoarse and strained. Her sisters watch her try to speak.
Y/n: C'mon Miku.
Miku continues to stand there stuttering over her words. It was at that moment I decided to help.
While everyone's attention was on Miku I took the chance to shot a web at the front door. This catches their attention, Miku looks up at me.
Itsuki: Is someone at the door?
Itsuki got up and went to investigate. One down, three to go.
I shot a web at the remote that lies on the crouch, the TV turned on startling everyone expect Miku. Nino sat up and walked towards the TV.
Nino: That's strange.
Miku taking initiative grabbed Ichika hand and began to drag her upstairs.
Miku: Yotsuba, can you open the balcony doors for me, after that can you come upstairs with me and Ichika.
Yotsuba: Yes ma'am!
Yotsuba hurriedly to the balcony doors and opened them, she then ran upstairs to meet up with Miku and Ichika. I looked over to the balcony and saw my opportunity.
I shot a web at the balcony floor and pulled myself towards it. My hands touched the floor and I pushed off the floor and over the railing
Spider-man: Freedom!!!
After the whole incident at the Quints apartment. Me and Miku sat in the library after school. Fuutarou was with us as well as we all waited for Yotsuba to show up. Miku was on my left while Fuutarou sat across from us at the desk.
On Fuutarou's left sits a box full of masks. He rummages through all of them. Miku drew something on her notebook which catches Fuutarou's attention.
Fuutarou: Miku. Are you doing something else instead of studying? The heck are you even drawing anyway.
I turned to look as well and saw that Miku was drawing another suit design.
Y/n: Seriously Miku?
Miku: I think you would look great dressed up like a samurai.
From the corner of my eye I saw Fuutarou looking at Miku wide eyed and mouth agape.
Y/n: Oh yeah, Fuutarou, Miku knows I'm Spider-man. And Miku, Fuutarou knows as well.
They both looked at one another surprised by this news.
Fuutarou: You know too, huh?
Miku: I figured it out. Wasn't hard to piece it together.
I just huffed and returned my focus on my notebook.
A little while after I heard a cherry voice call out to Fuutarou.
Yotsuba: Hey, Uesugi! The school camping trip is coming up!
I looked at Fuutarou and saw him put on a blonde wig as well as a clown mask.
Fuutarou: Yotsuba.
He turns his head to face her.
Yotsuba let's out a terrified scream at the sight of the mask. Seeing this, Fuutarou took off the mask and wig, revealing his face to Yotsuba.
Fuutarou: It's me.
Seeing Fuutarou, Yotsuba let's out a relaxed sigh.
Yotsuba: Oh, you scared me.
Fuutarou puts the mask and wig on again. Yotsuba screams out again.
Yotsuba: Who the heck is that?!
He puts them off again.
Fuutarou: It's me again.
Yotsuba: I'm sorry. I guess I forgot.
The mask and wig was pit on once more.
Yotsuba: He's gonna kill me!
Again it was off.
Fuutarou: It's still me.
Yotsuba: Where's he keep coming from?!
Fuutarou uses disguise.
Yotsuba: Somebody please help me!
It's super effective!
Y/n: Seriously?
The Liberian came over from Yotsuba shouting and cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. We all stare at her.
Liberian: No shouting in the library.
Fuutarou and Yotsuba: Sorry, ma'am.
Yotsuba notices the box full of masks and took a peak inside.
Yotsuba: So, what are you doing with all these creepy Halloween masks?
Miku: He's helping organize the test of courage.
Yotsuba: Wow. Wouldn't have expected that from a loner like you, Uesugi.
Yotsuba sat right next to Fuutarou.
Fuutarou: Well, I'm not doing it voluntarily. My class is the one in charge of the test of courage, and when they picked the committee, I was studying instead of paying attention to the teacher, which meant the job got relegated to me.
I just shock my head remembering when that happened.
Yotsuba: Talk about bad luck.
Miku: He brought it on himself.
I nodded in agreement. Fuutarou had this sinister looking smile on his face and puts on the mask.
Fuutarou: Oh, let them have their fun. I'll exact my revenge soon. It'll be an evening they'll never forget.
Me and Miku stared at Fuutarou nervously.
Miku: You're committed to this.
Y/n: He's out for revenge now.
Yotsuba: It wasn't very nice of them to make him do all the prep work by himself. I'm giving Class One a piece of my mind!
Fuutarou: Nah, don't bother. Miku's right. I did bring this upon myself.
Yotsuba puffs out her cheeks.
Yotsuba: But still.
Fuutarou: And besides, it's not like I care about camping, anyway.
Yotsuba had this troubled look on her face hearing this. Then her usual smiled returned.
Yotsuba: Okay! Then let's try to think of some things that'll make you more excited about it! I was talking to some other kids in my class, and they said that our school's camping trip has a special legend to go along with it!
This intrigues my interest and I payed attention to what Yotsuba has to say.
- In Serial108 Chapters
Galactic Fist of Legend
In the year 2018 a bright star appeared near Earth. Humanity as a whole was briefly introduced to a race of beings far beyond their understanding. During that brief interaction a proclamation was made, Defeat the Grand Emissary or become the eternal slaves of those who had arrived at Earth. The only chance for victory was for people all across the globe to make a choice. When prompted to become a champion and a play a bizarre game of life or death they could choose yes or no. Those who chose no, went about their lives afterward. All memory of the event was lost despite the fact that their very existence as a free species hung by a single thread. Will those who said yes manage to survive the horror of the game and become strong enough to defeat the Grand Emissary. Can one of them become... The Galactic Fist of Legend. Also, it's a comedy. Pretty obvious, right? Notes: This story will contain graphic violence, stupid humor, nudity, sexiness, and maybe I'll give the main character a pet cat or something. I don't know yet. Still, you need to be pretty mature to properly take care of a pet. Notes2: This story is my answer to stories such as Gantz, Terror Infinity, Battle Royale, Btoom!, and strangely enough... Captain N: The Video Game Master. It is an original story, but it does seek to give a similar vibe to some of those tales of legend. However, it is not meant to be an overly serious tale as I have decided that the new stories that I release in the coming year will be mostly comedies.
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When college freshman Anna Tran is murdered while jogging home one night, an alien lifeform body-snatches her corpse and tries to catch her killer, all while attempting to keep Anna's fate a secret from her classmates, friends, and loved ones. Prologue webcomic: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/who-killed-my-body/list?title_no=466937 (This comic depicts the first two chapters of the web novel. Reading the comic isn't necessary for understanding the story, but may help with visualizing the main character.)
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