《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》Identity Revealed
Spider-man: Yeee-haw!
Thug#1: Get him off the car!
Thug#2: What do you think I've been doing?!
Despite surfing on top of a stolen car by thugs that robbed a store, I was a time of my life. Sure, I am being shot at, but regardless I was having fun.
Spider-man: Mind speeding up a bit? I'm really beginning to enjoy this.
Thug#1: Get off!
The thug on the passenger side rolled down his window and aimed his gun at me. I quickly shot a web at the pistol and pulled it out of his grasp.
Thug#2: Hang on tight! This will shake him off!
The driver took a sharp turn to the left, not expecting I was flung off the car and was headed straight to a cafe. I crashed through a see-through window; I quickly rolled forward on the ground and ran forward. All the people in the Cafe looked at me wide-eyed.
Spider-man: Hot stuff coming through!
I flipped over multiple tables and landed on one. Jumping to the side I sticked to a pillar on the right, leaping off the pillar I shot two webs forward and pulled myself in that direction. I smashed through a window and landed on thugs' car.
Thug#2: Are you serious?!
Thug#1: I told you shouldn't have taken that turn idiot!
Spider-man: You guys are lovely.
I jumped on the hood of the car and grabbed hold of it. Using my strength, I ripped it off and threw it to the side, revealing the engine in all its glory.
Spider-man: Let's see here.
I leaned forward and started to fumble around with the engine.
Spider-man: I don't think you need this.
I reached forward and ripped out a piece of the engine and threw it behind me.
Spider-man: This looks important.
I ripped out another piece and threw it to the side.
Thug#2: Hurry up and shot him!
Thug#1: I can't! He took my gun!
They both started to argue with each while I continued to mess around with their engine.
Spider-man: Ohh, what's this?
I reached even further and ripped out a tube.
The two thugs stopped their bickering and stared at me.
Spider-man: I'm not a mechanic, so I have no idea what I ripped out.
They both started to scream out in fear.
Spider-man: Might as well stop this car.
I jumped up high in the air and webbed up the doors so they can't escape. I quickly Shot two webs at the bumper of the car and landed on the ground, pulling back I slowly started to slow the car down as it was pulling me forward.
The car soon came to a stop. I let go of the web and walked over to the driver side. Inside I could see the thugs trying to get out of the car, both of them banged on the door with their shoulders.
Spider-man: Nice try guys, these webs can hold a car easy, unless you guys have Hulk strength, you ain't getting out.
The sound of sirens filled the busy streets.
Spider-man: Quite the "Sticky" situation you found yourselves in. I hear prison food ain't that bad.
I shot a web at a building and pulled myself up.
Spider-man: I love puns, should right some down.
I started to web sling forward on a street. Below me I can hear people cheering, chanting my name and whistling. Hearing this made me brimming full of happiness.
I shot two webs on buildings opposite of each other and pulled myself up in the air. I looked up at the blue sky, the soft breeze of the wind hits my face.
Spider-man: This is the best day ever! Nothing can ruin this for me!!!
(1 Hour Later)
Y/n: Ow. My poor stomach.
At this moment I'm currently on the ground clutching my poor stomach in pain at the Quints apartment. Yotsuba and Fuutarou both hovered over me. They both share a glance with another.
Y/n: I don't feel so good Mr. Uesugi. What did she do to me?
Actually... let me back up a few seconds.
(15 Minutes Ago)
Y/n: What am I looking at?
Before me on a table was Miku's masterpiece of a food. Which did not look edible at all. Beside me was Yotsuba and Fuutarou.
Miku: Croquettes.
Y/n: These are Croquettes? Are you sure you didn't find some rocks outside and threw'em on the tray?
Fuutarou: I think the real question here is... are they has hard as rocks.
Miku: I know they taste good. Go ahead, try them.
We all looked at one another and shrugged our shoulders.
Yotsuba: 'Kay, twist my arm!
Fuutarou: Sweet, there's Obagi.
We all grabbed one each. Fuutarou and Yotsuba took a bite out of theirs while I continued to look at mine. I brought it close to my mouth and as usual my Spider Sense went off.
I gulped and took a bite out of it. I instantly tensed up by the taste of it but decided to play cool.
Fuutarou: Oh, it's a Croquette! Not bad!
Y/n: Y-Yeah... n-not bad at all.
Yotsuba looked at us as if we were crazy.
Yotsuba: Are you kidding, it's awful!
Y/n: No it's not. It's so yummy.
I scarfed down the whole thing and instantly regretted it.
Fuutarou: Says you. You're just picky because you're so wealthy and spoiled.
Yotsuba: Oh, yeah? Well, you don't have any taste at all! Zero stars, Miku!
Miku looks at this confused. She looks at me and all I could muster up was a simple thumbs up.
Fuutarou sighs.
Fuutarou: Yeah, yeah, I'm a classless loser, I know. Now let's start reviewing those exams.
He turns around and was about to head over to the table until Miku stops him.
Miku: Wait!
We all looked at her.
Before my eyes Miku started to let out this blue aura as she pouts at us.
Miku: I'm gonna keep making them until they taste perfect
We all looked at her surprised by her statement.
Miku: So, eat up!
Like magic Miku pulled out more Trays full of her rock-like Croquettes. I looked at all of them in terror.
Y/n: Please no. I'm too young to die.
Miku grabbed one of them and walked around the counter and towards me. She held out the Croquette to me shyly.
Miku: Say ahhh.
My face heated up slightly when Miku held out the Croquette for me. Part of me wanted to take a bite out of it, but the other half didn't want to. I leaned forward slowly and opened my mouth, just like that, I took a single bite out of it.
Y/n: Mhhh, so good. Tasty!
Miku satisfied by my answer backed away from me with a smile on her face. This smile she gives me makes my heart rate quicken.
I looked at all the Croquettes and gulped. I slowly walked up to them, Fuutarou and Yotsuba watched me as I started to eat every single one of them.
My stomach hurts everytime I swallow the croquettes, but I steeled myself and continue scarfing all of the croquettes. From the corner of my eye, I saw Miku watching me eyes wide, but it was replaced by a very happy smile.
And that's how I found myself in this situation of mine.
(Present Time)
Y/n: Uhhhhh, my stomach.
Fuutarou: Shouldn't have scarfed all of them down. What were you thinking?
I looked at him.
Y/n: She didn't give you that look, I couldn't help myself. The hardest of choices require the strongest of wills.
Yotsuba came closer to me.
Yotsuba: How's your stomach, L/n? Miku should be back with the medicine any time now.
My stomach rumbles. I groan.
Y/n: Just like that, my perfect day was ruined.
Fuutarou: At least you sparred us.
Y/n: My poor stomach. I have many regrets, Nino. Nino. Nino. Nino, come patch me up. My stomach hurts.
Yotsuba looked at me confused while Fuutarou just shook his head.
Y/n: I feel like I'm gonna pop. Fuutarou, take over for me. Put on the mask.
Fuutarou: That's gonna be a big no.
Nino: Well, well!
Both Nino and Itsuki stood before me. Nino looks down at me. I sat up and looked at Nino.
Nino: Are you napping in someone else's house? No, let me guess, somebody drugged you.
Y/n: Nino. Did you answer my prayers?
Nino: Your what?
Y/n: Forget it.
I laid my head back down.
Nino: Well, see ya nerd. Let's go out and have lunch, Itsuki.
Itsuki: Um, okay.
Fuutarou: Hold it you two! You're not going anywhere, turn around and--
Y/n: Forget it Fuutarou.
Fuutarou looked at me confused. I just shook my head at him.
Y/n: Miku's Croquettes might have given me food poisoning, so we call this whole thing off and head out soon.
I looked at Nino and Itsuki and gave them a small smile.
Y/n: You two have fun.
Nino was surprised hearing me say all this. She closes her eyes and gritted her teeth as if she was trying to decide something. She opens her eyes and looks at me.
Nino: Just this once, I'm making you porridge.
Y/n: Wait what?
Nino: You don't mind eggs in it do you?
Y/n: I don't, but--
Nino: Then it's settled then.
Nino walked over to the kitchen and begun her magic.
Fuutarou: Might as well get you up then.
Fuutarou walked over to me and grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up. He was failing. He struggled to lift me.
Yotsuba came over and grabbed my other arm, together they lifted me off the ground and guided me over to the couch. I sat down. Itsuki came over and sat right next to me.
Itsuki: How do you feel?
Y/n: Like crap, my stomach hurts.
Itsuki: Why did you even eat that much?
Y/n: You're one to talk. I saw you devour a whole meal at school, Eatsuki.
She looks at me and puffs out her cheeks.
Itsuki: Stop calling me that!
Y/n: I'll try, but it's kinda hard not to you meat monster.
Itsuki: Seriously?!
I laughed out loud but quickly groaned in pain.
A delicious aroma filled the air. I looked over at the kitchen and saw Nino making food.
Itsuki: I have no idea why Nino Is doing this.
Y/n: I think I might know why.
Itsuki: Really?
I nod.
Y/n: But that's my secret.
Nino came in with a bowl of porridge, she places it on the table in front of me. She hands me a spoon.
Nino: Enjoy or whatever, Itsuki let's go.
Itsuki: Okay.
Just like that both Nino and Itsuki left the apartment to do whatever. I looked at the porridge. Looking at it made my stomach growl; I grabbed the spoon and was very eager to eat it.
I got a spoonful of the porridge and put it in my mouth. My taste buds exploded by the incredible taste of the porridge.
I got another spoonful and ate that one, then the next and the next until the bowl was completely empty.
Sitting back on the couch I rubbed my stomach and sighed in delight.
Y/n: That hit the spot. Man, that was delicious.
Fuutarou: Sure, looked like it.
Yotsuba: He empty that bowl fast.
I looked outside the window, my thoughts dwell on Nino. She saved my life twice, helped me and Fuutarou keep our jobs and gave me this delicious porridge.
I sat up from the couch.
Y/n: Hey Yotsuba, can you head upstairs real quick and see if Ichika is here.
She salutes to me.
Yotsuba: Yes sir!
She hurriedly ran up the stairs and towards Ichika's room. I quickly grabbed my back and ran to the balcony. Fuutarou followed me and saw me opening my back and grab my suit within.
Fuutarou: Where are you going?
Y/n: To see Nino.
Fuutarou: Nino? She just left. If you wanted to see her just go take the elevator down.
Y/n: Not as Y/n, but as Spider-man.
Fuutarou: What for?
I stood up and put the jacket over my torso, then I put on the gloves.
Y/n: She saved me two times Fuutarou, as well saving our jobs. You may not think about repaying her but I sure as heck do.
Lastly, I put on my mask, the HUB turned on as multiple things popped up in my field of vision. I hopped on top of the railing and looked down at the street.
Spider-man: At the moment I can't repay Nino what she done for me. But as Spider-man, I can definitely find something to repay her.
I looked back at Fuutarou.
Spider-man: Tell Yotsuba I headed our early, okay?
With that I jumped off the railing and dived straight down to the busy streets.
(No One's POV)
Nino and Itsuki were currently walking on the sidewalk talking amongst themselves. Nino about some famous celebrities, Itsuki about the tastiest foods.
Around them people started to clap and cheer out of nowhere. They looked around them confused. A little boy with a balloon pointed up at the sky.
Boy: It's Spider-man!
Nino and Itsuki both looked up and saw the web slinger. He shots a web and swings forward. Seeing everyone attention on him he decided to do a few tricks.
He jumps off the web he was swinging on, tucking his legs back he started to spin to the left. He shoots a web from his wrist and gilded forward on the web.
With his free hand a shoots a web to his right. The web hits a rose at an outdoor flower shop.
He sticks the flower in his back pocket. Seeing two buildings opposite of each other an idea popped in his head.
He landed on the street. All the cars on that street stopped and honked their horns at him. He ignores them and goes to work.
He began to shoot numerous webs at the two building. He connects the webs with one another, soon he makes a giant spider web in the middle of the two buildings.
Then using his webs, he started to shoot multiple web balls at the spider web. After a few seconds he made an outline of a butterfly in the middle of the giant spider web.
People all around him stopped and looked at it. Some tool pictures others just complimented the web sling on the art he made.
Nino looked at the butterfly. Her heart started to race.
The Web Slinger quickly shot a web upward and disappeared from everyone's sight. People walked over to where he was at and started to examine the large spider web with the butterfly in the middle.
Nino and Itsuki were about to do the same until Spider-man appeared in front of them upside-down on a web. He held out a red rose to Nino, she looks at completely flabbergasted.
Spider-man: He pretty flower for a pretty lady.
Nino takes the rose in her hands. She looks at Spider-man with a big, bright smile. This warms the Wall Crawler's heart.
Nino got closer and was about to plant a kiss on his face but was interrupted when police sirens filled the air.
Spider-man looked behind him and back at Nino.
Spider-man: Don't have much time, but I like to thank you for saving me. I know I said it before, but I want you to know, I'm really grateful for it and wanted to show my thanks. See ya around, Miss Nakano.
He shots a web behind him and pulls himself in that direction. Nino watches as the Web Slinger keeps swinging towards the direction of the sirens.
He hangs onto his stomach; it grumbles loudly making him extremely uncomfortable.
Spider-man: Note to self: Don't hang upside after eating Miku's cooking. Not good for the stomach.
(Timeskip. Y/n Pov)
At the Quints balcony I held my jacket which was covered in mud from a car chase that didn't end to well.
Y/n: Can't believe Fuutarou left my bag here.
I threw my mask, jacket and gloves at the wall and shot a web at it. I took off my web shooters and placed them in my pocket.
Opening the door, I took a quick look around to make sure no one was here. The living room was empty and dark. On one of the couches, I spotted my bag sitting on it.
I walked inside and quietly went over to the couch. As soon as I was about to pick up my bag, the lights suddenly turned on. This alerts me and I quickly turned around and looked at the stairs. Miku stood at the bottom of the stairs next to a light switch.
Y/n: Hey Miku, didn't know you were back.
She eyes me down from head to toe.
Miku: So, Spider-man, care to tell me why your here.
At that moment my whole body froze in shock and fear.
Y/n: What are you talking about? Don't be silly. Me, Spider-man? You're so funny Miku.
Miku: Tell me then, how did you get inside?
Y/n: Ichika let me in.
Miku: She's off working today.
Y/n: Yotsuba?
Miku: She went with Fuutarou.
Y/n: Uhhhhh, Ni--
Miku: You know she's not here, as well as Itsuki. You saw them, didn't you?
Y/n: Maaaaybe.
Miku: At the firework festival, you disappeared, and Spider-man showed up.
This whole conversation made me more nervous and nervous.
Y/n: It was a coincidence, I had to take some photos at the Beagle.
Miku: I also found it weird that Spider-man knew I changed my hair, even though that was the first we ever met.
Miku: Since we're on the topic, when you showed me the photos of Spider-man, you accidentally let it slip. You said me, instead of Spider-man. Remember?
Y/n: Noooooooo.
Miku: Numerous people tried to take his photos in the past, but they all came out blurry. Expect yours. Is that enough for you or should I continue?
I slumped forward in defeat. It's over, she knows. The Gig is up.
Y/n: No..... you said enough.
I let out a tiresome sigh and sat down on the couch. My arms ached from today's activities. Miku came over and sat next to me on the couch.
Miku: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
I instantly perked up.
Y/n: Really?
She nods.
Miku: You kept my secret about the warlords, I figured this is my way for paying you back.
Y/n: You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you, Miku.
I let out a sigh of relief. All my worry seemed to have vanished quickly as they appeared.
Miku: But here's the catch, I want to be involved in your little crusade.
Y/n: My crusade? Miku it's not a good idea to be involved with me on this. You'll be--
Miku shoved a notebook in front of my face. I grabbed hold of it and looked at it. On one page was a design for a suit, the entire design was sketched in color as well.
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Death By Protagonist
Donavan has made his living by wading through hundreds of stories in search of the quality few he and his firm believe to be worth publishing. After a strange twist of fate, he gets trapped inside the fantasy book of a particularly campy and amateur author. There he will have to navigate a world built on wish fulfillment, power fantasies, and fanservice in order to fix the story from the inside out if he ever wishes to leave. But can he bring himself to play the many roles necessary to manipulate and guide the characters to a satisfying conclusion? Authors Note: Death By Protagonist is meant to be simultaneously a satire of, and love letter to the isekai/portal fantasy genre. It both makes fun of and embraces many tropes of the genre such as harems, explicit sexual content, OP protagonists, and other things many people might think of as "trashy." If that doesn't sound like your thing, you've been warned, but I hope you'll give it a shot anyway. Update Schedule: Plan is to at least put out one new chapter every week, hopefully two.
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