《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》Black Cat Strikes
Fuutarou: I can't believe they each bombed four subjects. Great.
Fuutarou was currently looking at his notebook that had all the Quints score from the midterms. Raiha was behind us washing the dishes from our dinner.
I sat right Fuutarou sketching up suit designs on my notebook. While Isanari sat across from us holding a bowl in his hands.
Fuutarou: I know we didn't have much time, but all of them studied so hard!
Isanari: Fuutarou! There's no talking about school at the dinner table!
Fuutarou: What kind of dumb rule is that? Besides you were the one who hooked me up with this job!
Isanari: You weren't always the whiz-kid you are today, remember? They'll get there. Try not to worry so much.
The conversation caught Raiha's attention. She stopped doing the dishes and turned around.
Raiha: Huh?
She walked over to Isanari.
Raiha: Wow, you mean there was a time when Fuutarou wasn't a huge nerd?
Isanari: Oh, yeah. In fact, your big bro was a regular troublemaker, same as his old man.
She looks at him shocked.
Raiha: Really?
Isanari: And don't think I don't know about that old photo you keep tucked in your student handbook.
Fuutarou looked stunned hearing that as Raiha looked at him eager to see it.
Raiha: Show me!
Fuutarou: Hell no! I'm not gonna let--
While Fuutarou's attention was on Raiha, Isanari grabbed his student handbook from his shirt pocket.
Isanari: Gotcha!
Fuutarou: Hey! Dad!
Fuutarou tried to reach for his student handbook, but Isanari kept it out of his reach. Everytime Fuutarou made a move to grab Isanari moved his arm back and out of Fuutarou's reach.
Raiha: Yay! I wanna see it too!
Raiha runs over to Isanari, he opens up Fuutarou's student handbook.
Isanari: Now. Let's look.
He gives the handbook to Raiha who grabs and had a face mixture of surprise and awe.
Raiha: Whoa! That can't really be him, can it? How?
Isanari laughs hearing this, I chuckled as well.
Isanari: That was around the time you met that little girl and became the way you are today.
This surprises me. I put my notebook down and looked at Fuutarou smirking.
Y/n: This is the first I ever heard of this.
I scooted closer to him and started nudging his sides.
Y/n: Who was she? What's her name? What was she like?
Fuutarou: Butt out! That's none of your business!
Y/n: Awwww, don't be like that. You either tell me now or--
I scooted closer to him and whispered to him.
Spider-Cop: Spider-Cop will investigate it.
He pushed me away from and I laughed at this.
Fuutarou: That is such a stupid name!
Both Raiha and Isanari looked at us confused.
Isanari: What are you two talking about over there?
Y/n: Nothing important! Anyway, Fuutarou. You gonna tell me where you and this girl met.
He rubs the bridges of his nose and sighs.
Fuutarou: If I tell you where I met her will you drop it?
Y/n: For now.
Fuutarou: Best I'm gonna get out of you isn't?
He sighs.
Fuutarou: Kyoto, five years ago. That's where I met her. On the school trip.
Five years ago?! That's the same place and time where I met Reya. Most be a conisedense.
Y/n: I see, well good on you for making a friend. That is a girl.
I went to pick up my notebook, but Isanari grabbed it before I could grab it.
Isanari: And what do you have in here, I wonder. Let's find out.
He opened my notebook and frowned from what he saw. Raiha looked inside as well and raised her eyebrow.
Isanari: What am I looking at?
Raiha: This is weird.
I started to panic.
Y/n: W-Wait I can explain!
Isanari: Recipes for... dumplings?
Raiha: Directions; Combine ½ cup soy sauce, rice, vinegar, 1 tablespoon chives, sesame seeds, and chili sauce in a small bowl. Set aside.
Isanari: Step--
Y/n: That's enough now!
I snatched my notebook out of Isanari hands. I turned my back against them and let out a sigh of relief.
Good thing they flipped to the wrong page.
Isanari: Since when are you into dumplings?
Y/n: I'm preparing myself for when I graduate school and live on my own.
Raiha: You shouldn't have to worry about that for a while now.
I shrugged my shoulders and walked back to my original spot I was at.
Every now and then I'll take a look at the police scanner on my phone for any crime that might be happening... there wasn't any.
Ever since Alistaire and the cross-species I haven't gotten to see any regular crime lately. Normally I'll be grateful for it, but it's been a couple of days and no crime since then. I can't help but be wary about that.
Raiha: Big brother Y/n? What were you like when you were younger?
I looked over at Raiha who was looking at me expectantly.
Y/n: Kinda the same as I am now, little nerdy back then, even had glasses at one point.
Raiha: You did?!
Y/n: Sure did, I even have a picture of nerdy little me.
Raiha: Can I see?!
I grinned at Raiha.
Y/n: I don't see why not.
She immediately ran towards me and was at my side in a blink of an eye. I grabbed my phone and looked at the category of selfies. I scrolled down until I stop at a picture of a younger version of me with glasses.
Raiha: Whoa! This is you?!
Y/n: Sure is. I look pretty nerdy, huh?
She looked down at the phone and back at me multiple times. As if comparing younger, me to older me.
Raiha: You totally look different; I never would've guessed that this was you.
I chuckled and placed my phone back in my pocket.
Isanari: Tell me Y/n. How are things at the Bugle?
Y/n: It's going well, just turned in some pictures later this afternoon. Earned a quick buck. Kinda wish Jameson can pay me a bit more. Maybe--
Just then my phone started to ring. Digging it out of my pocket, I looked at it and saw the caller ID. Jameson.
Y/n: Speak of the devil.
I answered the call and brought my phone to my ear.
Y/n: Yello.
Jameson:(Call) L/n! Get your butt to the museum ASAP! Got a tip that it's getting robbed right now as we speak. Snap me pictures of the perpetrator, NOW!
I jerked my head away from the phone and just then the phone call ended.
Y/n: I didn't hear a please in that sentence. But oh well.
I stood up from the ground and grabbed my bag.
Isanari: Where you going?
Y/n: Jameson just called. Says a got a gig for me, so if I want to keep this job, I gotta head our right now. I'll be home in a couple of hours.
I walked towards the door and opened it. Once outside I opened my bag and took a peek inside. My mask resides within the bag along with a red jacket.
Y/n: Until I fix the rips and tears in my suit, this will have to do.
I did a quick scan of the area making sure no is around. Seeing no one I threw my bag over my shoulder and jumped high in the air.
I arrived at a rooftop that overlooks the museum. Opening my bag, I grabbed my mask and the jacket from within.
I put on my mask and tested the systems making sure everything is in order. After confirming everything is good, I put on the red jacket as well as some gloves.
After getting dressed I brought my finger to the right side of my face. Using the new feature for my lenses I zoomed in at the museum.
Spider-man: No alarms. Must've been a false alarm. Guess I came here for nothing.
I was about to leave until I saw something that caught my eye. On the balcony windows, there was a hole cut into it.
Spider-man: Nevermind. This thief clearly knows what he's doing.
Jumping off the rooftop I shot a web and swung towards the museum, leaping off the web I landed right next to the hole.
Looking at the window on the rooftop, I can see my reflection on it.
I took my eyes off my reflection and back at the hole in the window.
Spider-man: Down I go!
With a small leap in the air, I descended down through the hole and landed on the ground.
Taking a quick look around, I see multiple statues, art, vases and old weapons used in the past. I looked in front of me and see two guards laying on the ground motionless.
Seeing them I ran forward to check on them. I kneeled down to one and placed my fingers on his neck, I could feel the veins in his neck. I could feel the pulse from his neck, and I let out a sigh of relief.
Spider-man: Safe to assume that this thief is non-lethal. That's reassuring.
I heard a large thud over where the paintings were at. I stood up and shot a web at the ceiling and pulled myself upward. I shot another web and swung forward.
At one of the displays, I see a petite figure inside the display looking at a certain painting. The figure reached out their hands and were about to take the painting.
I quickly descended on a web and slid down right in front of the hole the figure made.
Spider-man: interesting choice you have, didn't think thieves can be picky about what they steal.
The figure turned around revealing it to be woman. She had black and white suit and a little face mask that covers her eyes.
???: I do believe its Spider-man.
The Woman backed away from the painting and walked towards my direction. She sways her hips in an attractive manner, my eyes were drawn to her hips upon seeing this. I quickly shake my head and returned to the task at hand.
Spider-man: The one and only. Never thought I'll catch a Cat Burglar, literally.
???: Who said you caught me? You should know, us Cats like to play.
She stops in front of me, she raises her arms up and her hands touch my biceps. This sends electricity through my body; I tense up a little from her contact.
???: You got some guns on you Spider.
Spider-man: Um, thanks?
She places her finger on my chest where my Spider symbol was on. She soon trails her finger up towards my abs. I started to blush madly under my mask.
???: Is it me? Or is my kitty senses purring?
Hearing this, I slightly cringe underneath my mask.
Spider-man: As much as I love this little interaction between us Cat. I think it's about time we get down to business. Think you can make this easier for me and surrender peacefully? Please.
???: I'll think about it.
She grabbed me by the collar of my jacket and pulled me closer to her. A smirk was present on her face.
???: No.
And just like that she delivered a punch which knocks me off my web and on the ground. I groan when I hit the ground, I heard the sound of a grappling hook. Raising my head up, I see the Woman escape through the hole the balcony window.
Spider-man: Oh, no you don't!
Still on the ground, I shot webs at the window and pulled myself towards the hole and went through it.
I landed on the ground and searched around for the Woman. Looking ahead of me I see that she was running on a rooftop far away from me.
Spider-man: Don't think I'll let you go just like that!
I ran forward on the rooftop. At the edge of the building I jumped high up in the air and dived down to the street.
Shooting a web at a building I started to glide forward while holding onto my web. I leaped off and landed on a rooftop right next to Woman's. She sees me while both of us were running.
A smirk was present on her face upon seeing me.
???: Most people would've given up the chase by now.
Spider-man: What can I say, I'm a persistent Spider.
With a big leap I jumped to the building next to me and started to run right next to her.
Spider-man: You got some skills. Pretty impressive.
???: Right back at you Spider. Say, let's make a deal.
We both made it to the edge of the roof and jumped down. The Woman was falling down while her grappling hook was on the edge of the roof.
I started to slide down the wall of the building as we continued to fall.
Spider-man: What kind of deal?
???: Let's double back to the museum and get the painting. We can split the money, fifty, fifty.
Spider-man: Tempting.
We both landed on the rooftop below us and continued on with our run.
Spider-man: But I can't do that, I'll disappoint my number one fan and nurse.
???: Shame could've been great partners. And maybe more intimate than that.
Spider-man: Woah, lady. We just met, and I'm not that kind of Spider.
???: And what kind of Spider are you?
Spider-man: The one who stops crime rather than partake in one.
???: Wasted potential.
She shot her grappling hook at the ground in front of me and tripped me in the process.
I started to roll forward on the ground. After stopping, I looked up and saw the Woman shooting her grappling hook and running away from me.
Spider-man: This Girl's a pain.
I got up with a groan and jumped off the roof to continue the chase.
Shooting a web, I started to follow her as she continues jumping from building to building.
Spider-man: She's got some moves, and she doesn't even need powers to pull them off.
I shot a web at a rooftop and pulled myself towards and rolled on the ground.
I started to chase her on rooftop. Of course, she's not making it easy for me.
???: Still behind me I see.
Spider-man: I can do this all night!
???: You might have to!
She giggles playfully.
She stopped right in her tracks. I shot a web at a water tower and perched on top of it. She started to pant slightly.
???: Been a while since I last pushed myself this.
Spider-man: Giving up?
???: You wish, I'm just getting started.
Quick as lighting, she threw some sort of flashbang right at me. It exploded temporally blinding. I brought my hands to my eyes.
Spider-man: That was a cheap move!
Slowly getting my vision back I quickly looked around for the Woman only to see her gone.
Spider-man: Did she get away?
I shot a web to a highest building and pulled my towards it. On the roof there was a tower that overlooks the entire neighborhood, I perched on top of it and looked around my area in hopes of finding her.
Much to my disappointment I don't see her anywhere. She got away.
Spider-man: This has got to be the first person that got away from me. And I have a feeling that this isn't the last I'll see of her, not by a long shot.
I jumped off the tower and dived down towards the street. Shooting a web I swung forward down a street, my destination. Home.
Just then I remembered why I was in the museum in the first place.
Spider-man: Crap! The photos! Jameson is so gonna have my hide for this.
(An: Sorry that this chapter was a lot shorter than usual. Not really motivated to write Spider-man stories at the moment. I'll get back into it don't worry. In the meantime, here. Have this picture of Nino and Miku wearing glasses)
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