《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》Road Trip
Spider-man: Can you pull over...? Please.
Barley holding onto the car, it swirls left and right, in an attempt to get me off. And it was effective.
The feeling of exhaustion ripples throughout my body, and the pain in my left arm wasn't helping either.
Thug# 1: Shake him off the car!
Thug# 2: I actually enjoy him riding on the top of our car... WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?!
Spider-man: Does anyone ever tell you that you guys sound like a married couple...? No?
Sticking onto the roof, I swung my body through the driver's window and kicked both thugs, they both went flying out of the passenger door. Sticking back onto the roof, I waited for the last second before it hits the ground to catch the car, the heavy weight of it shot immense pain through my left arm.
Putting the car down I looked at my arm and saw that the web I used to wrap it up were slightly red.
Spider-man: Where's Nino when I actually need her?
Another crime was reported near me, a B&E. I sighed and shot a web, pulling myself up, I started to swing down a street. Everyone down below took pictures of me, cheering my name. I would normally like to hear all this... but right now, what I want the most... is sleep.
I have done this for three hours, stopping any crime that was reported. My mind can continue, but my body, that's another story. With each movement I do, hurts. How long will it be until my mind starts wanting to do the same? Can I even afford to go on the trip?
Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized just how low I was swinging until I hit my head on a street lamp. I fell straight down and onto a car.
My vision grew hazy, like a fog had appeared all around me. I could feel my eyes slowly close... no, I can't afford to sleep. Sleep? Yeah... that sounds good, maybe it'll be alright if I just close my eyes for a few seconds.
Then I heard a ringing sound coming from my mask, opening my eyes, I saw an incoming call from Fuutarou. This annoyed me and I declined the call, heaving a sigh I forcibly made myself get up.
Shooting a web and pulling myself up, I continued to head over where the B&E was reported.
After much struggle swinging I finally made it to where the B&E was at. Five men struggled to open a door to jewelry store.
Spider-man: How come criminals really suck at breaking in?
I jumped down on the street. They hadn't noticed me yet. Quietly sneaking up to the one in the way back, I kicked the back of his knee, making him fall down to one knee. He turns around but I quickly punched him the face, knocking him out.
Looking forward, I saw all the Thugs grouped up as one, taking them out one by one isn't gonna work. Gotta do this the hard way.
Shooting a web at one's back, I pulled him towards me, grabbing him, I slammed him on the ground and punched him on the face, knocking him out.
Thug#1: What the heck?! Spider-man just knocked out Bob!
Spider-man: Seriously? Why would you shout his name?
Thug#2: He is right, why would you say Bob's name Jerry?
Thug# 1: You just said my name, Steve!
Thug# 3: You just said his name!
Thug# 1: Shut up, Larry!
Without saying anything, I quickly webbed up all their mouths. They all just looked at each other for a brief moment and then quickly went to remove the webs covering their mouths.
I shot two web lines at two of the thug's legs, and with a quick pull, I pulled them both off their feet. Shooting a barrage of webs, I webbed the two thugs to the ground.
Spider-man: Listen, I'm really tired right now, can we wrap this up?
Thug# 3: Get him!
The last remaining three thugs came running up to me, I quickly ducked underneath a punch and jumped over a thug who was about to hit me. Landing behind him, I quickly sweeped his leg, knocking him down to the ground.
Spider-man: Seriously guys, let's just skip the part where we fight and get to the part where you surrender.
Shooting a web at a nearby trashcan, I threw it at one of the Thugs, knocking him down.
Spider-man: C'mon, please?
A thug ran over to me and raised his fist in the air. I quickly did a half backflip, his fist soared above my head. Placing my hands on the ground, I put my feet on his chest and used the Thug's momentum to kick him high into the air. Shooting webs on his chest, I slammed him back to the ground.
Spider-man: That's a trip to the Hospital.
The last two Thugs looked at their fallen allies.
Spider-man: You guys give up? We don't have to fight, we can skip that part. I'll even web you guys to a fire hydrant. Sweet deal if you ask me.
They looked at each other for a brief moment before deciding to charge me. Guess they won't take the deal.
They both threw a punch at me, and I jumped above them, avoiding their fists. Shooting webs at both of their shoulders, I rammed them into each other as I landed on top of a street light.
Shooting two web lines at their feet, I jumped off the street lamp as the two thugs were pulled off their feet and lifted in the air. I attached the webs on the ground and watched as the two thugs just hung there helplessly.
Spider-man: You guys look lonely... I know!
Shooting two web lines at them, I pulled the webs, resulting in them spinning fast, shooting more webs, and pulling on them, this creates a web cocoon around them, leaving only their heads exposed.
Spider-man: There we go, now you two should be comfortable and extra close to one another. Don't have too much fun love birds!
Shooting two webs at two buildings, I hoisted myself in the air. Exhaustion ripples throughout my body, my eyes grew heavy and my arms felt like jelly. Needing a breather, I decided to land on top of a roof and lay on the ground.
Spider-man: Man, haven't felt like this in a while. I'm so tired.
I slowly started to close my eyes... until another call interrupted my much-needed nap. Opening my eyes, I saw a call from Fuutarou in my HUD. This time, I decided to answer than declining it like before.
Spider-man: Yello?
Fuutarou:(Call) Y/n, where you at?
Spider-man: Outside... why?
Fuutarou:(Call) Raiha's sick, think you could get any medicine from a store or something?
Hearing this news made me instantly sit up.
Spider-man: Is she okay?! Hang on! I'll swing over to a pharmacy to get some medicine!
Fuutarou:(Call) It's not that bad, she just needs rest is all. Get the medicine and come back, you sound tired and probably could use a long rest.
Spider-man: I'm close to a store, I'll get the medicine and swing back to the house fast as I can.
Fuutarou:(Call): Sounds good, see you soon.
We both hung up the call, getting up I looked at the city that I taken under my care. Jumping off the building I swung towards the nearest store.
After a painful and tiring swing back home, I arrived at the door wearing my regular clothes. Opening the door to our home, I saw Fuutarou sitting next to Raiha who was sleeping on a futon.
Y/n: Is she okay?
Fuutarou looks over and saw me standing at the door.
Fuutarou: Told you she's fine, stop worrying so much.
I walked over and sat down right next to him.
Y/n: Sorry... it's a long night for me.
Fuutarou: I could tell, those bags under your eyes are a dead giveaway.
Grabbing my backpack from my back, I reached inside and grabbed the medicine for Raiha.
Y/n: Here.
Fuutarou took the medicine from my hand.
Fuutarou: You should get some rest Y/n, you've been outside for a couple of hours.
Y/n: Can't... there's still so much for me to do out there.
I was about to stand up when Fuutarou pushed me onto the ground. I hit the floor and rubbed the back of my head.
Y/n: The heck was that for?
Fuutarou: Look at you, if you were in top condition you would've been able to avoid that. You're not 100 percent, you're running on fumes.
I stood up but could feel my legs wobble.
Y/n: I'm fine... just need a little break is all. There's only one Spider-man and you're looking at him.
I was about to walk out the door but felt a hand on my shoulder.
Fuutarou: You may have powers, but you're still human. Like me, Raiha and the Quints. Even you need rest now and then.
In his hand was a blue jacket, and he hands it to me. I grabbed hold of it and stared at it.
Fuutarou: Nino bought this for you... the least you can do is come to the trip tomorrow.
Y/n: I'll think about it.
Not saying anything else, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
Y/n: Might as well get some sleep while I'm here. Otherwise, you'll never drop this conversation.
Fuutarou smiled at me, clearly happy since I decided to do what he requested.
After my and Fuutarou's little chat late at night, I decided to go to bed and rest up for the next day. Let me tell you, fighting crime all night long isn't fun and not easy as what you see in movies.
I'm currently sitting down in the morning, I had two bags in front of me, one contains all my supplies for the trip, clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and a spare mask, just in case.
In the other bag contains my suit, I could stay here and play superhero while Fuutarou and the Quints enjoy their time on the trip.
These two bags represent the choice I have today, I told myself this a dozen time, but can I really afford a day off? Can I just be a normal teenager just for a little while?
Looking behind me, I saw Fuutarou packing his bag, but for some reason, he doesn't seem all to eager to even go on the trip. Then that's when it clicked for me, whose gonna watch over Raiha? Isanari said he'll be back in the morning to watch over her, but what if it's much worse than we thought?
I made my choice.
I grabbed the bag that has my suit and reached inside to get it.
Fuutarou: Y/n, tell me? How are you gonna get to the--?
Fuutarou turned to look at me just to see me putting on my very first suit.
The one I first swung around in and still can't get the smell of pizza off it. But there's one more thing I need to get before heading out, walking over to the bag that has all my supplies, I reached in and grabbed the blue jacket Nino had bought me.
Fuutarou: What are you...?
I put the jacket on.
Spider-man: Get you're bag Fuutarou, I'm taking you to the busses.
I'm swinging towards the school carrying an upset Fuutarou on my back, and I mean upset. He was not fond of the idea of me staying here, but it's my choice, not like he can force me to go.
I swung down to an empty alleyway so no one would see us. I let Fuutarou off my back and turns around to face me.
Fuutarou: What are you doing?!
Spider-man: What does it look like? I brought you to the busses for the school trip.
Fuutarou: Thanks for stating the obvious, but why?!
Spider-man: I know we were thinking the same thing at the house. Someone has to look after Raiha, so I took the liberty of doing it myself.
Fuutarou: That's not how this was supposed to be! You're the one who's supposed to be going on that bus, not me! After everything you done for this city, you deserved a break.
There was some truth in his words. Yes indeed, I did deserve actual time off from this superhero gig but doesn't mean the bad guys will just sit down and wait for me to come back.
Spider-man: Being a Hero means we sacrifice our happiness so that others can experience it. It's self-sacrifice over self-interest, I put people's needs way above my own. Being a Hero has Its up and downs, but it's one I chose to do. I mean look at me, I'm still running on fumes, my arm hasn't fully healed and yet, I still go out there to do what I can to help this city, to protect its people as best as I can.
I place a hand on Fuutarou's shoulder.
Spider-man: Go man, enjoy your time at the trip, tell me all about it when you get back.
Taking the jacket off, I handed it to Fuutarou who took it from my hand and looked confused at it.
Spider-man: Tell Nino I'm sorry that she spent money to get this jacket for me. If it was any other way, I would keep it, but I don't deserve to.
Without saying anymore, I quickly jumped onto the fire escape and started to run up through all of them until I reached the very top. Looking back down one last time, I gave Fuutarou a two-fingered salute and jumped off the roof.
(No One's POV)
Fuutarou walked over to the busses while holding onto the blue jacket that Y/n had given him. He doesn't notice that both Miku and Itsuki approached him.
Miku: Fuutarou... where's Y/n?
Hearing her voice, Fuutarou looks at her.
Fuutarou: Oh, Miku. It's you.
Itsuki looked around, trying to find Y/n but doesn't seem to see him at all.
Itsuki: Where's Y/n?
Fuutarou looks back at the alleyway where Y/n dropped him off at.
Fuutarou: He went back home... to take care of Raiha.
Itsuki: But he'll be able to make it here... right?
He shook his head.
Fuutarou: He's staying...
Miku: Why?!
Miku looked around, making sure no one was staring or listening in on their conversation.
Itsuki: That guy, he should take a break from being a Hero for once.
Fuutarou was surprised to hear Itsuki say this. He knew right there that Itsuki knew who Y/n really is.
Fuutarou: You know he's...?
Itsuki: Can climb on walls? Yes, I figured it out and confronted him yesterday.
Miku: I'll call him, tell him to come here.
Fuutarou shook his head.
Fuutarou: Don't bother, he's just gonna say no. He's dead set on watching Raiha and staying here. Nothing we say will convince him to come.
Itsuki: Nothing we say, huh?
Fuutarou walked past them and spotted Nino up ahead chatting with her friends. He walks over to her. Nino spots him and sighed.
Nino: What do you want?
Fuutarou stops in front of her, she took notice of the blue jacket that she had bought for Y/n in his hand. Nino raised an eyebrow at this and looks at Fuutarou.
Fuutarou: Here, Y/n said he couldn't make it and wanted me to hand you this. Said he doesn't deserve it and that he's sorry.
He hands Nino the blue jacket and she was hesitant to grab it at first, but she eventually does.
Nino: He's not coming?
Fuutarou: He's not.
Not saying anymore, Fuutarou walked away. But was approached by Itsuki.
Itsuki: You said nothing we say will convince him to come, correct?
Fuutarou: Yes. Now drop it, there's nothing we can do.
He was about to walk but Itsuki spoke up.
Itsuki: What if I told you that I can make it so that he can come.
Fuutarou: What?
Fuutarou stared at Itsuki who had this determined look on her face. No matter what, she'll get Y/n on the trip, one way or another.
(Y/n Pov)
Raiha slept peacefully on the futon. I had the backpack with all my supplies for the trip sitting right next to me. If there's an off chance that Isanari arrives I might be able to make it in time, but it's wishful thinking.
Grabbing my phone, I checked the time and saw that I'm 15 minutes late. The busses had already left.
Y/n: Hope you have fun, Fuutarou.
I heard loud footsteps as well as heavy breathing coming from behind. The was open suddenly and Isanari came running in.
Isanari: Raiha! Are you okay?!
I turned my head and saw him staring at me.
Isanari: Y/n?
Y/n: Heya, don't worry, she's fine. Mind keeping it down though, she's still asleep.
Isanari: So you've been taking care of her?
I stood up and grabbed my bag.
Isanari: Wait. The bus for your school trip must be long gone by now.
Y/n: Yup, sure is. Not like it matters right now. But look on the bright side, at least I'll be able to take more pictures and earn a little more money from Jameson.
Isanari: Y/n, here.
I looked at him and saw that he was holding my camera in his hand
Isanari: Sorry, I couldn't get home before now.
I stared at it.
Isanari: You only get to do this once. You could still make it, if you actually tried to.
I grabbed the camera in his hand.
Y/n: There's no point, the bus is long gone. I won't be able to make it, even if I tried.
All of a sudden, Raiha got up from the futon and stretched her arms. We both turned around when hearing her yawn.
Raiha: Gosh, I sure am hungry!
Y/n and Isanari: Huh?
We both stared at Raiha, surprised by her fast recovery.
Y/n: That was... quick. Is your fever gone?
Raiha: Yup, all gone!
She raises her arms.
Raiha: Thanks for all your help. I feel way better all of a sudden. You should go on your trip.
Y/n: Nah, I missed the bus.
Itsuki: Sure did. It left a little while ago.
I instantly froze, slowly, I looked over at the entrance of our home and saw Itsuki standing there.
Y/n: Itsuki? What are you doing here?
Itsuki: I'm solving a problem.
She walks over to me and grabbed one of the straps of my bag in my hand. She pulls on it, making me follow her.
Y/n: Wait a minute!
She looks at Raiha and Isanari.
Itsuki: Sorry. I need to borrow L/n.
Isanari and Raiha: Okay.
And just like that, they let Itsuki leave with me in tow. We walked outside and went down the stairs. She lets go of the strap of my bag when we reached the last step.
Y/n: Mind explaining? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the...?
When we walked on the street, I was surprised to see all the Quints and Fuutarou standing in front of a black limousine.
Y/n: What are all of you doing here?
Miku: Hey, Y/n.
Ichika: You're late.
Yotsuba: Are you ready to go?
Nino: It sure took you long enough.
I was too stunned to even speak.
Itsuki: You deserve a break. You gonna work yourself to death if you don't take a break. So you're coming with us, whether you like it or not.
I looked to the side, they all went out of their way for me to have this chance. To actually enjoy myself for once, rather than worrying about crime.
Y/n: Seems like I don't have much of a choice here, now do I? I guess... I'll along.
Yotsuba raised her fist in the air.
Yotsuba: Okay, guys! Road trip!
Everyone went to go inside the limousine. I was about to follow but was stopped by Nino. She hands me the blue jacket that she got me.
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