《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 4


A/N: the picture is a baby carrier for those who don't know what one looks like!! it wasn't showing up at the bottom!


Your/2nd Pov:

You put the baby down in the crib smiling as they laid peacefully in their sleep 'what are we going to name you? AND WHAT GENDER ARE YOU ANYWAYS?' you looked at the baby confused a bit. "what are you thinking about Y/N" Gwi-nam said to you, smiling. There it was again the butterflies in your stomach but why? You didn't like Gwi-nam did you? He was just a friend but friends don't always hold hands and sleep on each other's shoulders but you were holding hands to not lose each other when running an- "Y/N are you good? You look like you're thinking of something very serious" he said laughing. You felt blush rise to your face...You definitely liked Gwi-nam and not as a friend. "I was just thinking of what to name the baby and what gender they might be"

'Nice save' you thought.

Gwi-nam laughed at your response "you know you could just check right you have to change their diaper anyways because I for sure do not want to" he said laughing a bit more. You liked this Gwi-nam. You liked the way he was able to be himself around you, not worrying about how you may feel about him. "I honestly forgot that the baby needs their diaper changed but what should their name be?" you said. He thought about it for a second "well if they're a boy lets name them Gwi-nam" you interrupted him laughing "wait wait you want to name the baby after yourself?" he nodded his head "well mostly because I don't have another name for them but I know for sure if they're a girl lets name them Hee-su" he said with a gentle smile. Your eyes widened and you nodded your head. Why didn't you think of that? You gave the baby one last look before going to the bed to sleep.


Gwi-nam started walking to the door "Wait where are you going?" you said confused. "oh well I'm just going to the living room to sleep" he said, getting ready to leave again. "why don't we just share the same bed?" he stopped looking at you turning around quickly facing the door "No it's ok Y/N really" you frowned a bit and got up and started dragging him to the bed "no it's not ok we have to get the best sleep we can for tomorrow and plus your too tall for that small 2 seat couch" __________________________________________

Gwi-nam laid as far away from you as he could to make sure you didn't feel uncomfortable.

"You know you're going to fall if you turn the slightest bit right?" you looked over to Gwi-nam whose eyes were glued to the ceiling. "It's ok and I don't think I even move in my sleep" you sighed "okk if you say so"









The baby started to cry waking both you and Gwi-nam up but what you two didn't expect was your legs and arms to be tangled together you both blushed before breaking apart apologizing to each other. Bangs on the door quickly startled you two reminding you how the world was like outside. You quickly picked up the baby rocking them to calm them down. You went to the changing table to change them out of the wet diaper. "Hee-su it is'' you said smiling widely at the baby "your pretty just like your mom, I bet your hungry lets feed you." you went into the kitchen making a quick bottle for Hee-su. "Me and Hee-su are ready to go!" you said proudly to Gwi-nam he looked at you shocked "So shes a she?" you nodded "I'm really glad you came up with the thought to name her after her mother". He smiled "I'm glad too but I still think Gwi-nam would've been cooler." You laughed at his response "Yeah yeah now let's get out of here before we get trapped here" He nodded quickly taking Hee-su from you and putting her into the baby carrier you had found in the closet before heading out back to the sewers.


You both ran to the manhole quickly opening it and going inside before shutting it. You walked through the sewers checking to see where you were at time to time.

You had bumped into a few "people" but Gwi-nam had easily killed them off making a safe pathway for the three of you.

"Hey Gwi-nam do you think you can pull an all-nighter?" you said, kicking some trash to the side. "What kind of question is that of course I can! Especially right now I don't even need to force my eyes to stay open if I'm scared to death of one of those things trying to kill us- actually thanks to you I was able to sleep yesterday.." he said the last part a little shyly "wait what YOU DIDN'T SLEEP IN THE CLASSROOM!?" he nodded his head no "I was terrified they were going to get in and get you like the other one almost did"

You remembered hiding under the counter trying to avoid the thing trying to bite you..now that you're thinking about it they reminded you of zombies- their first instinct trying to bite you and Gwi-nam even Hee-su looked like she was trying to bite you guys and even her own baby. "Hey Gwi-nam you don't think they're zombies do you?" He stopped in his tracks "Now that you mention it they do act a lot like them but we haven't seen them bite anyone or seen anyone turn into one, we were lucky to escape the school I wonder how the other students are doing" you froze looking at him in horror "what do you mean other students Gwi-nam.."

he sighed "ok look Y/N before we left I saw a group of students staring at us, I was going to tell you and suggest we go back after we got some supplies but that's when you found the baby and wanted to bring her! There's no way we could've gone back for them with her. It's way too dangerous and not only could we have died but Hee-su could've too!" Gwi-nam said, hugging Hee-su after his last sentence. You understood that Gwi-nam wanted to protect you and Hee-su and wanted to take you somewhere safe but you couldn't believe how he didn't tell you about the other students earlier.

And there was no going back now. You guys were miles away from the school by now.

"Even if I wanted us to go back right now we can't..we have to be miles away by now. We're almost out of this city. Let's just keep going, it's safer for all of us"

You let go of Gwi-nam's hand a bit mad at him and continued your journey to the city next door. Little did you both know that city was just about to meet the same fate yours did.


Gwi-nam's Pov:

I feel bad I should've told her about the students but I didn't want to risk our lives for them. As much as I love her and would do anything for her, going back to save them was out of the option.

She let go of my hand which hurt but I get it even if she's mad at me right now it's still only my goal to protect her and Hee-su even if she'll hate me in the end.


A/N: I wrote this during school lmfao also if you don't know what a baby carrier is theres a picture at the very top!

personally i like these baby carriers better than the blanket like one and on that note I hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

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