《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 5


She let go of my hand which hurt but I get it. Even if she's mad at me right now it's still only my goal to protect her and Hee-su even if she'll hate me in the end.


Me and Y/N walked through the sewers for what seemed like eternity and the silence was killing me but I want to give her space right now but at the same time I don't know if she wants me to talk to her first.

"What should I do Hee-su!" I said whispering to the baby, of course she didn't respond I mean she hasn't even babbled yet- I heard a quiet giggle and looked towards Y/N. "Y/N I'm-" before I could finish my sentence she turned around "it's okay Gwi-nam you're just doing what you said you would and that's protecting us, what do you think about pulling an all-nighter today? I mean were close to the other city anyways!" she said with a quick smile I agreed with the idea and we were off to the city near by.


I climbed one of the ladders in the sewer to check where we we're at and slowly lifted the lid. It was in an alley way but I heard cars honking and some people laughing with friends. My eyes widen before looking down at Gwi-nam.

"WHERE HERE WE MADE IT!" I said before quickly climbing out of the manhole waiting for him to climb out as well. Once we were both out he pulled put his wallet checking how much money we were able to find on our journey here "We don't really have much to spend" he said with a concerned look. "We don't need to worry about that!! WE'RE FREE WE ESCAPED THEM!" I said hugging Gwi-nam real quick "Now lets try finding a telephone booth"


We both walked out of the alley way looking at all the actual people walk and talk to another, watching all the cars pass by. I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me, we're really here.

It didn't take long before we found a telephone booth I quickly ran up to it putting the amount of money it needed before dialing my dad's phone number.




Hearing my dads voice on the other line of the call made me feel so safe and happy but all that was replaced by fear when I heard some screams in the distance.

"DAD! I don't have much time to talk they made it to this city but it's ok! Gwi-nam is making sure to keep me and Hee-su safe I will try calling you in the next city I love you gu-" I couldn't finish my sentence before the line was cut by the booth.

I quickly got out the booth and felt my hand get grabbed by Gwi-nam's "HURRY Y/N!" We ran as far as we could from where the screams where coming from. A car had made a weird brake and parked near the side walk close to us "HEY YOU TWO GET IN!" We looked at the car debating weather if we should get in or not but hearing the screams getting closer quickly made up our minds. When we got in the car we saw a young couple with a son who looked to be about 3. "Thank you so much" I said catching my breath. The lady looked at us and smiled "Of course dear do you two happen to know whats going on though? We we're just coming back from picking up our son from his grandparent's house when people started screaming and attacking each other and then we noticed you two running and we just couldn't leave you two" She said looking concerned.


Gwi-nam looked at me before saying "they're zombies" the man started to laugh at Gwi-nam's um choice of words. "Ah you teenagers making up stuff but really what is going on with those people"

"He's not joking sir, they really are zombies we came all the way from Hyosan High school just trying to escape them" The lady quickly turned around to look at us before looking at Gwi-nam's uniform he was still wearing "You guys really came all the way from Hyosan! With a baby too!? How did you avoid all of them!" She said in shock looking at Hee-su and then us.

"We'll we found out they go crazy with sound and some other students had figured that out too and started playing some meditation sound on the speakers so when they were distracted by the speakers we quickly climbed the gate and ran to one of my friends parents restaurant then we used the sewers took little breaks from here and there and came here not too long after you guys picked us up!" I said waving my hands while telling her everything we went through "AND Gwi-nam even killed some!" I said proudly looking at the shocked lady infront of me.

She looked at Hee-su and then at me and Gwi-nam "And the baby is your guys's baby?" I felt my face heat up and furiously nodded my head no "She was my best friend's baby but she was turned into a Zombie we found her in the restaurant, I probably should've mentioned that" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"um by any chance do you have your cellphone on you? I need to call my dad"

"Of course here you go dear" the lady said handing me her phone. I dialed my dad's phone number which he quickly answered.


"Dad!! I'm ok this nice couple saw us running and let us in the car with them we're heading to the airport right now!"

"Oh thank good. Y/N can I talk one of them please?"

"yup" I said before handing the phone back "he wants to talk to you and thank you" I said smiling at her.

"Hello? mhm no we actually don't. Really!? Oh my thank you so much!! Ok bye" the lady looked so relieved before talking to her husband "he said we could stay wi-"

Before I could hear what else she had to say I drifted off to sleep.


A/N: heyo sorry for the late update i had some little sister problems aka she messed up my art piece i had for art class so i had to make another one

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