《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 6


I was looking out the window as the car passed through the small town we entered looking at the few houses we passed thinking about everything that just happened. None of this felt real it all felt like a fever dream, I felt Y/N's head fall onto my shoulder snapping me out of my daze.

"So how long have you two been dating" The man asked making my face heat up. "We aren't dating! I just happened to grab her hand during the chaos in the cafeteria and we just stuck together." I said lying about happening to grab Y/N's hand. Yes I grabbed her hand during the chaos but not just by chance but because I was actually looking for her.

I heard the man scoff before talking again "You sure you just happened to grab her hand? Or were you actually looking for her during all that?" I froze was he some kind of mind reader- He chuckled at my reaction "I was just joking but your reaction tells me that is what happened" I just let out a sigh before telling him my perspective during all the chaos and my journey with Y/N and Hee-su. "Man you guys sure are lucky I mean who knows how many survivors are even left- hell it could only be you three who survived!" I nodded my head.

Now that I do think about it he's right. We don't know what happened to the other students and the whole city seemed to be infected with zombies.

A sudden thud hit the car "What the" the man quickly got out to look at what he just hit. "Hey what the hell is your problem crossing the street like that in this darkness! Hello? ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING WHAT THE FU-" the women had lunged herself at the man causing him to fall on the floor before she started biting no eating him alive. I watched in horror not knowing what to do, the screams from the man caused everyone else to wake up "they're here too-" I looked at Y/N who quickly covered the little boy's eyes shielding him from having to see his fathers brutal death. But the women then screamed causing the zombie to look at our direction. Y/N quickly left the boy's side hoping into the drivers seat and slammed the door shut stepping on the gas pedal taking us far away from the small town before parking on the side locking the doors and shutting off the car so no noise was being made.


Soft cries came from the women which were then followed by the little boy and Hee-su. Y/N put her hand on the women's shoulder before giving her a tight hug.


Your Pov:

I hugged the woman tightly telling her it was all right and we're safe avoiding to bring up her husband's death. Gwi-nam was trying his best to cheer up the little boy while he was trying to keep Hee-su quiet by taking her out of the baby carrier and into his arms rocking her from side to side. The woman had calmed down and had a determined look on her face "I'll drive us to the next city we are going to get to the US no matter what it takes. I want nothing more but to make sure you four are safe" she said looking at me. I hugged her again and moved to the back seat so she could move to the driver seat before returning to the front next to her making more room for the three in the back. I took Hee-su from Gwi-nam telling him to try to get some rest he wanted to argue back but realized it was pointless and he did fell asleep really fast actually.

"If I die please keep him safe" She said quietly looking in the mirror at the little boy. My eyes widen because of the sentence "No don't say that! We're all going to make it!" She sighed "ok but please just keep the thought in your head" I nodded my head praying that it wouldn't come to that.


We had finally made it to the city but it looked empty and lifeless until we got to the airport. Thousands of people where outside and lined up trying to buy tickets to leave some fights even broke out. Police started to push people before a voice was heard over the speakers "If you don't have a ticket leave no one is boarding a plane without a ticket and all tickets have been sold out for today and the following week" people started shouting and screaming at police ordering to let them in but they didn't budge one bit. 


"We came all this way..for nothing!" My heart ached thinking of everything we had done to get here just for it to be pointless "Y/N it's ok well get to safety even if it's by boat lets try going out to the sea now" Gwi-nam said holding my hand. The lady put her hands on both of our shoulders "No you guys don't have to.. here" she said with a shaky breath handing us three tickets that were for a flight later today. I stared at her before shaking my head no "No we can't take them from you no way!" she smiled "Take care of him for me ok Y/N you don't need a ticket for the baby shes too young for one and you can just carry her in your arms on the flight like in the car" Gwi-nam looked at the lady "I'll stay you two can go!" the lady looked at him before softly shaking her head no before shouting "Hey police officer over here! QUICK!" Hey quickly rushed to our aid after she shouted quick. "These three have tickets to get on a plane I'm worried people would attack them though. can you please take them" he looked at us four before telling us to follow him I looked at the lady again "I can't do this please take the ticket" she hugged me tightly "Y/N honey please just take the tickets" she said crying a bit before she let go saying goodbye to her son. "Y/N and Gwi-nam are going to take care of you for now ok? Don't be so hard on them I love you very much." the little boy stared at his mother "Mommy why can't you come with us too" she looked at him gently smiling "Look out for Hee-su you two are going to be best friends! Make sure to protect her from all the mean boys" she said making a punching motion before patting her sons head. 

She looked at Gwi-nam before nodding her head at him. "Come on Y/N let's go" I wanted to protest and keep telling her to take my ticket but Gwi-nam had a tight hold on my hand pulling me and the boy away from her I turned my head watching her slowly fade away into the crowd.


A/N: this is a kinda late update but i hope you guys like it! <3 

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