《Hand in Hand (Gwi-nam X fem reader)》Chapter 7


I turned my head watching her slowly fade into the crowd.


"Flight 405 is about to take off please make your way to board your plane"

Gwi-nam grabbed both mine and the boy's hand before leading us to the plane. "tickets please?" the lady at the front asked. Gwi-nam handed her the tickets and the lady frowned "you guys only have three but there's four of you-" Gwi-nam's eyes widen before he quickly began to speak "look we need to get to the US as soon as possible the baby wasn't supposed to be born till the next week shes really sick and they're the only ones that can give her proper treatment are you going to be the cause of her death because she doesn't have a ticket!?" the lady quickly had a look of guilt in her eyes "I'm sorry I didn't know but really she needs a ticket too" Gwi-nam stared at her in disgust. I quickly caught on to what he was trying to do "SHES A BABY IDIOT I CAN JUST CARRY HER! NOW LET US THROUGH ARE YOU JUST GOING TO LET MY SON AND HUSBAND WITNESS THEIR SISTER AND DAUGHTER'S DEATH" I screamed. The little boy seemed to have caught on aswell to what our plan was before crying and screaming "YOU WAN TO KILL MY LITLE SISTR! YOU ARE A WITCH!!" he said through his tears. This caught the attention of some people causing more chaos then there was before. The lady tried calming everyone down but failed and had to call for backup. Eventually they let us take Hee-su with us not wanting us to hold the plane from taking off any longer or cause anymore problems at the airport.

We sat down at our assigned seats and got ready to take off. "Gwi-nam that was some lie you told" he rolled his eyes "well it worked and it's exactly what we needed to board the plane" he looked over to the little boy who just stared out the plane window. "I hope he's going to be ok" he said before looking back at me. "me too"


I couldn't imagine whats going through his head right now- To be flying on a plane with two random teenagers he just met like 2 days ago, having to leave his mom not knowing weather or not he'll ever see her again, and even seeing his dad's corpse the second I left for the wheel.

What even is this kid's name what was his mom and dad's name.. I turned to Gwi-nam "Did you ever catch their names?" he looked at me before shaking his head no. I could tell he was tired he hasn't been talking as much and the eye bags on his face said he was tired too. I was going to talk before I saw the little boy's head resting on the window in a pretty uncomfortable position. Gwi-nam seemed to notice him too, he quickly fixed his head letting him rest on his shoulder before turning around with a smile. I looked at him with my mouth open a bit "W-WHAT" he said his face red with embarrassment I covered my mouth trying to hold back my laughter seeing him flustered "for someone who tries acting all tough you sure have a soft spot for kids" he furrowed his brows at me "I do not he just lost like everything I'm just trying to being nice" you stared at him "ok so why do you always insist on carrying Hee-su and taking her from me every chance you get!? HMMMM?" he handed you Hee-su before slowly crossing his arms making sure not to wake up the sleeping figure next to him. "You could've just asked to hold her" he mumbled. "you're so cute Gwi-nam" His face became even redder than it was before. Oh crap did I say that out loud-

"You're cute too Y/N" he said looking away from you and out the window. You felt you're face heat up a bit from his words. He was just probably trying to get back at me for embarrassing hi-


"No I didn't just say it to get back at you" Wtf was he reading my mind or something??

"No I'm not reading your mind" he said looking at you. Your eyes widen he then laughed at your reaction "I'm not a psychic your just easy to read" he said flicking your head. "HEYY NOT COOL MAN" you said holding your head with one hand. He smiled at you while staring into your eyes glancing at your lips before returning to your beautiful eyes.

Butterflies rushed to your stomach as fast as the blush on your face did. You quickly broke the eye contact looking to your right. "You should get some sleep you look tired" you managed to say without stuttering from your interaction with Gwi-nam. "Ok but if you get tired wake me up and I'll carry Hee-su for you" you nodded your head before feeling his head on top of yours. You smiled at his little action accepting the butterflies in your stomach allowing them to stay.


I woke up lifting my head off the tall boy's shoulder. I don't know who these people are I just know mommy trusts then and wants me to be good and to protect the baby from mean boys. I miss brother why did he have to go to school so far away from me and mommy and daddy.

Su-hyeok why couldn't you be with me instead.


A/N: OMG PLOT TWIST! BAMBAMBAM I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! bc i was actually really embarrassed putting down Your and Gwi-nam's interaction i hope i did it right 😭✋ ALSO for the sake of this story the little boy can talk ok hes smart big brain I DONT HAVE A NAME FOR HIM THO 💀

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